This mod adds new foods! No wait, weren't they swords? Useless details. However this mod adds 25 swords, each with its own abilities!
Let's start with a nice list:
-Conduit sword: if you are in the water while you have this sword in your hands you will become like a fish: be careful not to get caught
-Magnetic sword: will attract all items within 30 meters to you
-Experience sword: every hit will give you experience!
-Light sword: cheap and fast
-Fire sword: from the depths of the Nether into your hands
-Fireworks sword: if you feel like celebrating
-Epic beacon sword: literally op and works as a beacon
-Golem sword: disguised as an iron sword (apart from a detail). Right click and a golem will spawn ready to help you
-Flying sword: hold it and hand and you will fly as if you are in creative
-Slime sword: to jump high
-Night sword: the power of the night in your hands
-Beacon sword: less powerful than the Epic but still strong
-Nether quartz sword: very sharp but fragile
Obsidian sword: very strong but heavy
-Helium sword: will make you like a balloon
-Skeleton sword: the terror of the undead
-Leaf sword: will use the power of the Sun to heal you (we do not guarantee use in other dimensions without Sun)
-Phantom sword: a ghostly parachute
-SPASH: a multipurpose multi-tool
-Glow sword: light up your enemies
-Dirt sword: literally useless
-Creeper sword: the name says it all
-Poison sword: as above
-Shulker sword: will levitate your enemies
-Enderchest sword: a practical link to your enderchest
-Troll sword: ???
Report any bugs in the comments :)
Epic swords
Upvotes: 6
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Uploaded on: 02/05/2021 - 14:45 File size: 264.88 KB
Hi The_librarian, so i am trying to make a mod which also has new sword but i am having trouble making the procedures for it can you help me?
My Discord id : Versannon#1944
Send me a dm if you want to help
I would really appreciate it