The Accurate Backrooms

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The Accurate Backrooms is a mod that adds several Backrooms levels, entities, and objects to your worlds!
Noclip into The Backrooms by coming into contact with unstable and buggy world areas or by suffocating!

-Several levels of The Backrooms with random generation to explore!


-Several entities of The Backrooms which will try to kill you!


-Several objects of The Backrooms that will help you while traveling in The Backrooms!


-New Sanity Bar that will give you negative effects the lower it is!


-Bases, Outposts, and Communities that will make you feel as if you were back home!

Bases and Outposts

- Backrooms Info Source: The Backrooms Wikidot
- Shader used in Pictures: Sildur's Vibrant
- Model Creation: Blockbench

This mod isn't being made with MCreator anymore. New updates will be in CurseForge


Minecraft mod files
v2.0.1accuratebackrooms_forge43.1.7-mc1.19.2.jar Uploaded on: 01/01/2023 - 21:00   File size: 8.2 MB

-Made gameplay adapt according to the difficulty of the world
-Changed the texture of Level Keys
-Changed the book in the Manila Room
-Changed the ID of several blocks and items
-Changed the model and texture of the computers
-Fixed bugs:
    -Fixed a bug that caused Female Deathmoth to sometimes drop an item called "Female Deathmoth Acid"
    -Fixed a bug that caused items to be unable to break blocks
    -Fixed a bug that caused sanity effects to not be added to players on level 0
    -Fixed a bug that caused M.E.G. Base Alpha not to spawn
-Added new entities (Bursters, Wretches, Facelings)
-Added new objects (Firesalt)
-Added the Wretched Cycle
-Made Smilers generate in Level 1
-Unified creative tabs.
-Lowered the time it takes for a Disguised Skin Stealer to consume the skin
-Changed the model and texture of Almond Water
-Changed the model and texture of Dullers
-Changed the model and texture of Hallucinations
-Revamped Level 0's generation and textures
-Revamped Level 1's generation
-Revamped Level 2's generation, textures and models
-Made Levels breakable.
-Changed the textures of light-emitting blocks
-Changed how Smilers and Hounds work
-Improved Blackouts in Level 1


-Fixed a bug where transparent textures weren't transparent

-Added new blocks:
    -Added Level base blocks (Levels 0, 0.2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 19)
    -Added Slab blocks (Level 1)
    -Added Stair blocks (Level 2)
    -Added Trapdoor blocks (Vent Grill)
    -Added Light blocks (Normal, Tube Light, Vertical Tube Light)
    -Added Door blocks (Level 1 Locked Door and Unlocked Door)
    -Added Miscellaneous blocks (Pipe Blocks, Memory Jars, Computer)
-Added new items (Almond Water, Level Key)
-Added new entities (Duller, Female and Male Deathmoths, Smiler, Hound, Skin-Stealer, Clump)

-Fixed bugs:
    -Fixed a bug that caused the M.E.G. Alpha base not to spawn
    -Fixed a bug that caused some sounds to play twice
    -Fixed a bug that caused a Skin-Stealer to TP when kills someone
    -Fixed a bug that caused Dullers to grab players multiple times
-Made the way you noclip to different levels better
-Made it so if there's only one player in level 0, they don't get the invisibility effect
-Made more entities spawn in level 1's blackouts
-Made more entities spawn in level 2
-Lowered the chances of finding an exit in level 2
-Made less objects spawn in level 2's object rooms 
-Added a book written by the M.E.G. to level 0's Manila room
-Added sound subtitles
-Added a sound effect for when Dullers grab players
-Added a sound effect for when a Female Deathmoth spits acid

The mod doesn't work. It's stuck at the "Loading terrain" screen. Do you know why would something like this happen?

Man, very good idea! That's a quality mod. I really wanted for a mod like that one to exist. Great pick for MOTW!