The Mourners

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This mod is in development, so the first few versions may be unstable. As I change things, world corruptions may happen, so if you have any worlds you don't want to lose, make a backup before playing on them with this mod, just in case.

The Mourners

The Overworld can be compared to an iceberg. The surface isn't hiding anything, it's generally safe. Even the undead creatures lurking in the night are no threat once you get used to them. Although, the deeper you get, the less clear everything becomes, the less light reaches the depths, and the more evil can lurk in the shadows. Venture into these depths, and maybe you'll uncover the story of those who fell silent.


The Mourners is a mod inspired by the ancient cities, the sculk, and those who inhabited them. Yes, this idea has been done before, but I am trying to make something unique (or as unique as a sculk based dimension can be). It is still in development, so expect things to change. You can get to this dimension by using a corrupted device on a frame of reinforced deepslate.

This mod includes:

  • A new dimension, the Silent Expanse
  • 5 new biomes
  • 3 mobs
  • 8 new structures (2 of them being closer to natural generations)
  • A new set of tools (nothing crazy)

It also includes blocks and items and the like but that's what's important.

The Silent Expanse

The shell of a world corrupted by the sculk, perhaps the overworld will have the same fate in the future. Well, nothing we can do now. It can be accessed by activating the portal-like structure at the center of an Ancient City or Ancient Village. Then again, why would you?

Whispering Lowland:

Whispering Lowland

Covering most of the Silent Expanse, this biome is relatively bland, and not too dangerous. Don't be fooled though, the sculk can still call to its protectors if you make a sound.

Bonewood Forest:

Bonewood Forest

Once a magnificent forest of glowing fungi, its nylium consumed by the sculk, and its stalks dried into a bone-like substance. Although it is no longer wood, it can be made into some decently strong tools. 

Silent Wastes:

Silent Wastes

A dangerous desert-like biome. The ground is lifeless, the sculk is alert, and there's no wood. Building here isn't advised, but neither was coming to this horrible dimention in the first place. Unfortunately, if you lose your portal, you may have to travel into this biome to find another.

Shimmering Plateau:

Shimmering Plateau

A glance into what once was. A forest full of large magenta fungi, and the brilliant crystals that keep the sculk at bay. The only biome in this horrible place where you can live peacefully.

Twisting Spires:

Twisting Spires

A spider infested biome full of spiral mountains, some of them with crystals at their peaks. If you are looking for string, this is the place to go.


Ancient Village (Overworld Structure):

The Centerpiece of an Ancient Village

Not all of The Mourners' creations were as grand as the Ancient Cities, they had smaller communities as well. These Ancient Villages are the remains of such communities. You can find a strange corrupted device in these structures, perhaps it has a use.

Ruined Centerpiece:

Ruined Centerpiece

The remnant of a mourner centerpiece. It's unclear if it is just a portal, or if it was going to be the center of a new village. One thing is for certain though, this was a horrible choice of location.

Veinstone Lamp Post and Ruined Veinstone Lamp post:

Veinstone Lamp PostRuined Veinstone Lamp Post

Long before the sculk devoured this land, another species dominated the surface. While long gone, some of their structures have held the test of time. Although simple, these lamp posts once lit the way for many travelers.

Lonely Crystal:

Lonely Crystal

A singular crystal that has kept the sculk at bay in the small area around it, keeping the land pure.

Subterranean Ruins:

Subterranean Ruins Entrance

What remains of a civilization that once inhabited these lands, long before the sculk corrupted and twisted the life inhabiting it.




Endermen seem to find their way into every dimension, this one being no exception. Unfortunately, the sculk didn't take too kindly to this, and took most of them over.



Somehow, these spiders seem to have a co-existence with the sculk. Although, it's more of a parasitic one, but at least they kept their eyes.

Silent Mourner:

Silent Mourner

Once a member of a great civilization, they've given up on ever returning to their home.

Future Releases:

Planned (or Being Considered) Additions/Changes:

Resources / Blocks:
  • Acid Basin
  • Oxidized Copper and Iron ore
  • Acid Swamp
  • Beholder: Neutral or Hostile mob that spawns in The Silent Wastes. A source of food and a material called "Eye of Beholder" (currently no use)
  • Unnamed: No, it's not called that, although that would be cool. A neutral mob similar to Blazes and Breezes that spawns in the crystal biome. I'll only consider adding it if I can think of a name that fits the name scheme of the aforementioned similar mobs
  • Root Stalker


  • A total rework of the Ancient Village
  • More ruins


  • Venomwood Trees

Other Tweaks:

  • More custom dimension music
  • More uses for the Soul Forge, and Crystalline Purifier
  • A bartering or trading system for Silent Mourners

Known Bugs:

  • Portal lighter will "light" a portal sometimes when it can't. (If a reinforced deepslate has air above it, and is interacted with, it will play the sound and remove durability, even if a portal isn't created/can't be created)
  • Bonewood fence gate, pressure plates and buttons use the default "wood" sound pack, even though it isn't set to it


If you have any suggestions, or find any bugs, please tell me in the comments! Thank you!

Minecraft mod files
the_mourners-1.0.1-forge-1.20.1.jar - Alpha 2 Uploaded on: 08/06/2024 - 20:12   File size: 403.67 KB
the_mourners-1.0.2-neoforge-1.20.6.jar - Alpha 3 Uploaded on: 08/08/2024 - 16:44   File size: 4.33 MB
the_mourners-1.0.3-neoforge-1.20.6.jar - Alpha 4 Uploaded on: 08/13/2024 - 23:54   File size: 4.43 MB
the_mourners-1.0.4-neoforge-1.20.6.jar - Beta 1 (I suppose this could be classified as being in beta this whole time but whatever) Uploaded on: 08/16/2024 - 03:10   File size: 7.45 MB
the_mourners-1.0.4-neoforge-1.21.1.jar - Beta 2 Uploaded on: 01/25/2025 - 19:57   File size: 8.05 MB

Version 1.0.0  - Alpha 1


  • Added structure: Ancient Village (Known as "mourner" in the mod files)
  • Added items: Corrupted Device and Complex Device (The portal ignitors, only the first one is currently obtainable)
  • Added dimension: Silent Expanse
  • Added biomes: Silent Wastes, Bonewood Forest
  • Added stone: Veinstone (Veinstone, Cobbled Veinstone, Scorched Cobbled Veinstone, Covered Veinstone, Veinstone Coal Ore)
  • Added wood: Bonewood (Log, Wood, Planks, Stairs, Slab, Fence, Fence Gate, Pressure Plate, Button)
  • Added weapons/tools: Bonewood Sword, Bonewood Pickaxe, Bonewood Axe, Bonewood Shovel, Bonewood Hoe)

Known Bugs:

  • Corrupted Device will remove durability and make sounds in certain instances where portal lighting is unsuccessful (Doesn't impact game too badly)
  • Bonewood fence gate, pressure plate and button use the default wood soundpack (It is not set to this)
  • Lava pits CAN generate in at least the Silent Expanse

Version 1.0.1 - Alpha 2


  • Added Biomes: Whispering Lowland, Bonewood Forest
  • Added Items: Shimmer Crystal Shard
  • Added Blocks: Shimmer Crystal Block, Condensed Shimmer Crystal Block, Vein Gravel, Purified Veinstone, Crystal Nylium, Crystaline Wart Block
  • Added Wood: Crystaline (Log, Wood, Planks, Stairs, Slab, Fence, Fence Gate, Pressure Plate, Button)
  • Added Plants/Fungi: Sculk Tendrils (Sculk Tendrils, Tall Sculk Tendrils), Crystaline Fungus (Grows into Tall Crystaline Fungus)


  • Reworked Silent Wastes: Silent Wastes was changed to be closer to a desert biome, and made more rare
  • Renamed Scorched Cobbled Veinstone to Purified Cobbled Veinstone

Currently Known Bugs:

  • Corrupted Device will remove durability and make sounds in certain instances where portal lighting is unsuccessful (Doesn't impact game too badly)
  • Bonewood fence gate, pressure plate and button use the default wood soundpack (It is not set to this)
  • Lava pits can generate in the dimension

Version 1.0.2 - Alpha 3


  • Added Structure: Ruined Centerpiece, a structure bearing resemblance to the centerpiece at the center of ancient villages. It serves as a way to get back to the overworld if you lose the portal you used to enter.
  • Added Items: Echo Tongue (Echo Tongue, Cooked Echo Tongue)
  • Added Plants/Fungi: Echo Cactus (Echo Cactus, Dead Echo Cactus, Echo Crystal)
  • Added Potion: Potion of Darkness (Potion, Splash Potion, Lingering Potion, Tipped Arrow)
  • Added Polished Veinstone Blocks: Polished Veinstone, Polished Veinstone Bricks (Stairs and Slab, Stained Polished Veinstone
  • Added Packed Silent Ash Blocks: Packed Silent Ash, Packed Silent Ash Bricks (Stairs and Slab)
  • Added Purified Cobbled Veinstone Stairs and Slab
  • Added Music Disc: ⎓ᔑ↸ᒷ↸ ╎リℸ ̣ 𝙹 ↸ᔑ∷ꖌリᒷᓭᓭ


  • Updated to Neoforge 1.20.6
  • Crystalline Fungi more common
  • Changed the way Crystal Nylium bonemealing is handled
  • Renamed Vein Gravel to Silent Ash

Currently Known Bugs:

  • Corrupted Device will remove durability and make sounds in certain instances where portal lighting is unsuccessful (Doesn't impact game too badly)
  • Bonewood fence gate, pressure plate and button use the default wood soundpack (It is not set to this)
  • Lava pits can generate in the dimension, as can copper veins. I hate it
  • Echo Cactus can only be placed on if you shift click (I know what’s wrong but I’m not sure how to fix it)

 Version 1.0.3 - Alpha 4


  • Added Biome: Twisting Spires
  • Added Structure: Lonely Crystal (A single shimmering crystal), Ruined Veinstone Lamp Post, Veinstone Lamp Post
  • Added Purified Veinstone Coal Ore
  • Added Purified and Unpurified Cobble Veinstone Wall
  • Added Empty Veinstone Lamp and Veinstone Lamp blocks
  • Added non purified versions of the Purified Veinstone blocks (bricks and such)
  • Added Packed Silent Ash Wall
  • Added Unknown Skull


  • Changed Polished Veinstone Bricks to Purified Polished Veinstone Bricks, and similar changes (These names get long…)
  • Changed Veinstone Coal Ore drops to be in a loot table, allowing silk touching and (hopefully) fortune usability
  • Certain veinstone blocks fixed to no longer need a stone pickaxe to mine
  • Changed certain veinstone brick blocks to use tuff brick sounds (previously not supported)
  • Changed polished veinstone blocks to use polished tuff sounds
  • Bonewood planks no longer in the tag “minecraft:planks”
  • Changed Bone recipe to only give 2 bones instead of 4
  • Doubled the Length of the darkness effect given by Echo Cacti

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where slab blocks were named stairs (Ex: Packed Ash Slab was named Packed Ash Stairs)
  • Fixed orientation issues with Echo Crystal
  • Double checked and fixed hardness and resistance values of many blocks
  • Fixed issue with recipes not working
  • Fixed Bone recipe using Bonewood
  • Fixed the advancement “Payback Time” not being given, as well as the capitalization of it
  • Fixed the issue where you could not place blocks on Echo Cacti without holding shift
  • may have fixed the issue of lava pit generation

Currently Known Bugs:

  • Corrupted Device will remove durability and make sounds in certain instances where portal lighting is unsuccessful (Doesn't impact game too badly)
  • Bonewood fence gate, pressure plate and button use the default wood soundpack (It is not set to this)
  • Large copper vein structures (or whatever they’re called) generate in the dimension

 Version 1.0.4 - Beta 1 


  • Added Structure: Subterranean Ruins
  • Added Mobs: Silentman, Tyrantula
  • Added Strengthened Echo Shards
  • Added the Soul Forge (Not Functional)
  • Finally added portal texture (Recolored Nether Portal, likely will change in the future) and portal particles
  • Added Polished Veinstone Stairs, Slabs, and Walls


  • Endermen now spawn in Shimmering Plateau
  • Achievement “Poor Thing” now shows a bird skull
  • Re-added Bonewood Planks to the tag “minecraft:planks”
  • Bone recipe gives 4 bones again, and uses Logs instead of Planks
  • Bonewood weapons/tools now use bones and Strengthened Echo Shards
  • Bonewood Fences and Fence Gates no longer use bones in the recipe
  • Recipes used for Bonewood Compatibility (ex. Bonewood Crafting Table Recipe, Bonewood Campfire Recipe) removed due to tag updates
  • Changed portal ambience sound from “entity.warden.agitated” to “entity.warden.heartbeat”
  • Water now “evaporates” in the dimension.
  • Echo Cactus and Dead Echo Cactus model and texture updated to have the dimensions of a regular cactus, as well as include spines
  • Echo Cactus and Dead Echo Cactus now hurt when walking on top of them (Echo Cactus does not give darkness effect)
  • Crystalline Logs and Wood now use the Hyphae soundpack
  • Particles for breaking Unknown Skulls show the soul sand texture similar to other skulls, and changed the soundpack to stone
  • Twisting Spires now generates patches of cobwebs
  • Repair item of Bonewood tools now Strengthened Echo Shards

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed reactions to being pushed by pistons for certain blocks
  • Fixed issues with block colours on maps
  • Ruined Veinstone Lamp Posts no longer generate in the Twisting Spires biome

Currently Known Bugs:

  • Corrupted Device will remove durability and make sounds in certain instances where portal lighting is unsuccessful (Doesn't impact game too badly)
  • Bonewood fence gate, pressure plate and button use the default wood soundpack (It is not set to this)
  • Large copper vein structures (or whatever they’re called) generate in the dimension

 Version 1.0.5 - Beta 2


  • Updated to 1.21.1
  • Added Structure: Ancient Mural
  • Added Mobs: Silent Mourner
  • Added Carvings, both craftable (Arachnid Carving, Ender Carving, Unidentifiable Carving, Fungal Carving) and uncraftable (Souls Carving, Top Left Mural Carving, Top Right Mural Carving, Bottom Left Mural Carving, Bottom Right Mural Carving)
  • Added blocks: Unidentifiable Statue, Bonewood Bars
  • Added Item: Petrified Bone
  • Added plants/fungi: Petrified Stem, Crystalline Cactus (and related)
  • Added enchantment: Purity
  • Added Soulium (Soulium, Awakened Soulium, Soulium Ore)
  • Added the Crystalline Purifier


  • Soul Forge is now functional, it doesn’t require fuel, but must be in a biome tagged with “forge:soul_forge_fueling”, which includes most Silent Expanse biomes, the soul sand valley, and the deep dark
  • Changed up some rooms in the Subterranean Ruins structure
  • Bones in recipes relating to this mod are replaced with Petrified Bones
  • Silentmen now drop Faded Pearls instead of Ender Pearls
  • Echo Crystal (The block) renamed to Echo Crystal Cluster
  • Soul Sand and Soul Soil are now the only infinitely burning blocks in The Silent Expanse
  • Mobs can now spawn at higher light levels in The Silent Expanse
  • The Silent Expanse now has more vertically stretched generation

Bug Fixes:

  • Silentmen now have a smaller shadow
  • Copper and Iron ore veins no longer generate
  • Piglins no longer can survive in The Silent Expanse

Currently Known Bugs:

  • Corrupted Device will remove durability and make sounds in certain instances where portal lighting is unsuccessful (Doesn't impact game too badly)
  • Bonewood fence gate, pressure plate and button use the default wood soundpack (It is not set to this)

I kinda stopped doing this for a while, that's how projects usually go. I came back here because I felt like I should continue it, and I never did see the praise that people have left. Idk if anyone will actually see this, but stay tuned, as I have decided to work on it some more. Thank you all

Among probably another hundred of mods that include sculk dimensions, this one stands probably among the top ones. I find the idea of ancient cities that have not stood the test of time particularly intriguing, and I like that there are many different biomes in this dimension, similarly to the Nether (Although no one can beat the Greg dimension).
This mod seems crafted with skill, passion and care, good job!

Looks cool. though the images are hard to see so i might suggest updating them with images where you have night vision or something.