Thicc Torches Mod

Published by CyberMaj on
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A little joke mod.

The description can't be shorter than 350 characters, so...


  1. Giant Torch: The mod adds a single item – the Giant Torch. It is a larger and more powerful version of the standard torch, emitting a brighter light to cover a larger area.
  2. Crafting Recipe: The crafting recipe for the Giant Torch involve combining a log with a block of coal.
  3. Placement: The Giant Torch can be placed on any solid surface just like regular torches. Once placed, it emits a significantly larger radius of light, making it useful for illuminating larger areas in caves, outdoor spaces, or buildings.
  4. Compatibility: The mod is designed to be compatible with other mods, allowing players to incorporate the Giant Torch seamlessly into their existing Minecraft experience.

By keeping the mod focused on a single, straightforward feature, players can enjoy the convenience of a larger light source without the complexity of additional gameplay elements.

Minecraft mod files
ThiccTorchMod 1.2.jar - Last version Uploaded on: 06/12/2023 - 05:06   File size: 42.73 KB


1.1 is out! 1.1 simply add the possibility to place the Thicc Torch like an end rod!

O: , Do you want me to put a fonctionnality that allow players to place the Thicc Torch like an end rod?
Cuz reallistically , a Thicc Torch is way to huge to be placed on a wall!