In the End

Published by ItisMax on
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In development
GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3)
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Created using mod maker MCreator -


+15 Blocks

+28 Items

+4 Mobs (one being a new Boss Enemy)

+1 Plant

+3 Ranged Weapons

+6 Structures

+13 Tools

This Mod focuses on adding more to the vanilla game without trying to heavily rework the way you play the game.


I added new Sapphire Tools which are faster but not as durable  as Netherite. And using the new End Ore called "Endite" allows you to upgrade Netherite even further to become Endite Gear.

The New Sapphire Tools can be combined to get turned into a new Tool called the "Multitool" which has the abilities of swords,pickaxes,shovels and axes.


There is an item called the  "Cursed Sword" which you obtain by repairing a broken Sword (which can be found within the new End Structures) and once you obtain this Cursed Sword you only need to hit a Mob which summons this Boss called "Ancient Spirit" that upon death drops a single "Strong Wisp Essence" which can then be used to craft things like Mob Spawners.


One of the new Items added is called "Empty Talisman" which you can craft into various new Talisman which once you right click gives you a specific Potion Effect for a certain Time (the Items can be used infinitely but have a Cooldown)


I even added new Structures,Food items etc. but i want you to find these things yourself.


This Mod is relatively Early in Development so anything can and will change

i will keep you all updated as much as possible and you can send me Feedback through Twitter ( @MaxgotdaPower )


Credit to @saltsedits on Twitter for the Mod name,  some Textures and even the model of the Ancient Spirits(like the Sapphire Ore Texture)



Minecraft mod files
Intheendv.1.0.2.jar - A somewhat bigger Update that changes around the Balancing and Mechanics of existing things Uploaded on: 09/12/2022 - 10:58   File size: 1.06 MB
Intheend.v.1.0.3.jar - A big update reworking/changing a bunch of stuff Uploaded on: 10/15/2022 - 22:00   File size: 1.13 MB
Intheend.v. - A small Patch to celebrate Halloween Uploaded on: 10/30/2022 - 22:47   File size: 773.45 KB
Intheend.v. - A small Holiday Update that adds a new Chocolate Milk Item and reworks the existing one. Uploaded on: 12/23/2022 - 19:53   File size: 442.61 KB

-Adjusted many Textures

New Features/Items:
-added a new Item called "Mug" which can be crafted with 5 bricks in the same shape as with an Boat (you get 3 Mugs every time you craft it)
-Now the Item "Chocolate Drink" is called "Chocolate Milk" and is now crafted with an Mug instead of an Glass Bottle.
Consuming the Chocolate Milk will also now give you the Mug back instead of an Glass Bottle
-added a new Food called "Hot Chocolate" which can be crafted by smelting Chocolate Milk in a Furnace

-Reduced the Saturation of the Chocolate Milk but increased Nutritional value
-increased the smelting time of Raw Endite and increased XP gained

Other Changes:
-Renamed the Wisp to Weak Spirit

I tried to so hard, and got so far
But in the end it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end it doesn't even matter