
Published by Miś_Gh0sT on
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I’m currently working on completely improving this project by remaking it from scratch. It is due to some issues with old one when I try to add new things and they cause an error in other things, plus I’m changing graphics to make them higher res. My plan is to make this phone as customizable as possible and to make it easier to implement new apps and generaly more functionality. It takes up time that I don't have enough of because I’m currently studying so I’m opened for help or ideas on how to improve this mod.



1.  This mod adds a smartphone to your minecraft world!

2. I'm the only one working on this project as of now. I'm looking forward to work with someone that wants to help me with things like graphic design or 

3. I'd like to make things that you are suggesting in comments or message me via discord.

4. If you have any ideas or want to help me with this mod you can contact me via discord: mis_gh0st .


 5.  Available commands: 

All avaible commands can be view with command:   /phone 

U can change the battery % with a command: /battery [value]

U can change the funds with a command: /money [add/set] [value]

U can test latest transactions with pay command:  /pay [title] [value] 



Minecraft mod files
ghostphone-0.3.2.jar - First uploaded version. (Discontinued) Uploaded on: 01/28/2024 - 13:20   File size: 2.6 MB
ghostphone-0.3.5.jar - Version 0.3.5 (Discontinued) Uploaded on: 01/31/2024 - 14:32   File size: 2.61 MB
ghostphone-0.4.1.jar - Latest version without bank app (Discontinued) Uploaded on: 04/04/2024 - 11:10   File size: 2.72 MB

1. Added things:

  • App store
  • Weather now requires downloading
  • You can change betwen Mincraft time (+ days) and real time  (+ date)

2. Disable things:

  • Bank app, reason is i screwed up and now i have to rework it :C 

3. Known issiues:

  • Minecraft time is glitching (for example 4:59 - 4:60 - 5:01) i can't do much about it 'cause of the way tick time works. I made it so it uses minecraft current ticks and calculates it via a formula into real time.