The Invisible Unknown

Published by salmon on
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In development
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Hello, this is Killer1X2 (Minecraft username) and here I present my mod:
The Invisible Unknown


Please tell me if your game crashes after a while because when I played the mod it crashed in 3 minutes

I don't know if it's just on my end or if it applies to everyone thank you very much!

Highly Recommended to download in curseforge since it is mostly updated there than here:

You can:
 - Add them to your mod packs
 - Play them with any modpack
 - Make videos, picture, and such with this mod if you link it

You can't:
 - Upload any of the mod files anywhere publicly
 - Claim that the mod is yours
 - Upload the source code of this mod
 - Port this mod
 - Update the mod

Thank you and enjoy.


If I get MOTW I'd be so happy!

Minecraft mod files
The Invisible Unknown (WIP Forge 1.16.5 The Cosmos & Vonarite's Soul Update).jar Uploaded on: 06/06/2022 - 06:47   File size: 1.48 MB
The Invisible Unknown (WIP Forge 1.16.5 Vonarite Update).jar Uploaded on: 06/07/2022 - 02:17   File size: 1.51 MB
The Invisible Unknown (WIP Forge 1.16.5 The Lost Souls & Cosmos Sword Update).jar Uploaded on: 06/07/2022 - 06:58   File size: 1.59 MB
The Invisible Unknown (Forge 1.16.5 Souls Update).jar - Changelog: Added Red Soul, Blue Soul, Brown Soul, and Purple Soul as items to craft the '4 trapped souls' Fixed structure gener Uploaded on: 09/05/2022 - 07:48   File size: 1.97 MB

September 5:

  • Added Red Soul, Blue Soul, Brown Soul, and Purple Soul as items to craft the '4 trapped souls'
  • Fixed structure generation since two structures in which are too OP generate too commonly making the game easier
  • Added 2 new swords: Ender Sword – which has two (2) abilities – and Ultra Sword – which allows flight when right clicked and has a key bind of x for a power.
  • Added Endrite Stuff; Endrite Shard, Endrite Powder, Endrite Coated Iron Ingot, Endrite Bar, Super Heated Endrite Bar, Endrite Tools, and of course Endrite Ore which is found in the end.
  • Fixed mob health and more importantly their attack damage which was too high

June 7:

 Update 0.5.4

 2:59pm (GMT+8):

 - Added Cosmos Sword (Hold it and right click to use ability)

 - Added the 4 trapped/lost souls spawn eggs

 - Added item called 'ectoplasm' dropped from the lost souls when killed

 Update 0.5.3

 10:17am (GMT+8):

 - Allowed Cosmos Pickaxe to break bedrock

 - Added Vonarite and his spawn egg

 - Added recipe for Jar of Sins

 - Added item called 'The 4 Trapped Souls'

 - Added a Jar

 - Compressed Bedrock generates in the end and nether now

 - Cosmos Ore is found only in the end

 - Vanadium and Argainium ore is found in both the nether and overworld

 - Luminite Ore generates in the overworld while rare luminite is in the nether

June 6:

 Update 0.5.1

 2:23pm (GMT+8):

 - Added Cosmos Ingot, Cosmos Fragment, Cosmos Ore, Infinity Ingot, Mixed Ingot, Pickaxe of The Cosmos, and Pickaxe of The Cosmos Hilt

 - Added Vonarite's Soul, Vonarite's Consiousness, and Jar of Sins

 - Fixed all ore generation some ores don't generate

 9:58am (GMT+8):

 Update 0.5.0

 - Added Vanadium, tools, blocks, and ore

 - Added battle axes for most types of materials, except for Luminite

 - Fixed Magnesium Armor textures

 - Vanadium ore can also generate in the nether


June 4:

 Update 0.4.4

 12:26pm (GMT+8):

 - Added smelting recipe for steel ore

 - Modified ore generation

 - Made void stone and cracked void stone to naturally generate in the overworld now too!


June 3:

 Update 0.4.2

 - Fixed Luminite Armor because it was too OP

 - Boss1 ATK damage fixed it was 1 hit

 - Added chromium and magnesium

 - Added Recipe for Luminite Blaster

 - Fixed damage and power of Luminite Blaster

 12:14pm (GMT+8):

 Update 0.4.1

 - Added Chromium & Magnesium ores and blocks

 - Fixed Luminite Blaster and taser shooting animation

 - Added new items which is for you to find out

 - Changed Combined Pickaxe to mutlitool

 4:46pm (GMT+8):

 Update 0.4.0

 - Added steel and stainless steel items and blocks

 - Added steel dagger, steel sword (fixing the rust mechanic), steel pickaxe, steel shovel, steel hoe, steel axe, and stainless steel variants too!

 - Fair recipe for steel dagger