Birdstar's Dream

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Birdstar's Dream is a simple and light mod which adds a whole new layer of pregression to your Minecrafting experience with Obsidian tools, faster ways to get the coveted Elytra, and many new foods, blocks, and crafting recipes for previously hard-to-get basic resources.



Obsidian Sword

  • Crafted using Blaze Rods and Obsidian Shards
  • Has 14 attack damage (7 hearts)
  • 3073 Durability

Obsidian Pickaxe

  • Crafted using Blaze Rods and Obsidian Shards
  • 3073 Durability
  • Same mining level and speed as Diamond tools

Obsidian Axe

  • Crafted using Blaze Rods and Obsidian Shards
  • 3073 Durability
  • Same mining level and speed as Diamond tools

Obsidian Shovel

  • Crafted using Blaze Rods and Obsidian Shards
  • 3073 Durability
  • Same mining level and speed as Diamond tools

Iskallium Sword

  • Crafted with Charged Iskallium Shards
  • 19 Attack Damage (9.5 hearts)
  • 4096 Durability

All of the tools can be enchanted.



Obsidian Shard

Obsidian Shards are obtained three ways.

  • Mining - Mine Obsidian Ore to get one shard. Obsidian Ore spawns similarly to Diamonds.
  • Smelting - Smelt a block of obsidian to get one Obsidian Shard.
  • Crafting - Put 8 Obsidian Blocks around a Flint and Steel in a Crafting Table to get 16 Obsidian Shards.

Iskallium Shard

Iskallium Shards are used to craft Iskallified Slime Blocks and Charged Iskallium Shards.

Charged Iskallium Shard

Used to craft Charged Iskallified Slime Blocks


Used to craft Buns.

Brown Sugar

Also used to craft Buns


Crafted with an iron ingot in the top right corner and bottom left corner, and an iron nugget in the middle. This recipe yields 4. This item is used to craft Chain armour.

Dye Catalyst

Dye Catalyst is crafted with a + shape of Diamond Nuggets around any of the 16 dyes, yielding 16 of the item, and this item is used to craft the Dye Blocks.




Comes in two varieties - Top and Bottom. Both are needed to make Burgers. One bar of hunger, half a bar of saturation.

Ground Beef

Crafted using just a Steak. Cooked version made by cooking the regular ground beef, and isn't craftable. Both are edible and are slightly better than half of their steak counterparts.


Crafted using just Ground Beef. Cooked version only obtained by smelting an uncooked Patty in a furnace. Both are edible and are about as good as the Ground Beef counterparts.


Crafted using both bun types on respective sides around a Cooked Patty. Better than one of each bun + a cooked patty.

Birdstar's Food

A Golden Apple surrounded by Obsidian Shards in a Crafting Table. This food isn't good for saturation, but you get some nice status effects from it.

Diamond Carrots

Diamond Carrots are crafter with a golden carrot surrounded with a + shape of diamond nuggets.



Obsidian Ore

Obsidian Ore spawns similar to diamonds and yields one Obsidian Shard per ore. Fortune does not have an effect.

Iskallified Slime

A fancy building block which has a particle effect inside it. It's translucent, so it acts like Glass, or Slime. The proper tool is a pickaxe but you can break it with your fist. It generates similar to diamonds.

Charged Iskallified Slime

Another fancy building block with a bigger particle effect inside it. It is also translucent and it emits light. Proper tool is also a pickaxe but it can be broken with your fist. It generates high up in the Nether.

Compressed Slime

Five Slime Blocks in a + shape surrounded by Charged Iskallium Shards in the corners yields this block. This block is just a building block which serves as a method of "compressing" your slime, much like using Compressed Blocks in Extra Utilities. Compressed Slime Blocks can be uncrafted to yield 45 slimeballs (the amount needed to craft it, excluding what's needed to make the Charged Iskallium Shards). Compressed Slime can be broken with your fist, and the proper tool is a pickaxe.

Dye Blocks

Dye Clocks are crafted with a Dye Catalyst in the middle of 8 dyes. The dyes must match in order to make the block and the recipe yields 4.

New Crafting Recipes



Saddles have three new crafting recipes. One which is an iron ingot surrounded by leather (yields 2 saddles), one which is like a leather cap, with a string in the middle and an iron ingot at the bottom-middle, and one which is like the second one but with a stick instead of string.


Elytras are now craftable, with a Slime block in the middle, a Compressed Slime block at the middle top, two Iskallium Shards in the top corners, and leather on the other two middle slots, and leather in the bottom corners.

Blaze Rod

Blaze Rods are now craftable with three sticks in the middle column, and the other 6 slots filled with torches.

World Generation



Obsidian Ore

Obsidian Ore generates up to Y=32, has two veins per chunk, and generates up to 4 ores per chunk. It no longer generates in the Nether.

Iskallified Slime

Iskallified Slime generates up to Y=20 only in the overworld. It spawns 2 veins of up to 3 per chunk.

Charged Iskallified Slime

Charged Iskallified Slime generates from Y=85 to Y=128 in the Nether. It spawns 2 veins of up to 2 blocks per chunk.

Any feedback is appreciated! Leave a comment with suggestions/ideas, or just opinions!

*You may use this in public modpacks as you wish, but do not distribute this mod yourself unless it's in a modpack.*

*If you want to share this mod without anything else, please use the Curse/CurseForge links.*

Note: The image is the *actual* logo of the mod, which refers to my YouTube profile photo, which is how I brand myself. If that's seriously why this was removed the first time then that's total bogus.

Minecraft mod files
birdstarsdream-1.11.2-release_1.0.3.jar - First working release Uploaded on: 09/21/2017 - 22:36   File size: 552.33 KB
birdstarsdream-1.11.2-release_1.1.0.jar - First major update: The Slimey Update Uploaded on: 09/24/2017 - 17:42   File size: 970.36 KB

Oh this looks awesome, in depth and a just plain out good mod. LOTSA STUFF

i also make mods, they aren't good, at least the textures