This mod adds a few new blocks, that open up a whole new world of tasty, map-building creator tools for the eager map builders around the world.
It also adds a whole new dimension, the Candyland. To get there, you need to make a nether portal-like shape, but out of the new candy cane blocks. Then to ignite the portal, you grab the item titled Suspicious Candy Cane and light it by right clicking with the item in hand, whilst facing the portal structure and you should be able to literally walk into another dimension, Candyland!
Overall the blocks can be used for many things from making maps, to building giant candy canes with the candy cane block.
It has been tested and so far no bugs have appeared. I am hoping to come out with another update adding a few more blocks including gingerbread. The existing blocks will hopefully meet your needs, then I will add and possibly replace some blocks in the upcoming near future.
I will add about 10 blocks in the next update, maybe even a few mobs as well, and some more items. I will come out with more mods like this in the future (I hope) and hopefully they will be better because I will have practiced quite a bit.
I hope you make some awesome creations, weather they are houses, giant candy canes, heck, why not even make a mansion because sometimes you've got to stop and use your creativity. And it will come to you, you can do basically anything with so little materials, but such a big imagination.
- Gingerbread Block
- Gingerbread Roof Tile
- Gingerbread man
- Too Much Candy effect & potion
- Sugarfused Enchantment
- Candyworld Music Disc
- Candyland obtainable water
- Candy Painting
- Gumdrops
- Ice cream items
Fairy floss
Chocolate Item
- Chocolate
- Piping bag
- Jelly
- Counter
- Counter GUI
- Chocolate painting
- Melted Chocolate
- Apple juice
- Sugar crush damage type
- Marshmallow
- Sugar rush advancement
Main menu overlay
- Popping candy
- Cabinet
Popping upgrade- advancement
- Candycane armor
- Cabinet GUI
Candycane Button
- Choc drop painting
- Candycane Item
- Storage king andvancement
- Back to basics advancement
- /sugarfuse command
candy item
20/1/25 pre added:
- Unripe wood pack
- Sugarfused wood pack
- Cocoa powder
- Candyland master advancement
New logo
- Jawbreaker
- Liquorice
- Liquorice consumed avancement
Small cookie
21/01/25 pre-added:
- Iced gingerbread
- Iced gingerbread stairs
- Empty gum packet
- Gum packet
- Updated iced gingerbread stairs texture
- Ice gingerbread slab
- Iced gingerbread
- Iced gingerbread stairs
- Empty gum packet
- Gum packet
- Crusher
Hi! I'm the creator!