Upvotes: 33
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Supported Minecraft versions
Unseen World - The Chimeric Darkness
Chimeric Darkness - dark version of overworld, where sun never rises.
Dimension where water is dark, and enemies is everywhere, but even here you can find friends
Biomes in Chimeric Darkness are cold and hot, dark and light, with thematic soundtracks, mobs and dungeons
Unseen World adds 25+ mobs to Minecraft, some of them are friendly to player, others wanna kill him, but anyway they makes flora of Chimeric Darkness
Dungeons! A lot of dungeons Unseen World adds, above and underground, big and small that gives new massive expirience to player
Chimeric Darkness is waiting for you!
Minecraft mod files
Unseen_World_9.jar - Unseen World 2.6(1.19.2)
Uploaded on: 03/22/2023 - 02:41 File size: 8.47 MB
Unseen World.jar - Unseen World 3.0(1.19.4)
Uploaded on: 07/08/2023 - 11:52 File size: 8.47 MB
unseen_world_3.1.0.1.jar - Unseen World 3.1(1.20.1)
Uploaded on: 10/09/2023 - 13:09 File size: 7.55 MB
Unseen World 2.6:
- New villager profession - Seeker Wayer
- New generations of Tanzanite abovegrounded caverns
- Added new fuctions of Tanzanite cluster, and budding block
Unseen World 3.0:
- Added: underground dungeons for Greenish Valley and Grizzly Forest biomes
- Added: Tanzashroom on stick Changed and optimized behavior of Chimeric Redmarer/Purplemarer, Streder and Red Ravanger
- Upgraded generation of trees in Chimeric Darkness
- Added: Aboveground tanzanite geodes
- Fixed generation of boss structures
- Each mod's structure was complited to structure set, and now can be find by command /locate
- Redrew ore of red titanium and void armor set
- Removed over 70 unused scripts/procedures
- Added renderer of item in hand and funcional as well for Red Sylf
- Rewrote and imporved AI for Wither Knight
- Savage small blaze was returned
- Fixed bugs with shooting from Void Bow
- Fixed models and funcional of Dripstone of Amethyst Overgrowth
- Improved AI of Warrior of Chimeric Darkness
- Fixed incorrectnesses with Mining Boots enchantment
- Modification got full Ukrainian localization