Enhancements of Life

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Enhancements of Life

Enhancements of Life is a mod which aims to add functionality to things Mojang didn't. It may be small now, but it will expand in the future.



Copper Rocket

This item allows you to have 80 rocket uses in one slot. In addition, you can enchant it with Zoom to boost faster, or Launching to launch high in the air on right clicking a block. If you want to increase the effects of these enchants, use Overboost instead of mending.

Copper Candle

Light this block for mood, or use it on a 3x3 layer of Honeycomb Blocks to make a Bee-con. This will increase crop growth up to 10 blocks away from the candle in each direction on the level of the Honeycomb Blocks. This effect can be stacked.

Industrial Shears

Use on Saplings for renewable dead bushes. Use them to remove the Sharded effect from yourself by shift-right clicking.

Copper Blowpipe

Shoot either Honey Darts or Amethyst Darts by holding them in your offhand to inflict your enemies with Slowness or Sharded respectively. Enchant it with Force to hit harder or Rapidity to shoot faster. In addition enchant it with Potency for a higher chance of applying your dart's effect or Impact to have more knockback.

Shatter Dynamite

TNT, but give any mobs or players nearby the Sharded Effect when it explodes!

Amethyst Golem

A new golem, but it supports instead of attacks. Build it like a snow golem but with Amethyst Blocks, and it will give nearby golems Speed and Strength, while giving all nearby players strength It will follow you if you hold a Spore Blossom.

Copper Chain Fence

Copper Chain Fence. Very snazzy.



Sharded Effect

This effect has multiple uses, one for mobs, and one for players. When a mob is afflicted with it, it will occasionally create amethyst shards. When a player is afflicted, they will be damaged for running and jumping. Use Industrial shears on yourself to remove the effect. Because it is not a status effect (like fire) it cannot be removed with milk.



Minecraft mod files
Enhancements of Life 1.0.0.jar - 1.0.0 for 1.18.2 Uploaded on: 06/13/2022 - 19:33   File size: 62.81 KB
Enhancements of Life 2.0.0.jar - 2.0.0 for 1.18.2 Uploaded on: 11/24/2022 - 02:55   File size: 216.47 KB

2.0.0 - Amethestine

- Added Cut Amethyst Shard

- Added Copper Blowpipe

- Added Honey Dart

- Added Amethyst Dart

- Added new effect similar to fire or freezing (i.e. cannot be removed with milk) called sharded. While sharded, the player will take damage if they run or jump, and entities with it will occasionally generate amethysts. A player can remove it from oneself with Industrial Shears, doing 5 damage to themselves. This effect is acquired by being in the range of shatter dynamite when it explodes, or being hit with an amethyst dart. If the player is under or has 10 health and jumps or sprints, the effect will be removed.

- Added Shatter Dynamite

- Added Amethyst Golem

- Added 4 new enchants, Force, Rapidity, Potency, and Impact for the new Copper Blowpipe

- Added 1 New Enchant for the Copper Rocket, Overboost

- Nerfed the Zoom enchant, use Overboost instead of Mending to get some speed back

Renamed Garden Clippers to Industrial Shears