Eons Prehistoric

Published by kaposuchus on
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hello this is Accentaur ,as you may have guessed this was primal age  but now under new ownership so from modeler to leader talk about a promotion. So this is now Eons which is for Minecraft  1.16. This mods main goal is educate all prehistory fans and now we are back doing more then just mobs we plain on all ancient fauna and soon dimensions so stick around to see our goals accomplished. Now the game supports full survival  and is highly compatible with other big mods so you can make the ultimate pre-history zoos or explore the past just don't get lost in the rifts. If u would like to see what's to come join us here https://discord.gg/MZCd9hEMCs at our discord, all ages welcome just be warned we are a little laid back cause most of us are young adults or teens. ps would love some new help.

in terms currently 243 prehistoric creatures and fauna

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Minecraft mod files
eons_download_note.zip - file was to big here's the link https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/eons-mod/files Uploaded on: 06/09/2022 - 19:01   File size: 170 bytes

Submitted by Aatreyu_Shau on Sat, 06/18/2022 - 02:13 Permalink

For someone who loves prehistoric life (love the Cambrian and precambrian era) This mod is amazing. but the textures are just too high resolution