Exploration Craft

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Thank you all so much for the downloads :D I have enjoyed making this mod for you guys! <3 Go check my 2nd mod PVP & Combat Expansion+ :)



This mod is about exploring your world and finding new ores weapons and blocks. This mod has a big future and features over 80+ new things added to minecraft!



The plants like the strawberries and tomatoes are everywhere and are really common. The armor has really small bars and they make it look weird but you probably wont notice it. Cherry Leaves have a x-ray glitch when you place them on or next to a block.The names of the stuff are messed up to if someone can help tell me what to do to fix this please. 


  • Working on Oreberry Bushes

Backup link


This is another Exploration craft so just in case something goes wrong ill use the back up :) you guys are more than welcome to download either of them <3

(If it doesn't work MCreater might of taken that one off their page)

Backstory about this mod and how it began to become a reality?

One day I started playing with minecraft mods so when i played a bunch of them I thought wouldn't it be cool to make a mod. So i found this website and got to making this mod, as  soon as I felt like there were enough stuff I would publish it so people can enjoy this mod and have the thrill of having new things added to their minecraft world. I have always been one of those people to be like lets make an app lets make a website or lets make a game(By the way i haven't done it yet). Well I have submitted this for MOTW and thanks for the downloads too :D.

Minecraft mod files
Exploration Craft2.jar - This mod adds 80+ new things into minecraft including magic, weapons, gear, dimensions, and biomes the ultimate mod! Uploaded on: 01/28/2018 - 23:53   File size: 753.84 KB

For some reason the item names are glitched it is like Item.example.name is there a way i can fix this?

I hope you guys enjoy the new stuff I have added :)
Much more stuff is coming no spoilers yet. :(

Re-textured Blocks:
Aerex Log
Diamond Log
Iron Log
Ruby Ore
Yellorite Ore

Exploration Craft has been updated to v1.0.1 Beta! Hurry and click that download button!

Change log:
Water Orb
Red Skittle
Green Skittle
Ring of Sane (Finally no fall damage!)
Tropical Fish
Chicken Cannon (OMG OMG OMG OMG)
Etherium (Does nothing at the moment)


This is a little i guess peak of what will be added


Hello guys, I am sorry for the delay but i will be updating the mod this week! I have added a few things

P.S I couldn't add the crystal ball it tells me it doesn't have a texture but i will be working hard on it! God's Eye also couldn't get added sorry, therefore I added some stuff to replace it. Enjoy :)

New Stuff coming including the following
God's eye
Tropical fish (Edible doesn't and cant be obtained)
More Skittles!
Ring of Sane

Thank you for the support for this mod if you have any suggestions fire me away with item and block etc. stuff! <3 <3