I worked for 5 months straight working on this. Don't you dare remove this. I am not gonna give up.
CrazyCraft! - A LOT of stuff. Here is everything in 0.5 Beta:
Honey Items: Honeycomb, Honey, and Honey in a Jar
Plants/Food, Green Grapes, Green Grapes, Tomato, BBQ, Ketchup, and Sleeping Sauce/Sleeping Agent
Monster Hunter Ultimate Items: Herb, Sleep Herb, Fire Herb, Ice Herb, Mild Spice Plant, Hot Spice Plant, Fire Spice Plant, Felvine, and Sleeping Agent
Water items: Aqua Coral, Orange Coral, and Salmon Coral
Emerald Tools and Weapons
Silver Tools and Weapons
Rainbow Tools and Weapons
Obsidian Tools and Weapons
Ruby Tools and Weapons
FireStone Tools and Weapons
New Ores: Silver Ore, Rainbow Ore, Obsidian Shard,
Blocks: Ruby Block, Smoothed Ruby Block, and Smooth Obsidian
Well, that is all the items. I will work hard for it to be released! Please don't remove!
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