8-Bit's New Tools

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In development
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8-Bit's New Tools so far adds a few more types of resources that you can craft armor and tools from, as well as other things. Basically just adds some more resources. So far we have Fish tools (I don't know why) Wood armor (useless) and Cardboard armor (looks awesome). Right now our Resources are only Fish Ingots (yes they are found in caves) and cardboard, crafted using clay and other items.

Minecraft mod files
bittysnewtools.jar - Version 1 (1.16.5) Uploaded on: 12/16/2021 - 01:00   File size: 137.09 KB

Dec 15 2021 - Just started! Version 1 has been posted.

Decent mod, decent textures, decent idea; it isn't the worst or the best, it's decent.

About the textures, I suggest getting references from official Minecraft textures. Looking at how they texture the shadows, the lighting, depth, and other stuff. I learned most of my texturing skills from just staring at Vanilla textures and comparing them to my textures, taught me a lot of tricks that made my textures so much more better.

OK! Also, I started making a resource pack a while back that just makes everything more simplified, like 1-5 colors per texture, and I kinda want to play my mod using that pack and I want everything to have a consistent style, so am I allowed to release the same mod exactly the same but have a separate version with the more detailed textures? I feel like I read something in the rules that said I'm not allowed to upload the same mod with nothing changed about it, so I'm just trying to not get in trouble here.

Any specific suggestions on what you think I should change? I've just started and this is pretty much my first time with 3D pixel art, so any help would be appreciated!