XP Farming

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Welcome to XP Farming!

XP Farming is a mod that takes the literal meaning of farming XP, and puts it into Minecraft! 


Tired of building mob farms? Grinding spawners? Hunting down Trial Chambers?
Well, with this mod, you can simply farm your XP using plants! With 5 unique, interesting plant choices, why not try out your green thumb?

Recommended to use JEI to view recipes, and WAILA or similar mods to view crop growth.


Plant Types


Experience Plant

  • The most basic XP plant! Experience Seeds can be found by breaking Mystical Sprouts across the world or crafting them with wheat seeds and a Bottle O' Enchanting! They have 5 stages.
  • Takes about 7 Minutes to grow, and yields about 10 XP per crop.
  • One use. Break the crop to gain your XP!

XP Bulb

  • An optional progression plant. The XP Bulb can be crafted using Condensed Experience and a Stardrop, along with some Experience Seeds. They have 4 stages.
  • Takes about 11 minutes to grow, and yields about 20 XP per crop.
  • Infinite use. Right-Click to harvest the plant. Has a small chance to drop XP Jelly. It will then reset its grow cycle.

Amethyst Thorn

  • The second progression plant tier. The Amethyst Thorn Bud is crafted using amethyst and an experience seed. They have 3 stages.
  • Takes about 10 minutes to grow. They will yield anywhere from 12-24 XP per crop.
  • One use. Break the crop to gain your XP!

Sculking Vines

  • The third progression tier. The Sculking Vine Pods can be crafted using Sculk, Echo Shards, and an Amethyst bud. Alternatively, breaking Sculking Hyphae and Sculking Weeds can rarely drop Sculking Vine Pods, however they are only found in the Deep Dark. They have 4 stages.
  • Takes about 6 minutes to grow. Yields about 20 XP per crop.
  • One-Use/Infinite. Break the crop to gain your XP. However, the Sculking Vines can infinitely grow vertically, if left alone. 

Flesh Maw

  • A non-required progression tier. The Flesh Maw Seeds can be crafted using Netherwart, Amethyst Thorn Buds, Sculking Vine Pods, and Mystical Fertilizer.
  • In order to grow to mature, you must feed the plant raw meat or beetroots. Simply right-click the plant, and it has a chance to grow into the next stage. When mature, it will reach 3 blocks above it, the final block growing fruit. The fruit takes about 7 minutes to replenish. Harvesting it drops 10 XP and a Maw Bladder.
  • Infinite Use. Make sure to have at least 3 blocks above the Maw cleared. Right-Click the top-most block to harvest Maw Bladders.

Soul Blossom

  •  A non-required progression tier. The Soul Blossom can be crafted using soul sand, XP Bulbs, Sculking Vine Pods, and Mystical Fertilizer.
  • Takes about 8 minutes to grow. When mature, releases spores every 4-5 minutes nearby that, when destroyed, drop XP. Each Spore produces 3 XP, and a max of 17 spore can be released at a time, for a total of 51 XP per harvest.
  • Infinite/One-Use. The Spore Blossom itself produces spores infinitely, but the spores need to be destroyed for XP. Produces in a 2x3 area around the Spore Blossom.

Chorus Bush

  • The fourth progression tier. The Chorus Bush can be crafted with a Sculking Seed Pod, Popped Chorus Fruit, an Eye of Ender, and some Mystical Fertilizer.
  • Takes about 8 minutes to grow. Yields about 20 XP per crop.
  • Infinite Use. Right-Click the bush to harvest Spectral Berries, which when eaten, give XP. The bush will regrow these berries about 4-6 minutes later.

Dragons Plume

  • The final progression tier. The Dragons Plume Seeds can be crafted with Chorus Bush Seeds, Soul Seeds, Ender Pearls, Dragons Breath, and Mystical Fertilizer.
  • Takes about 12 minutes to grow. Yields anywhere from 30-60 XP per harvest.
  • Infinite Use. Right-Click the flower to produce a plume of spores and XP. The flower is ready to harvest again after about 4 minutes.

Magic Beans

  • A rare, non progression plant. They are a rare drop from breaking Mystical Sprouts found around the overworld.
  • Takes about 15-20 minutes to grow. Does not yield XP, instead produces a single Magical XP Fruit.
  • One Use. Must have at least 8 blocks above the sprout cleared. Grows a beanstalk that, when destroyed, drops a Magical XP Fruit used in crafting recipes. 


Mystical Shears

  • Crafting Mystical Shears requires a regular pair of Shears and a Stardrop Fruit. Using these Shears, right-click any XP Plant to turn it into a decorative block. These decorative blocks can be placed anywhere, but they lose the ability to produce XP! Mystical Shears also act as faster shears.


Wild Plants


Mystical Sprout

  • The Mystical Sprout can be found anywhere grass grows. When broken, they drop some XP and sometimes Experience Seeds.

Stardrop Plant

  • The Stardrop Plant can be found almost anywhere in the Overworld, but are more common underground. While rare, they boast a shining blue flower. When destroyed, they drop Stardrop Fruit.

Death Lotus

  • The Death Lotus is a rare flower found on the surface. It is deep purple and pink in color. When destroyed, drops a Death Lotus Flower



Unique Items


Mystical Fertilizer

  •  Crafted with Sugar, Dirt, Amethyst, and Lapis, Mystical Fertilizer is needed to grow advanced crops. Right-Click with the fertilizer on any farmland to turn it into Enriched Farmland, which most XP crops need to grow on
  • A basic resource. Needed in some crafting recipes.

Condensed Experience

  • Condensed Experience can be made by smelting Bottles O' Enchanting in a furnace. Alternatively, using the new enchantment, Condensing, there is a 25% chance from a slain mob to drop Condensed Experience.
  • When Right-Clicked, Condensed Experience can be broken into raw XP.
  • Can be crafted into a Block of Condensed Experience

Block of Condensed Experience

  • A bright green block. Glows similar to that of a Sea Lantern.
  • When placed around an Enchantment Table, it works similar to that of a single Bookshelf, giving 1 Enchantability.

XP Jelly

  • Harvested from XP Bulbs. When eaten, gives some hunger and saturation.
  • A common resource and food. Used in some crafting recipes.

Stardrop Fruit

  • Stardrop Fruit can be found by breaking Stardrops.
  • When eaten, they give Luck Boost and some hunger.
  • A rare resource and food. Used in some crafting recipes and brewing.

Glistening Stardrop Fruit

  • Crafted by combining a Stardrop Fruit with 8 emeralds, the Glistening Stardrop fruit is an amplified Stardrop, like a Golden Apple.
  • When eaten, they give Luck Boost II, Absorption II, and lots of hunger.
  • A rare resource and food. Used in brewing.

Death Lotus Flower

  • Found by breaking a Death Lotus; A deep, pink and purple flower.
  • A rare resource. Used in brewing.

Spectral Berries

  • Harvested from Chorus Bushes. They are a food.
  • When eaten, they give 3 XP and a little bit of hunger.
  • A rare food.

Maw Bladder

  • Harvested from Flesh Maws. When eaten, they give some hunger and 20 XP. However, they're quite nasty, and give Poison and Nausea for a couple seconds.
  • A common resource and food. Used in some crafting recipes.

Purified Bladder

  • Crafted from a Maw Bladder and 4 Spectral berries. When eaten, gives 35 XP and some hunger. Does not have any adverse side effects.
  • A rare food.

XP Jelly Roll

  • A powerful food. When eaten, gives Experience Boost III, Spped, Haste, Regeneration, and Jump Boost. Can be eaten up to 3 times before disappearing.
  • Crafted with XP Jelly, Magical XP Fruit, Glistening Stardrop Fruit, and a Maw Bladder.
  • A super rare food.

Experience Amulet

  • A unique and powerful item. It can be used to store up to 30 XP Levels per amulet.
  • Crafted with a Block of Emerald, a Stardrop Fruit, 2 Iron Ingots, String, and 2 Condensed Experiences.
  • Right-Click to store XP Levels. Shift Right-Click to extract XP levels. The durability shows how much XP is in the Amulet.
  • A unique tool.

Enhanced Bookshelf

  • Crafted using a Bookshelf and 8 XP Jellies. 1.5x as powerful as regular Bookshelves, meaning you only need 12 as opposed to 15 shelves around an Enchantment Table.
  • A rare block.


Enchantments and Potions


Experience Boost

  • A potion effect. Boosts XP dropped from slaying mobs. Scales based off of the mob's max HP and potion level.
  • Tier I be brewed by using a Stardrop Fruit, Tier II can be brewed using Glistening Stardrop, and Tier III brewed with a Magical XP Fruit. Alternatively eating a Stardrop Fruit or Glistening Stardrop will grant Experience Boost I and II, respectively.

Death Defiance

  • A totem-of-undying-like effect. When your HP drops to 0, the potion effect will be removed and you will be granted a second chance. The effect doesn't last for long, so use it wisely.
  • Brewed using a Death Lotus.


  • An uncommon enchantment. When applied, every mob slain has a 25% chance to drop Condensed Experience.
  • Can only be applied to weapons.


  • A rare enchantment. When applied, mobs have roughly a 10% chance to drop a Bottle O' Enchanting.
  • Can only be applied to weapons.


Minecraft mod files
xpfarming-1.3.0-forge-1.20.1.jar - XP Farming 1.3.0 - Forge 1.20.1 Uploaded on: 03/14/2025 - 01:34   File size: 696.12 KB
xpfarming-1.2.0-forge-1.20.1.jar - XP Farming 1.2.0 - Forge 1.20.1 Uploaded on: 02/27/2025 - 19:30   File size: 494.79 KB
xpfarming-1.0.1-forge-1.20.1.jar - XP Farming 1.0.1 - Forge 1.20.1 Uploaded on: 02/26/2025 - 15:51   File size: 288.07 KB
xpfarming-1.0.0-forge-1.20.1.jar - XP Farming 1.0.0 - Forge 1.20.1 Uploaded on: 02/25/2025 - 20:01   File size: 288.07 KB


-Added XP Farming




- Changed Experience Seed Recipe
    - Output 2 > 4
- Changed Amethyst Thorn Bud Recipe
    - Output 2 > 3
    -Takes 3 Experience Seeds, 4 Amethyst, 2 Mystical Fertilizers
- Changed Sculking Vine Pod Recipe
    - Output 2 > 3
    - Takes 3 Amethyst Thorn Bud, 4 Echo Shards, 2 Mystical Fertilizers
- Changed Chorus Bush Seed Recipe 
    - Output 1 > 2
    - Takes 4 Popped Chorus, 2 Sculking Seed Pods, 1 Death Lotus, 2 Mystical Fertilizers
- Changed Stardrop Fruit 
    - Saturation x40 > x5
- Changed Glistening Stardrop Fruit
    - Saturation x80 > x20





- Flesh Maw Seed

- Flesh Maw Crop

- Soul Blossom Seed

- Soul Blossom Crop

- Dragons Plume Seed

- Dragons Plume Crop

- Magic Beans

- Magic Beanstalk Crop

- Magic XP Fruit

- Block of Condensed Experience

- Enhanced Bookshelf

- Maw Bladder Item

- Purified Bladder Item

- XP Jelly

- XP Jelly Roll

- Experience Boost III Potion

- 7 New Achievements

- 2 New Particles



- Changed Experience Amulet Recipe

- Changed Stardrop Plant spawn rate

- Changed some achievement roots around





- Engrossed Apple

- Enchanted Engrossed Apple

- Sculking Bladder

- Block of Condensed Echoes (Echo Shard Block)

- Mystical Shears

- Decorative forms of every XP Plant

Very very interresting mod, I like that!
May I use your mod in a modpack?

I like XP, I like Crops, I like your mod!!