Wren's Solar System Mod ✨REBOOTED✨ (in stasis)

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Due to issues with the workspace, I am unable to work on the next update. This mod is on an indefinite hiatus until then.


Before you comment that this mod idea is unoriginal, please read the description. Also, it is currently in beta, so if something feels unfinished, it probably is; notably, advancements are broken (I think?) and I can’t find a way of making poisonous atmospheres work without crashing the game, so the former aren’t achievable and the latter can only be activated by changing dimensions. Also relics are unavailable outside Creative. This mod requires Geckolib to run.

An eternity ago, I made a post on my Minecraft blog, describing an idea that I had; a solar system mod, with the twists being that A. the planets are all fictional (taking some inspiration from the real planets) and B. rather than using a rocket, you use portals, Stargate-style. I tried making this, but since I was kinda just making stuff up as I went along, I kinda just, like, lost interest, so anyway here’s attempt #2, with custom mob animations, a more Meteos-inspired approach to planet-theming, Spore-inspired relic-collection mechanics, and a proper idea of what each planet’s deal is!

How to get to a planet or other space-thing:

  1. Make a Nether Portal-style frame out of Amethyst.
  2. Obtain your chosen location’s Spacekey by crafting certain thematically-associated items with an Echo Shard.
  3. Use it on the frame.

Space-things (and the items required to craft their space-key) [NOTE: ones marked with 🌌 aren’t in the mod yet; ones marked with ⛔ require a Breathing Helmet (8 glass, Heart of the Sea) to survive]:

  • Planets and moons (in order from closest to furthest from the sun)
    • Volkanis (Magma, Blaze Powder, Deepslate, Echo Shard)
      • An inhospitable volcanic wasteland. There is evidence of an ancient civilisation, though it is not known what happened to them.
    • Maw (any raw meat, Slime Block, Bone Block, Echo Shard)
      • A living planet. No-one has ever managed to arrive on its surface, ending up inside it instead.
    • Overworld
      • Literally just here for convenience’s sake.
      • Moons:
        • The Moon (Clock, Endstone, Echo Shard)
          • Does what it says on the tin. Has Aliens and Endermen!
    • Rage (Red Sand, Iron, Redstone, Echo Shard)
      • A vast desert world, dotted with ruins and populated by ancient robots and unusual creatures.
    • Subaquaea⛔🌌 (any fish, Bucket of Water, Dark Prismarine, Echo Shard)
      • An entire planet covered in a vast ocean, home to many strange creatures. The few landmasses are almost completely barren, and it is recommended to stock up on supplies before venturing there.
      • Moons:
        • Cryoterra🌌 (Packed Ice, Deepslate, Echo Shard)
          • A cold, stony moon with strange ruins.
        • Flare🌌 (Magma, Basalt, Echo Shard)
          • Just a big ball cube of magma. Basically a smaller, safer version of Volkanis, without lava.
    • Toxin (Spider Eye, Spore Blossom, any Potion, Echo Shard)
      • A mostly-barren planet with a poisonous atmosphere, inhabited by glowing-toothed monsters. The few areas where life still flourishes have clean air, but some of said life is extremely hostile. Many expeditions sent to Toxin have never come back; hopefully you won’t end up being one of them.
    • Mechanos (Block of Iron, Coarse Dirt, Redstone, Echo Shard)
      • The result of a waste-disposal company from a nearby star system trying to convert a lifeless world into a planet-sized junkyard, operated by robots. It cost them so much just to send over their equipment that they went out of business before they could properly open it; centuries later, the machines are still at work, compressing any objects that arrive on the planet into cubes, which are then added to the landscape. Alien scavengers scour the planet’s surface looking for anything interesting; if you talk to them, they might try to sell it to you.
    • Verdis (any Leaves, Bone Meal, Composter, Echo Shard)
      • A moon-sized dwarf planet covered in a dense Spruce forest.
  • Space structures
    • Spaceship graveyard🌌 (Skull, Iron Ingot, Echo Shard)
      • Where ships go when they’re destroyed. Salvagers tend to find interesting stuff there…
    • Asteroid Field🌌 (Granite, Andesite, Diorite, Stone, Deepslate, Echo Shard)
      • A cluster of mineral-rich rocks. Miners beware; they’re populated by many dangerous creatures, as well as space-pirates!
  • Anomalies
    • Ender Rift🌌 (End Crystal, Echo Shard)
      • A pocket of End that has merged with a nebula. Contains many strange, undiscovered End creatures.
    • The 2.5th dimension🌌 (4x Paper, 4x Map, Echo Shard)
      • A portal leading to a strange, brightly-coloured dimension where everything appears to be flatter than usual.
    • The Void🌌 (Black Concrete, 8x Echo Shards)
      • █████████████████

Relic collecting!

If you wish to engage in some archaeology, this mod has you covered! Each planet has a set of eight themed relics; when all seven in a set are placed on Display Stand blocks, you get an advancement!

  • Volkanis: Magic Lanterns; a set of ornate Deepslate lanterns, each glowing a different colour, which are believed imbued with elemental magic.
    • Lantern of the Vermillion Flame
    • Lantern of the Ochre Bolt
    • Lantern of the Emerald Air
    • Lantern of the Verdigris Leaves
    • Lantern of the Cerulean Ocean
    • Lantern of the Tyrian Venom
    • Lantern of the Darkest Void
  • Maw: Lost Gear; stuff left behind by those who visited and either never came back or were in such a hurry to leave that they forgot their stuff. All of it is too damaged to be used for anything other than decoration.
    • Cracked helmet
    • Slime-jammed buzzsaw
    • Soaked backpack
    • Broken laser-cutter
    • Glitched wrist-computer
    • Crushed communicator
    • Corroded power-core
  • Rage: Ancient Statues; statues of the planet’s former inhabitants, each made in a different style and depicting a different role in their society.
    • Knowledge
    • Strength
    • Grace
    • Creativity
    • Foresight
    • Authority
    • Loyalty
  • Subaquaea: Fossilised Fragments; the petrified bones of prehistoric sea-creatures that have fallen to the planet’s seabed.
    • Irontooth
    • Diamond-Finned Ray
    • Wide-Mouthed Squid
    • Lesser Armoured Whale
    • Nether Snail
    • Blockworm
    • Nightmare Eel
  • Toxin: Research Canisters; the remnants of a lost research expedition, containing samples of atmospheric gases from worlds in other star systems.
    • Sweet-smelling canister
    • Sulphurous canister
    • Rusted canister
    • Buoyant canister
    • Heavy canister
    • Warm canister
    • Cold canister
  • Mechanos: Rejected Relics; most of them seem to match the other six sets, but they’re kinda… off.
    • Lantern of the Beige Neutrality
    • Pristine adventuring jorts
    • Disappointment
    • Bonefish
    • Nasty canister
    • Grey Rectangle
    • Burning Tyre
  • Verdis: Rare Flowers; you can probably guess what these are.
    • Blue Heart
    • Red Diamond
    • Green Spade
    • Yellow Club
    • Purple Crown
    • Orange Chevron
    • Rainbow Flower

Forge Data-tags!

This is the first of my mods to use my custom Forge-namespace data tags, to allow for compatibility with other mods!

If you want to use the tags in your mods, here they are, along with what each does:

  • Mobs
    • immune_to_toxins
      • All tagged mobs aren’t affected by Mechanos Gas, Toxin’s atmosphere, and other procedures that the tag is called in.
        • Example uses: robots, skeletons.
    • immune_to_silicosis
      • Similar to immune_to_toxins, but only applies to Volkanis’s smoke- and ash-filled atmosphere. Literally only exists so that creatures from Volkanis can’t survive on Toxin and vice-versa. After all, just because you can breathe  poison doesn’t mean your lungs can’t be lacerated.
    • made_of_metal
      • If a tagged mob is killed by a hostile/neutral Mechanosian robot, a Scrap Block will be placed where it died. Intended to be used for robotic mobs, but if you have a morbid sense of humour, it could also apply to armoured mobs.
  • Items
    • toxin_masks
      • All tagged items provide immunity to Mechanos Gas, Toxin’s atmosphere, and other procedures that the tag is called in when worn in the head slot.
        • Example uses: gas masks, hazmat suits, respirators.
    • Assorted spacekey recipe-related tags
      • raw_meat
        • Used for the Maw Spacekey recipe. Also covers uncookable meat, e.g tropical fish, as well as any bodypart-based mob drops, e.g spider-eyes.
      • fish
        • Used for the Subaquaea Spacekey recipe. Applies to any sea creature that is available as an item, raw or otherwise.

Full mod guide, with bonus lore!

Under construction. Guide will be linked when 1.0 releases.


  • Most block and item textures (and some mob textures) based on official Minecraft textures.
  • Scavenger trading code by AidenR0; tutorial can be found here.
  • Geckolib plugin by NerdyPuzzle; tutorial can be found here.
Minecraft mod files
wrens_solar_system_mod_reboot beta 1_0.jar - Wren's Solar System Mod reboot beta 1 Uploaded on: 12/06/2022 - 14:16   File size: 1.01 MB

The next version will be delayed for an indeterminate amount of time until I have the energy to recreate the whole thing from scratch.

Further delays, hopefully for the last time; we have basically moved, but the house's previous owner left a giant desk-bed that takes up about 45% of my room and will probably cause productivity issues, plus I am needed to help move things from our flat to the house. Hopefully it'll be gone in at least two weeks, at which point my room can be fully decorated (which will take about a week), and I can start continuing. In the meantime, I'm working on a smaller mod that should be out by the end of the week hopefully.

Development is delayed again, because A. the fact that I probably won't be moving until next month and B. the fact that I am now enrolled on another college course (this one mercifully shorter, and hopefully it won't impede on future development since it is only two days a week and I'm trying to Do Stuff™ now). I have added a couple of features and I have a changelog set-up. Expect more information in ~November. Hopefully. In the meantime, I might put out another smaller mod.

Oh, I just put that in as a precaution. I THINK solar system mods are pretty cliche, so I put that there to make sure people read the description before saying that the idea's already been done (since all the solar system mods I'm aware of use rockets and real planets, as opposed to portals and fictional planets).

I'll probably reword it when the next version comes out.

Oh, I just put that in as a precaution. I THINK solar system mods are pretty cliche, so I put that there to make sure people read the description before saying that the idea's already been done (since all the solar system mods I'm aware of use rockets and real planets, as opposed to portals and fictional planets).

I'll probably reword it when the next version comes out.

Oh, I just put that in as a precaution. I THINK solar system mods are pretty cliche, so I put that there to make sure people read the description before saying that the idea's already been done (since all the solar system mods I'm aware of use rockets and real planets, as opposed to portals and fictional planets). I'll probably reword it when the next version comes out.

Oh, I just put that in as a precaution. I might be wrong, but I THINK solar system mods are pretty overdone, so I put that there to make sure people read the description before saying that the idea's already been done (since all the solar system mods I'm aware of use rockets and real planets, as opposed to portals and fictional planets). I'll probably reword it when the next version comes out.

Oh, I just put that in as a precaution, since solar system mods are - as far as I can tell - very overdone, and I wanted to point out that my version does it differently to pretty much any other one I've seen. I'm probably going to reword that part of the description when the next version comes out.

Year's over, back to work. Next update should hopefully be out by February.

Looks pretty cool so far, especially the custom modeled blocks/entities look super polished! I have one "complaint" though - while the mod has a decent amount of content, it's spread across many dimensions, which makes them look a bit empty. Maybe work on each dimension's content a bit more before moving onto the next dimension?
Either way, keep it up :) I wish you a pleasant trip to your new home ;)