This project is restarting from the begining and possibly not look like the original idea!
Old files would still be downloadable.
Sunny Moony Magic (SMM) is a magic mod that's adding new magical stuff in your minecraft game. There are two magic energies: The Elthire (the sunshine energy) and the Ilteri (the moonshine energy). Use this two energies to make your life easier but don't let them controle you.
Your your first step to control those magic energy is to craft an altar. Then right click the altar with amethist crytal during night or day and get magical crystal.
Crush thos crystals into powder with a mortar. Put this powder in your off-hand, glass in your main hand and roght click the altar again to get magic orbs. Craft a staff with those orbs and some living given by living trunks.
Charge your mana bars with extra orbs and jave fun with your new magic powers.
Obviously take the latest version.
(and don't forget to upvote)
Sunny Moony Magic 1.20.1
- Added altar
Added mortar and pestle
- Added sun and moon shards
- Added sun and moon dust
- Added sun and moon orbs
- Added Elthire staff
- Added Iltheri staff
- added Elthire and Iltheri mana bar
- added living trunk
- added living stick
- changed Staffs' crafts
- added the belowland dimension
- added the empty land biome
- added the moonlight plains biom
- added belowstone and belowstone variant (ex:bricks)
- added mossybelowstone
- added moongrass
- added moonblooms
- added moon lightbulb
- added mooncrystal block
- added moonsand
- added redclay (deposit, block, bricks)
- added amethyst lens
- added godesses statue (sun, moon)
changed altar
- added reclay ball
- added redclay brick (light, dark)
- added unstable compound
I'm offended at the idea of killing "horrible" creepers. :(