Have you ever wanted to be Harry potter? Well!!! Now you CAN! With humongous Harry potter mod you can Ride a hippogriff, Slay a troll, become invisible with a Invisibility cloak! AND MORE!!!
attacks players and centaurs, breaks wood
does nothing, give it a sock though
attacks trolls and anything that attacks it
use a shaver on this to get unicorn hair
turns into werewolf at night
turns into a dark wizard at sunrise
use shears on this to get a phoenix feather
right click on this to ride, attacks anything that attacks it
right click to spawn a Broom then click to ride, Shift and right click to get it back
Wand maker put willow tree stick on bottom and either a unicorn hair, phoenix feather, troll bogey, or wolf fur on top to get a wand.
Goblin Sword stronger than diamond but weaker the netherite
Troll bogey get by killing a troll
Unicorn hair use a shaver on a unicorn to get this
Phoenix feather use shears on a phoenix
Sock right click on a house Elve
every flavor beans, random effects, trade to a farmer to get
Rock cake slowness, trade to a fisherman to get
Pumpkin juice effects speed
butterbeer trade to a Flecher
Willow tree stick trade to a butcher to get
Wand the most important thing. keys 1-7 do special spells Hold in off hand!
Key press
1 petrificus totalus effects slowness 255 for 5 seconds,unlock by getting a wand
2 confringo effects fire,unlock by reaaching level 8
3 Bombarda effects Big explosion,unlock by reaching level 10
4 Wingardium leviosa effects floating,unlock by drinking butter beer
5 Aguamenti effects water,unlock by eating a chocolate frog
6 Glacius effects powder snow,get by killing a were wolf
7 reducto effects damage,unlock by getting a invisiblity cloak
. Shows spells
C stupefy weakest spell but shortest cooldown,unlock start with it
R down on hippogriff and broom
space up on hippogriff and broom
ctrl protego
M turn invisible with Invisibility cloak on
Right click on iron door with wand in off hand to open it
ENJOY! Remember to comment if you like or if there is a problem!
sorry I had the photos restricted to only me. :) its fixed now.