This mod has been fully moved to CurseForge.
Only major updates can be downloaded from here as of 09-06-2022.
Changelogs and small content patches/updates can only be found on CurseForge.
The link to the CurseForge page is here:
But the latest version that is available now is 6.1.5 for Minecraft Forge 1.16.5
This mod mostly adds decoration blocks, new foods, tools, armor, and of course most important of them all: ORES!
This update adds up to 35 new advancements in total to the mod and your world! Your very first advancement is completed when you've joined your newly created world or any world in which the mod was NOT loaded. From there you can branch off to certain parts of the mod like; Foods, Decoration blocks &, etc. For more information about this mod is available on CurseForge, all full changelogs can also be found there!
@#2 Yes all of the textures are original,