Swordsman Clive

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Welcome, player, to the world of Swordsman Clive! Well, not really...

In this mod, you go through 5 levels of weapons which combine to create a piece of the legendary sword, Beatrice! Collect these weapons and tools by doing a bit of caving and a lot of crafting. Once all of these are combined, you will have the majesty, Beatrice. I suggest using a mod that lets you see the crafting recipes for these terrible monstrosities alongside it.

Please excuse my beginner-level texturing and concepts. This might as well be used as an addon mod to other mods since no mobs have been created and very few food items have been made. I work on a Mac so it is difficult to make good quality models and textures in thing program. Please, if there are any bugs or strange happenings, report them to me right away and I will crank-out a new version for you to possibly enjoy. This mod will not be updated to newer versions unless it really needs to be. If you have any complaints, send them to me so I can improve my mod! Thank you and have fun!

Minecraft mod files
SwordsmanClive.jar - SwordzAndStuffz Uploaded on: 03/26/2018 - 17:55   File size: 465.9 KB

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