A.C.E.S' MC Overhaul
Is a dynamic mod which aims to completely overhaul every aspect of Minecraft, without deviating from the classic 'Minecraft' feel of the game. If I've done my job correctly, this mod should feel like playing vanilla Minecraft, but years in the future. This mod may not "play well" with other mods which add similar blocks/items. However, any client side mod, biome/structure generation, or visual/ui changes should work great! (I.E: JEI, Jade, Minimaps, Tectonic/Biomes O' Plenty, (and End dimension mods for now))
(This video is made with version 1.0.2)
Stay up to date!
This mod is being actively updated, and new versions are (hopefully) released monthly.
New videos are posted on my Youtube page alongside each update:
ANY BUGS CAN BE REPORTED TO THIS LINK: (Leave a comment if you have issues)
This mod is divided into several subsections, which include:
The Agriculture Overhaul adds several new crop items and blocks to the game! Including:
- The Sickle; a tool capable of harvesting fully grown crops in a 3x3 area
- Dispenser seed compatability; Dispensers can now be used to plant crops
- Fertlised Farmland; a non-tramplable growing medium that doesn't require water
- Several crops and bushes; including double tall crops, and the essence berry bush (which grants xp when consumed)
and more!
The Automation Overhaul adds new redstone components, workstations, and utility blocks! Including:
- The Incubator; which hatches eggs into chickens
- Concrete mixer; which requires water to automatically harden concrete
- Heat Sensor; which detects hot objects nearby
- Conveyors; which move entities and items when powered
- Crucible; which melts stone blocks into lava, but requires advanced fuels
and more!
A.C.E.S' Critters is a collection of "IRL" animals including:
- Deer
- Penguins
- Hamsters
- Beaver
- Crabs
- Elephants
and more!
The Decoration Overhaul not only adds new slabs and stairs, but other decorative items including:
- Corners; vertical stairs
- Halves; vertical slabs
- Stone Paths
- Blinds
- Hedges
- Electrified Bars
and more!
The Exploration Overhaul adds several Overworld features, including:
- Marble; a new deep-stone variant such as Tuff
- The King Krab; a new boss, designed to be fought before The Wither
- Spider Den; a new cave biome, complete with new mobs and a structure which contains the Elder Spider, a new miniboss
- Kelp Bricks; which float in water, and made with Dried Kelp blocks
- Several Trees
and more!
The Illumination Overhaul adds several new light sources, including:
- Cage Lights; complete with 12 unique colors, and 4 metal types
- Colored End Rods
- Colored Glowstone
- Colored Redstone Lamps
- Colored Torches
and more!
The Nether
The Nether Overhaul changes nearly every biome, and adds several items including:
- 2 Netherite tier armor sets; Each with their own unique 'powers' (comparible to netherites fire-immunity)
- Magmamites; which spawn in the Basalt Deltas, and drop Shards of Magma (an advanced fuel)
- Ignition Toad; a creeper like entity which explodes on contact
- Spectre Cliffs; a new biome, with 2 new mobs and a new tree type
- Hellthorn; a hanging vine which grows in the Nether Wastes
and more!
The Ore Overhaul adds OVER TEN new ore types, including:
- Copper Tier ores: Aluminum, Nickel, Tin
- Iron Tier ores: Silver, Lead, Tungsten
- Gold Tier ores: Cobalt, Mythril
- Diamond Tier ores: Platinum, Titanium, Ruby
and more!
A.C.E.S' Pantry adds several new food items including:
- The Knife; used to cut food items
- Bacon: acquired by cutting Porckchops with the Knife
- Sliced Bread; the greatest thing since....itself?
- Juice; 5 types of juice which apply short buffs when consumed
- Ice Box; automatically turns Buckets of Water into Ice
and more!
Random Things
A.C.E.S' Random Things is a collection of oddities which just feel like they belong, but don't fit specific categories. Including:
- Dynamite; smaller than TNT, but throwable
- Fan; pushes items in front of it whilst powered
- Flippers; a rare item which applies Dolphins Grace in water, but Slowness on land
- Mud Ball; pelt your friends with mud! (similar to a snowball)
- Spud Bomb; Crafted with potatoes and dynamite, an easy yet effective prank
and more!
The Storage Overhaul adds several new storage items including:
- Cabinets; which will not open with a solid block in front of them
- Crates; like metal chests
- Drawers; fancy cabinets with more storage
- Pouches; a craftable item which holds items, has 9 slots (cant hold pouches or shulkers)
- Fluid Tank; capable of holding fluids
and more!
- Geckolib (Version 1.0.3+ only)
- Download latest version for desired MC release
Beta Release 1.0.8
Designed for Neoforge, Minecraft 1.21.1
-Cut Ruby Variants
-Damned Corner
-Dense Ghost Corner
-Saw Blade; Replaced the Table Saw
-Glass Frog Lilypad; acquired from placing Glass Frog on Lilypad or crafted with Glass Frog and Lilypad
-Tomato Seeds texture is now rendered properly
-All Walls/Fences are now properly tagged
-Cucumber Juice now has the correct name
-Boiling Potions can now be brewed with Wasted Flesh
-African Elephants now only drop tusks when they have a tusk left to lose
-Redstone Counters have consistent flavor text
-Custom Bushes no longer spawn outside Taiga biomes
-Fertilised Farmland is once again craftable
-Elderberry Bushes are properly converted to Essence Berry Bushes when an entity dies at their location
-Knife no longer takes damage when the player is in Creative
-Cabinets can now be opened regardless of direction
-Iron Drill Bits now drop Lapis when destroying Lapis Ore
-Bat Flower and Corpse Flower now correctly place their top part when grown
-Corpse Flower now grows naturally over time
-Raw Turkey can now be found in the Creative Menu
-Turkey drops are now affected by Looting
-Alligator drops are now affected by Looting
-Flaminglet feet texture no long flashes
-Colored Glowstone no longer drops more than 4 dust when broken with fortune
-Colored Torches can once again be crafted with Dye, Coal, and Stick
-4 Capacitor Counters are now working properly
-Modded Fertilizer is no longer consumed when used on full-grown crops
-Ignition Toads no longer explode on player contact if the player is in Creative mode
-The following blocks now use Blockstates:
-Emperor Penguin Egg
-Flamingo Egg
-Galapagos Penguin Egg
-Emperor Penguin Eggs are no longer destroyed if an Emperor Nestling walks on them
-Squirrels now only drop Squirrel Brains when killed by a player
-Flamingos now only drop Flamingo Wing when killed by a player
-Flamingo Eggs are no longer destroyed if a Flamingo or Flaminglet walks on them
-Galapagos Penguin Eggs are no longer destroyed if a Galapagos Nestling walks on them
-Godsmack is now a Rare item (name is aqua colored)
-Fractured King Krab Shell is now an uncommon item (name is yellow colored)
-Hermit Helmet is now an uncommon item (name is yellow colored)
-The Klaw is now an uncommon item (name is yellow colored)
-ALL Saplings have been converted to ‘built-in’ Sapling plant type
-All existing saplings in premade worlds will be deleted
-Reworked several blocks/corners/halves resistance and hardness values to better match vanilla
-Changed custom glazed terracotta blocks naming convention to match vanilla
-Several blocks are now water loggable
-Tanning Rack ONLY works if it is not waterlogged
-Ruined Altars no longer have a chance of breaking when being brushed
-Rebalanced ore spawn rates to more accurately mirror vanilla counterparts
-Concrete Mixer can now hold up to 9000 mb of Water
-Concrete Mixer GUI now displays current water level
-Incubator now hatches adult Ducks (was Ducklings)
-Bat Flower now has a random XZ offset
-Eucalyptus & Willow Leaves no longer drop Acorns
-Cherries, Bananas, Lemons, & Oranges are now much rarer
-Cooked Elderberries can now be sold to Master Butchers
-Changed Eucalyptus Tree shape
-Changed Eucalyptus Leaves color
-Increased rarity of Maple and Eucalyptus trees
-Knife is now classified as a ‘sword’ tool
-Knife and Stone Sickle can now be crafted with all cobbled stone variants
-Sickles can now be smelted into their respective nugget type
-Arcana Swords can now be smelted into their respective nugget type
-Tweaked all ‘Jar’ Textures
-Tweaked Fertilised Dirt texture to match vanilla Dirt
-Tweaked Coloured Glowstone Dust textures
-Tweaked some Coloured Glowstone textures
-Tweaked Enchanted Dust texture
-Tweaked Counter item texture
-Tweaked ALL Light Fixture item textures
-Tweaked Mud Ball Texture to match Vanilla Mud Texture
-Tweaked bounding boxes for:
-Beaver (and baby)
-Deer (all kinds)
-Duck (and baby)
-Flamingo (and baby)
-Penguin (all kinds)
-Raw Turkey now has a chance to apply Hunger when consumed
-Changed A.C.E.S’ Automation creative tab icon to Gear
-Rearranged several creative menu tabs
-ALL custom elements now appear in their corresponding vanilla creative tab menus
-Several items have had their hardness and resistance values reworked
-Completely remodeled and retextured the Saw Table
-REMOVED the Table Saw (Saw Table now uses Saw Blades)
-Removed Copper Wire from the creative menu as this item is currently useless
-Removed Copper Wire crafting recipe
-Removed Redstone AND Gate from the creative menu as this item is currently useless
-Removed Feed Trough from creative menu as this block is currently useless
-Drills can now destroy several more blocks
-Current block list includes most 16x16x16 blocks destroyable by Iron Pickaxe
-Some cooked items now take the appropriate time when cooked on a Campfire
-Ghost wood items are no longer flammable unless crafted into their ‘dense’ variants
-Basalt Golems now drop Smooth Basalt if on fire when killed
-Basalt Golem now has Basalt step, hurt, and death sounds
-Confungus now has Hurt and Idle animations
-Confungus now has mushroom stem hurt and death sounds
-Ghost now has Idle, Aggressive, and Attack animations
-Ghost now has custom Ambient, Death, and Hurt sounds
-Grippler now has Idle and Attack animations
-Grippler now has custom Ambient, Attack, Death, and Hurt sounds
-Ignition Toad now has custom Idle and Walk animations
-Ignition Toad now has custom Ambient, Death, and Hurt sounds
-Parts of the Ignition Toad texture now glow
-Imp model has been reworked to be much shorter
-Imp texture is now more reddish brown
-Imp related items/armor have had their color updated
-Imp now has custom Attack, Idle, and Walk animations
-Magmamite will now occasionally emit Lava particles
-Magmamite texture now glows
-Magmamite now has custom Idle and Attack animations
-Magmamite now has small Magma Cube Death and Hurt sounds
-Waste Mongrel now has custom Attack, Aggressive, Idle, and Walk animations
-The following items are now compostable:
-Cooked Elderberries
-Emperor Penguin Egg
-Flamingo Egg
-Galapagos Penguin Egg
-Squirrel Brain
-Cattails (Cooked)
-Pineapple Chunks
-Sushi Roll
-Occasional visual glitch when “Bone Meal”ing double tall crops
-Right clicking custom adult entities with a matching spawn egg will simulate successful breed attempt instead of simply spawning a baby of entity type(may result in strange visuals)
-Sit animations are occasionally glitchy
-Some advancements have delayed triggers
-Player model sits too high when riding elephants
-Geode Golem attack animations play after the projectile is thrown
-Corpse Flower Stage 1 is missing its top part
-Dispensers destroy the Bucket when dispensing XP Buckets
-Custom entities only drop loot when killed by another entity or player
-Custom Leaves are not dropped when destroyed with shears
Beta Release 1.0.7
Designed for Neoforge, Minecraft 1.21.1
-Cherries; Edible item that drops from Cherry Leaves
-Bananas; Edible item that drops from Palm Leaves
-Oranges; Edible item that drops from Acacia Leaves
-Lemon; Edible item that drops from Jungle Leaves
-Apple Slices; Edible
-Tacos; Edible (idea credit- MiningBlueTaco)
-Beef Taco
-Chicken Taco
-Bowl of Rice; Edible item that leaves a Bowl remainder when consumed
-Dough; made from Bucket of Water and Flour
-Bun; edible, made by cooking dough
-Burger; edible
-Cheeseburger; edible
-Pizza; edible (idea credit- MiningBlueTaco)
-Cheese Pizza
-Ham & Pineapple Pizza
-Pineapple Pizza
-Sushi Roll; edible
-Ham & Cheese Sandwich; edible
-Chicken Sandwich; edible
-Elderberry Bush; Can be found in Taiga biomes, elderberries give the player poison unless they are cooked
-Pineapple; Plant that can be found in Jungle Biomes
-Pineapple (item) can be cut into Pineapple Chunks
-Cattails; Double-tall Flower that can grow next to water
-Bonemeal to duplicate (Like double tall flowers)
-Can be cooked for Cooked Cattails which are edible
-Poison Ivy; plant that poisons entities which contact it (generates in most grassy biomes)
-Bat Flower; Double tall flower used to make black dye
-Bat Flower Seeds can be acquired from sniffer digging
-Corpse Flower; Double tall flower used to make yellow dye
-Corpse Flower Seed can be acquired from sniffer digging
-Cotton Crop; Beetroot-Style crop
-Planted on farmland
-Seeds drop from grass
-Cotton (Block); dyeable block (similar to wool)
-Fuel Source
-1:1 dying/redying
-Opal; Decorative gem that generates in sandstone
-Can be crafted into Block of Opal
-Pyrite; Gemstone which generates in geodes
-Pyrite Shards can be used to craft Pyrite Armor
-Cut Gemstones; Cut versions of Gemstones
-Mossy Tuff Bricks; fully implemented
-Tanning Rack; Used to convert hides/pelts/skins to Leather
-Wolf Cloak; Chest Armour which applies the Heart of the Pack effect
-Loot Sacks; can be found in structure chests and drop random associated loot when right clicked (idea credit- MiningBlueTaco)
-Mossling; Passive Entity which grows Pink Petals on its back
-Spawns from Mossling Dens
-Have a chance to spread Moss Carpet beneath their feet
-Turkey; Passive Entity which spawns in most grassy biomes
-Drops Raw Turkey and Feathers
-Cockroach; Hostile Entity which can spawn in Dungeon spawners
-Drops Carapace which can be used for Resistance Potions
-Alligator; Ambient Entity which spawns in Swamp biomes
-Drops Reptile Leather
-Soul Fire Sprite; Hostile Entity which spawns in the Soul Sand Valley and sets entities it attacks on fire
-Duplicates when struck by lightning
-Drops Soul Flame when killed
-Carapace Armor; Between Iron and Diamond tier, made with Carapace and Chainmail armor
-Pyrite Armor; Iron tier armor that is piglin neutral
-Reptile Leather Armor; Leather tier armor that is slightly better than standard leather
-Fungal Flatbread; A sword made from bread and Mushrooms(stone tier (idea credit- Rabatata_Extreme)
-Soul Flame; Used as a tier 2 fuel (compatible with Crucible)
-Mossling Den; Made from moss, spawn Mosslings
-Ruined Ritual Site; A new structure found in Dark Oak Forests and containing Ruined Altars
-Altar; used to perform Rituals, acquired from brushing Ruined Altars
-Altar power can be increased by placing powerful magic items in the offerings bar
-Altar Aid can be increased by placing powerful magic blocks on top of it
-Enchanted Dust; a new item used in Altar recipes
-Generates in the following structure chests:
-Abandoned Mineshaft
-Desert Temple
-End City
-Jungle Temple
-Ruined Portal
-Stronghold Corridor
-Stronghold Crossing
-Woodland Mansion
-Arcana Sword(s)
-Made with the Altar using:
-Enchanted Dust
-(Type) Sword
-Can loot additional magic items from entities it slays
-New Advancements:
-Perfectly Tanned; Use a Tanning Rack to get Leather
-One With the Pack; Acquire and wear a Wolf Cloak
-Fruity; Hold all the fruits (from leaves) at once
-Very Berry; Hold all the Berries at once
-This Is A Knife; Craft a knife
-Slice Happy; Hold every “sliced” item at once
-Watch Your Step; Wander into a poison ivy patch
-Coulda Fooled Me; Acquire a Pyrite Crystal
-Mo Loot, Mo Problems; Hold every Loot Sack at once
-Worth the Squeeze; Hold every Juice at once
-New Effects:
-Heart of the Pack; Applies Speed 1 & Strength 1 if player is within 4 blocks of a wolf
-New Enchantments:
-Battle Hardened; Applicable to armor, has 50% chance to repair the armor when wearer does critical hit, incompatible with unbreaking/mending
-Incendiary; Applicable to tools, auto-smelts blocks the tool destroys, incompatible with Fortune/Silk Touch/Reaping
-New Juices:
-Banana Juice (healthy)
-Cherry Juice (sugary)
-Cucumber Juice (healthy)
-Orange Juice (sugary)
-Strawberry Juice (sugary)
-Tomato Juice (healthy)
-New Potions:
-Potion of Resistance (splash/lingering/Arrow)
-Potion of Resistance II (splash/lingering/Arrow)
-Potion of Resistance Long (Splash/Lingering/Arrow)
-Potion of Boiling (splash/Lingering/Arrow)
-Potion of Decay (splash/Lingering/Arrow)
-Potion of Decay II (splash/Lingering/Arrow)
-New Structures:
-Watch Tower Remnant; Generates in most nether biomes
-African Elephants can now be bred with each other regardless of how many trunks they have
-Malachite Buds & Clusters now have inventory/GUI texture
-(Polished) Limestone Halves & Corners are no longer generating underground, have proper rotation, and better bounding boxes
-Stone Sickles now have functionality flavor text
-Opening the Crucible GUI while it is active will no longer reset smelt progress
-Blueberries are now generating properly
-Dispensers now successfully dispense Smoke Bombs and XP from Buckets
-Can now destroy blocks whilst holding Blueberries
-Wheel of Cheese is now properly removed from player inventory when placed
-Wheel of Cheese is now placed correctly
-Palm Leaves now decay properly
-Tweaked Diamond, Gold, Iron, and Stone Sickle Textures
-Tweaked Knife texture
-Tweaked Blueberry Bush texture
-Tweaked Rabbit Pelt Hat item texture
-Several deepslate ores now have deepslate audio (was stone)
-Modified Juice recipes to be twice as expensive
-Custom ‘Polished Tuff’ block is now ‘Rough Tuff’
-Added corners and halves for the new vanilla Polished Tuff
-Added corners/halves/fences for the new Tuff Bricks
-Crops now use ‘Bonemeal action’ instead of ‘block right-clicked’ triggers when handling bone meal usage (improves compatibility with other mods)
-African Elephant no longer drops tusks when killed regardless of tusks it has upon death
-To acquire Elephant Tusks, the player MUST use an axe to cut them off
-Crucible lava production has been doubled
-’Dust’ items now have a custom particle effect when shot from a dispenser
-Beaver Axe now takes additional damage depending on number of logs destroyed
-Wheel of Cheese can now be consumed when placed
-Consuming Wheel of Cheese removes ¼ of the wheel until it is completely gone (similar to cake)
-Wheel of Cheese CANNOT be reacquired once placed
-Monster Jerky no longer applies the Antidote effect
-REMOVED Bowl of Water; as this item had nearly no use
-REMOVED Wolf Meat (Cooked & Raw); this item did not fit the mod
-REMOVED ALL Flamingo Wings armor pieces as they were causing build errors (these will be readded asap)
-REMOVED Avian Adventurer advancement as well
-Most foods have had their Nutrition and Saturation properties rebalanced
-Coconut Chunks can now be crafted using Coconut
-Confusion Potions have been changed from throwable items to Potion Items
-Any Confusion Potions already acquired will be removed
-Lingering Confusion potions and Confusion Arrows now exist
-Several items are now compostable:
-Dead Bush (30%)
-Bamboo (30%)
-Egg/Duck Egg/Turtle Egg (85%)
-Sniffer Egg (100%)
-Honeycomb (50%)
-Honeycomb Block (85%)
-Bee Nest (85%)
-Cobweb (50%)
-String (30%)
-Rotten Flesh (30%)
-Coral Blocks (85%)
-Dead Coral Blocks (65%)
-Coral (50%)
-Dead Coral (30%)
-Coral Fan (50%)
-Dead Coral Fan (30%)
-Stick (30%)
-Bone (100%)
-Feather (30%)
-Flamingo Feather (30%)
-Turtle Scute (85%)
-Armadillo Scute (65%)
-Leather (50%)
-Hides/Pelts/Skins/Furs (65%)
-Crab Shell (30%)
-Cheese Wheel (100%)
-Cheese (50%)
-Cheese Slice (30%)
-Toast[Blueberry/Strawberry] (30%)
-Tentacle (65%)
-Calamari (85%)
-Strawberry[SugarCoated] (65%)
-Sliced Tomato (30%)
-Orange (65%)
-Lettuce Leaf (30%)
-Fries[Ketchup] (65%)
-ALL Sandwiches (85%)
-Fried Egg (65%)
-Sliced Cucumber (30%)
-Bread Slice (30%)
-Ignition Toads explode on player contact when the player is in creative mode
-Occasional visual glitch when “Bone Meal”ing double tall crops
-Right clicking custom adult entities with a matching spawn egg will simulate successful breed attempt instead of simply spawning a baby of entity type(may result in strange visuals)
-Sit animations are occasionally glitchy
-Some advancements have delayed triggers
-Player model sits too high when riding elephants
-Geode Golem attack animations play after the projectile is thrown
-Bat Flower and Corpse Flower do not grow their top halves unless placed manually at full growth stage
-Tomato Seeds are not rendered properly (texture missing)
-Some Fences/Walls are not tagged as such
-Mosslings are not growing Pink Petals on their backs
-Raw Turkey is missing from the creative menu
-Cucumber Juice is misnamed
-Potion of Boiling has no recipe
-Elephants will continue to drop tusks when hit with an axe even if they have none left to lose
-Elephants will attack ANY mob that are hit by the owner even if said mob is tamed by the owner
-Redstone Counters have conflicting flavor text formats
-Dispensers destroy the Bucket when dispensing XP Buckets
-Custom Bushes are spawning outside Taiga biomes if there is a Taiga biome nearby
-Fertilised Farmland is no longer craftable (again)
-Elderberry Bushes are not converted to Essence Berry Bush when an entity dies at their location
-Cotton Crops are not harvested with the sickle
-Knife takes damage whilst in Creative mode
-Cabinets do not open when facing East
-Iron Drill Bits drops Raw Lead or Nothing when destroying Lapis Ore in some orientations
-The Saw Table is not destroying some Wood/Log types
-Corpse Flower does not grow naturally (requires bonemeal)
-Raw Turkey does not appear in the creative menu
-Turkey drops are not affected by looting
-Alligator drops are not affected by looting
-Flamingo feet texture flashes rapidly (texture clashing)
-Colored Glowstone will drop MORE then 4 glowstone if broken with fortune
-Colored Torches are not craftable with coal
-4 Capacitor Counters are triggering early and don’t emit redstone signal
-Modded Fertilizer can be used on full-grown crops
-Custom entities only drop loot when killed by another entity or player
Beta Release 1.0.6
Designed for Forge, Minecraft 1.20.1
**WARNING: Updating to this version from a previous one may delete ANY BLOCKS with new blockstates (placed and unplaced)**
-Nickel & Tin Cage Lights for all existing Cage Light colors
-Brown Desk Lamp (The only missing color that was missing)
-Limestone; A new type of stone (like granite/andesite/diorite) that generates inside Malachite Geodes and Lush Caves/aquatic biomes
-Polished Limestone; a refined version of Limestone
-Malachite; A new decorative gemstone that can spawn in geodes
-Budding Malachite; similar to Budding Amethyst, and can spawn Malachite Buds
-Malachite Bud/Cluster; similar to Amethyst Bud/Cluster, and drops Malachite Dust when destroyed
-Malachite Dust; Can be used to advance the oxidation level of copper blocks
-Cut Malachite; refined malachite block
-Modded Diamond Tier Ores now spawn in huge patches extremely rarely
-All Sickles can now be placed in Tool Kit/Box/Chests
-Some custom projectiles are now properly shot from Dispensers
-Animal noises are now localized (volume is now dependant on distances from creature)
-Demonic IV and Demonic V enchantments now properly increase damage to nether mobs
-Added blockstates to several blocks including:
-Blueberry Bush
-Essence Berry Bush
-Lettuce Crop
-Rice Crop
-Strawberry Crop
-Corn Crop
-Cucumber Crop
-Tomato Crop
-Redstone Counter (1,2,&4 Capacitor versions)
-Heat Sensor
-Aluminum Cage Lights (all colors)
-Copper Cage Lights (all colors - Waxed & Unwaxed)
-Light Bulbs (all colors)
-Light Fixtures (all colors)
-Redstone Lamps (all colors)
-Hellthorn Vines
(Blocks with new blockstates should behave the same as before but now require less code, improving performance)
-The following animals now drop cooked food when killed whilst holding Fire Aspect or Flame enchanted items:
-Deer (Buck & Doe)
-Tweaked animal noise subtitles to better match vanilla
-Ducklings now have custom sounds
-Removed duplicated Vanilla Textures used by the mod, blocks that used to reference these textures now reference Vanilla Texture directly (Decreasing size and improving performance)
-Changed several block bounding boxes to better fit block model
-Changed several item flavor text colors to better match vanilla
-Imp Staff projectile power is now dependant on charge time
-Tweaked Cheese texture
-Tweaked Cheese Wheel item texture
-Tweaked Butter texture
-Tweaked Damned Trapdoor texture
-Increased saturation of Raw and Cooked Duck textures
-Sickle durability now takes more damage based on how many crops are destroyed when swung
-Sickles now have flavor text describing their behavior
-Counters now have a brief delay for accepting new input after releasing their charge
-Activated Heat Sensors now emit light (level 7)
-Closed blinds are now slightly opaque (decreases light level by 10)
-Removed Cut Lapis and variants
-Removed modded duplicate of ‘Cracked Nether Bricks’
-Rearranged several creative menu tabs
-Ducklings hatched from Duck Eggs now spawn more near to where the Egg lands
-Duck Eggs now spawn ‘break’ particles upon collision
-Beavers and Crabs now drop increased loot from looting(was a higher chance of dropping loot)
-Looting now applies to Deer drops
-Right clicking Azalea or Flowering Azalea bushes with shears now drops the corresponding leaf block and turns the Azalea Bush into a Dead Bush
-Occasional visual glitch when “Bone Meal”ing double tall crops
-Elephants must be identical to breed (ie: An elephant with 1 tusk will not breed with an elephant with 2 or 0 tusks)
-Ignition Toads explode on player contact when the player is in creative mode
-Right clicking custom adult entities with a matching spawn egg will simulate successful breed attempt instead of simply spawning a baby of entity type(may result in strange visuals)
-Sit animations are occasionally glitchy
-Flamingo Wings animations do not play at all
-Some advancements have delayed triggers
-Player model sits too high when riding elephants
-Geode Golem attack animations play after the projectile is thrown
-Opening Crucible GUI whilst Crucible is running will reset smelting progress
-Limestone & Polished Limestone Corners/Halves have no rotation and improper bounding boxes
-(Polished) Limestone Halves & Corners are generating underground
-Malachite Buds & Clusters have no inventory/GUI texture
-Dynamite shot from a Dispenser does not explode
-Dispensers ‘drop’ Bucket of XP and Smoke Bombs instead of properly using the item
-Stone Sickles are missing functionality flavor text
-Redstone Counters have conflicting flavor text formats
-Blueberries are generating as giant floating patches
-Unable to destroy blocks whilst holding Blueberries
-Wheel of Cheese is not removed from inventory when placed
-Wheel of Cheese has several placement issues
-Palm Leaves do not decay properly
-Knife takes damage whilst in Creative mode
-Cabinets do not open when facing East
-Iron Drill Bits drop Raw Lead when destroying Lapis Ore
-The Saw Table is not destroying some Wood/Log types
-Flamingo feet texture flashes rapidly (texture clashing)
-Colored Glowstone will drop MORE then 4 glowstone if broken with fortune
-4 Capacitor Counters are triggering early and don’t emit redstone signal
-Modded Fertilizer can be used on full-grown crops
-Custom entities only drop loot when killed by another entity or player
Beta Release 1.0.5
Designed for Forge, Minecraft 1.20.1
-Added more Sickle variants:
-Can now craft Fertilised Farmland
-Piglin and Netherite armor can now be crafted properly
-Diamond Tier armor can now be properly upgraded to Netherite
-Ruby armor can now be upgraded into corresponding Netherite Tier armor
-Aluminium Ore now generates properly
-Red Stone Brick and variants no longer generate in Badlands biomes
-Cobalt Ore now requires an Iron+ Tier pickaxe for drops
-Cobalt Ore no longer drops an extra piece of raw material
-Added/deleted/fixed 64+ crafting/smelting/blasting/composting recipes that are not listed in previous patches ‘Known Bugs’ lists (trust me, it's a lot)
-Ore drops should no longer clip into neighboring blocks
-Toolsmiths no longer have a chance to sell Ruby Pickaxes at level 1
-Custom ‘dirt’ blocks should no longer have black borders when viewed from afar
-Right-clicking any farmland with a modded seed will only consume the seed if it successfully plants a crop
-The Sickle now only destroys fully grown crops in 3x3
-Rebalanced ALL Iron, Diamond, and Gold Tier Tools
-Rebalanced ALL Iron, Diamond, and Gold Tier Armor
-Rebalanced Daemonus Manus and Skull Scooper to be stronger than Netherite
-Skull Scooper is now repaired using Wither Skeleton Skull (was Wither Skeleton Skull Fragment)
-Stone Knife now costs 1 Cobblestone to craft (was 2)
-Can now compost Thorny Vines (50% success)
-Magma Shards now smelt 9 items
-Conveyor Belts are now crafted with Iron Tier Ingots instead of Grey Carpets
-Removed Bottle O’ Milk
-This item was unobtainable and had no uses
-The Antidote effect now removes ALL tiers of Venom effect (previously lowered tier by 1)
-Platinum, Titanium, and Ruby ore generation is closer to vanilla Diamond generation (previously, these ores were more frequent at layers above -59)
-Tweaked most inventory armor textures
-Elder Spider now has a 10% chance to summon 2-3 Spiderlings as backup when attacked
-Elder Spider now has idle, attack, and hurt animations
-Elder Spider now has custom hurt and death sounds
-Giant Spider now has idle, walk, and attack animations
-Spiderling now has idle, walk, and attack animations
-Geode Golem now has idle, walk, and attack animations
-Geode Golem now has customized walk, hurt, and death sounds
-Geode Golems now walk much slower and do ranged attacks
-Occasional visual glitch when “Bone Meal”ing double tall crops
-Elephants must be identical to breed (ie: An elephant with 1 tusk will not breed with an elephant with 2 or 0 tusks)
-Ignition Toads explode on player contact when the player is in creative mode
-Right clicking custom adult entities with a matching spawn egg will simulate successful breed attempt instead of simply spawning a baby of entity type(may result in strange visuals)
-Sit animations are occasionally glitchy
-Flamingo Wings animations play indefinitely
-Some advancements have delayed triggers
-Player model sits too high when riding elephants
-Geode Golem attack animations play well after the projectile is thrown
-Maple Fence gates are not craftable
-Modded Diamond Tier Ores are spawning very frequently in huge patches
-Most Sickles cannot be placed in Tool Kit/Box/Chests
-Custom projectiles are dropped by Dispensers instead of being properly ‘dispensed’
-All custom animal sounds play at full volume regardless of distance from creature
-Demonic IV and Demonic V enchantments do not increase damage against nether mobs
-Wheel of Cheese is not removed from inventory when placed
-Wheel of Cheese has several placement issues
-Palm Leaves do not decay properly
-Knife takes damage whilst in Creative mode
-Cabinets do not open when facing East
-Iron Drill Bits drop Raw Lead when destroying Lapis Ore
-The Saw Table is not destroying some Wood/Log types
-Flamingo feet texture flashes rapidly (texture clashing)
-Colored Glowstone will drop MORE then 4 glowstone if broken with fortune
-Modded Fertilizer can be used on full-grown crops
Beta Release 1.0.4
Designed for Forge, Minecraft 1.20.1
-New Advancements:
-SPUDOW!; Detonate a Spud Bomb (Adventure)
-Now You See Me…; Use a Smoke Bomb (Adventure)
-Now You Don’t.; Hit an entity with a Smoke Bomb (Adventure)
-Red Stone Pressure Plate; fully integrated
-Ruby (Diamond Tier Ore); fully integrated
-Flamingos now drop all items as intended
-Can now craft Hamster Food
-Elephants now always spawn with 2 Tusks
-Buck Mount is no longer removed from inventory when placed in creative mode
-Duck Eggs now consume 1 Duck Egg item when thrown by player (was 2)
-Right clicking hamsters should no longer cause game crashes
-Critter Hats now sit properly on the head
-Cucumber crops can now be “bone mealed” properly
-Ducks and Flamingos now fall at the same rate as Chickens
-Soul armor is now smithable
-Can now craft Table Saw
-Can now craft Jams
-Decreased drop rate of rare beaver drops
-Altered Fertilised Farmland recipe(no longer uses moss/mud/etc)
-Hamster Food is now compostable
-Tweaked Beaver Hat Model
-Tweaked several tool textures to better match vanilla counterparts
-Changed Squirrel Hat tail to match Squirrel model
-Can now craft Capacitors with Glass Panes
-Skull Scooper crafting recipe now requires 5 Wither Skull Fragments (was 1)
-Piglin Steel crafting is now shapeless
-Doubled Magma Shard burn time (was 6 items)
-Red Stone Button recipe now makes 9 (was 1)
-Modified nether wood Button, Pressure Plate, and Trapdoor recipe to match overworld wood types
-Palm planks no longer have any rotation
-Cherry Bark is now tagged as Bark
-Added Cabinets and Drawers for several wood types
-Dense Ghost
-Occasional visual glitch when “Bone Meal”ing double tall crops
-Elephants must be identical to breed (ie: An elephant with 1 tusk will not breed with an elephant with 2 or 0 tusks)
-Ignition Toads explode on player contact when the player is in creative mode
-Right clicking custom adult entities with a matching spawn egg will simulate successful breed attempt instead of simply spawning a baby of entity type(may result in strange visuals)
-Sit animations are occasionally glitchy
-Flamingo Wings animations play indefinitely
-Some advancements have delayed triggers
-Player model sits too high when riding elephants
-Unable to craft Fertilised Farmland
-Some Piglin armor mistakenly requires Netherite Ingot to smith
-Netherite Armor can only be crafted directly from Diamond Armor
-Maple Fence Gate has no crafting recipe
-Red Stone Brick and variants generate in Badlands biomes
-Custom ‘Dirt’ items have black border when viewed from afar
-Aluminum Ore isn’t generating (Deepslate Ore is unaffected)
-Cobalt Ore requires Diamond+ Tier pickaxe for drops
-Cobalt Ore is dropping an extra piece of raw material
-Ruby armor cannot be upgraded to ANY Netherite Tier version
-Toolsmiths sell Ruby Pickaxes at Level 1 (should be level 5)
-Ores drop their items partially inside neighboring blocks, occasionally resulting in weird item physics.
-Custom projectiles are dropped by Dispensers instead of being properly ‘dispensed’
-All custom animal sounds play at full volume regardless of distance from creature
-Demonic IV and Demonic V enchantments do not increase damage against nether mobs
-Wheel of Cheese is not removed from inventory when placed
-Wheel of Cheese has several placement issues
-Palm Leaves do not decay properly
-Knife takes damage whilst in Creative mode
-Cabinets do not open when facing East
-Iron Drill Bits drop Raw Lead when destroying Lapis Ore
-The Saw Table is not destroying some Wood/Log types
-Flamingo feet texture flashes rapidly (texture clashing)
-Colored Glowstone will drop MORE then 4 glowstone if broken with fortune
-Modded Fertilizer can be used on full-grown crops
-Custom entities only drop loot when killed by another entity or player
Another bug i found is that if you try to break a blueberry bush while sneaking with blueberries in your hand, it drops the blueberries without breaking the crop. This only works with blueberries though, so I think i would be fixed when you fix the block destroy thing,
here is the my mod, ACE: