humongous Harry Potter Mod

Published by Magnet108 on
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Have you ever wanted to be Harry potter? Well!!! Now you CAN! With humongous Harry potter mod you can Ride a hippogriff, Slay a troll, become invisible with a Invisibility cloak! AND MORE!!!





 attacks players and centaurs, breaks wood


House elve  does nothing, give it a sock though 



attacks trolls and anything that attacks it



use a shaver on this to get unicorn hair



Dark wizard

turns into werewolf at night



Were wolf

turns into a dark wizard at sunrise




use shears on this to get a phoenix feather




right click on this to ride, attacks anything that attacks it










Sock recipe



Broom recipe

right click to spawn a Broom then click to ride, Shift and right click to get it back



Chocolate frog box recipe




Chocolate recipe




Goblin metal recipe




Invisibility cloak




Pumpkin juice recipe




Shaver recipe




Goblin sword recipe




Wand maker recipe







Wand maker   put willow tree stick on bottom and either a unicorn hair, phoenix feather, troll bogey, or wolf fur on top to get a wand.




Goblin Sword     stronger than diamond but weaker the netherite




Troll bogey get by killing a troll



Unicorn hair use a shaver on a unicorn to get this



Phoenix feather  use shears on a phoenix 



Sock right click on a house Elve 



every flavor beans, random effects, trade to a farmer to get



Rock cake slowness, trade to a fisherman to get



Pumpkin juice effects speed


butterbeer trade to a Flecher 


Willow tree stick trade to a butcher to get



Wand the most important thing. keys 1-7 do special spells Hold in off hand!




Key press



1 petrificus totalus effects slowness 255 for 5 seconds,unlock by getting a wand


2 confringo effects fire,unlock by reaaching level 8


3 Bombarda effects Big explosion,unlock by reaching level 10


4 Wingardium leviosa effects floating,unlock by drinking butter beer


5 Aguamenti effects water,unlock by eating a chocolate frog


6 Glacius effects powder snow,get by killing a were wolf


7 reducto effects damage,unlock by getting a invisiblity cloak



. Shows spells


C stupefy weakest spell but shortest cooldown,unlock start with it



R down on hippogriff and broom


space up on hippogriff and broom

ctrl protego



M turn invisible with Invisibility cloak on



Right click on iron door with wand in off hand to open it


ENJOY! Remember to comment if you like or if there is a problem!

Minecraft mod files
HP mod.jar - Harry Potter Uploaded on: 09/29/2023 - 14:44   File size: 521.04 KB

sorry I had the photos restricted to only me. :) its fixed now.