Dungeon Systems

Published by Yue on
Upvotes: 4
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Project status
In development
Academic Free License v3.0
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions

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Welcome to Dungeon Systems


The long term project of this mod is to introduce growing, evolving and adaptive dungeons to Minecraft to challenge the player.

Heavily inspired by various Dungeon Core novels 


This initial implementation however, is lacking many of the core dungeon's growth mechanics.


Presently the Dungeon Core will:

  • Shift the player into and out of adventure mode based on proximity.
  • Absorbs item drops within its domain area
  • Generates Energy, which it use to do work
  • Absorbs and stores XP Orbs. Dungeon owners can extract as XP bottles
  • Dungeon Ownership on craft and placement. The dungeons owner is immune from being shifted into adventure mode.


To Do List

  • Dungeon Mobs spawn Mechanics
  • Specialty Mobs for mining, hunting, crafting. 
  • Core's Tunnelling mechanics
  • Core's Floor Mechanics and Growth
  • Special Resource Generation
  • Core's Levelling
  • NPC Adventures to hunt core's and their mobs
  • Core's Specialities and Types


Mod was put out early to support Bleadreaper's Pain and Glory Modpack



Contains some ore and furnishings to support this mod pack


Dungeon Systems - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge

Minecraft mod files
DungeonSystems 1-19-2 V1d.jar - Initial upload Uploaded on: 08/22/2023 - 19:27   File size: 1.43 MB

So hi there, apparently there is a bug on the website, whereby some mods like this appear with my mod images for some reason, I have no idea why it happens, this is the second mod I see with it happening.