Shiny Armor

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When you have any full set of armor with the exclusion of leather and chainmail particles will spawn around you


So in a more formal form here are all the armors that work with it

Iron armor

Gold armor

Diamond armor

Netherite armor

And the armor types that don't

Leather armor

Chainmail armor

Turtle shellmet

All modded armors

Note that the procedure used is called every tick so it may cause some slight lag on some computers

Minecraft mod files
Shiny_armor.jar - Shiny armor mod for 1.19.2 Uploaded on: 03/05/2023 - 15:43   File size: 16.14 KB
Shiny_armour_Tags_edition.jar - Shiny armor mod for use with other mods that have compatibility with the mod using tags Uploaded on: 03/22/2023 - 21:52   File size: 17.94 KB
Shiny_armor 1.19.4.jar - Shiny armor mod for 1.19.4 Uploaded on: 08/08/2023 - 22:03   File size: 17.58 KB
Shiny_armour_Tags_edition1.19.4.jar - Shiny armor mod for use with other mods that have compatibility with the mod using tags in 1.19.4 Uploaded on: 08/08/2023 - 22:03   File size: 20.13 KB

Added shine particle

Added procedure for spawning particle when full sets of iron, gold, diamond, or netherite armor is equipped

Added shining enchantment

Particles now require the shining enchantment to spawn

Cool mod, in order to make it more universal, you should create a tag, maybe "#forge:shiny_armors" and use that instead of manually setting the types of armor. this would allow mod devs to tag their armors so that, if this mod is installed, their modded armor will shine.