The Animated Craft {In Alpha/PreBeta}

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The Textures of Cookie,Strawberry,Carrot,Potato,Posioned Potato and Baked Potato are from RaoltheBest!

A Mystic,Fantasy and Secrets!     I hope you like it! Better Play with Just Enough Items!

+Crystal with animated textures

+Kelp Plant,KelpItem,DriedkelpItem,DriedKelpBlock With animated Textures

+Sea Grass With animated Textures

+Nautilus Shell,Frozen Shell,Shell

+3D Trident

+Heart of Sea,Prismarine Heart,Underwater Eye

+Security Puppet Item With No Funktion Yet

+Nyan Ore,Nyan Poptart,Nyan Armor,Poptart Crumb

+Blue Ice that when destroyed it dropps Frozen Shells

+Charcoal Block

+Blaze Lantern

+New Feathers,Maps!

+Rat Scales,Raw Rat,Cooked Rat

+Scute,Turtle Helmet

+Cod,Salmon,Pufferfish,Clownfish Buckets with no Funktion Yet

+Cookie Block,Carrot Block,Potato/Poisoned/Baked Block,Raw/Cooked Cod/Salmon Block,Rottenflesh/Spider Eye Block and Strawberry Block

+Strawberry,Strawberry Bush

+Spectral Ore/Block/Ingot/Bricks/Nuggets/Berries/Frame With animated Textures

+Rainbow Sand/Bricks/Glass/BoneBlock/Block/Ore With animated Textures

+Molten Rainbow That cannot find yet With animated Textures

+Rainbow Star/Cake/Bone/Dust/Brick/Stick/Gem/Bow/Arrow/Powder/Rod/Compass With animated Textures

+Rainbow Diamond Sword/Pickaxe/Axe/Shovel/Bow/Arrows With animated Textures

+Diamond Stick

+Rainbow Sword/Pickaxe/Axe/Shovel With animated Textures

+Legendary Rainbow Sword With animated Textures

+Clear Glass,Reinforced Iron/Gold/Diamond Blocks

+Strenght Item that gives you Strenght for 30 Seconds

+New Biome:Rainbow Land

+New Dimension:The Forgotten

+Usb Chest/Charger that larger than one Chest!

+Rainbow Mob Heads Creeper/Skeleton/Wither

+MC T-Shirts Turtle Helmet/Pufferfish/Rainbow Powder/Pickaxe!

+Debug/Brain Block!

+Dolphin/Drowned/Phantom Item! With animated Textures

+New Mobs:Rainbow Creeper/Skeleton/Mob/chicken/Villager and a Turtle/Rat/Water Villager!

Rainbow Skeleton/Creeper Dropps Bone/Head

Rainbow Mob Dropps Nautilus Shell

Rainbow Villager Dropps Rainbow Rod

Rainbow Chicken Dropps Rainbow Powder

Turtle Dropps Scute

Rat Dropps Raw Rat/Scales

Water Villager Dropps Nautilus Shells




Minecraft mod files
The Animatedcraft [1.12.2].jar - Add Lots of New Stuff! Uploaded on: 05/03/2018 - 15:47   File size: 6.05 MB

A world of mystics,fantasy and a secrets    I Hope you like This Mod!

Better Play With Just Enough Items

This Mod adds for you nice players

+Rainbowland This is a biome with Trees The log is Rainbow Bone Block and the Leaves are Rainbow Glass the Undergrouand block is Rainbow Sand

+New End Dimension Forgotten.... Where are we? Sry for my Bed English xD

+8 New Mobs     Water Villager,Turtle,Rat,Rainbow Creeper,Rainbow Skeleton,Rainbow Chicken,Rainbow Mob and Rainbow Villager!

+Kelp Plant that wen destroys it drops kelp and you can smelt kelp to dried kelp Has animated Textures

+Sea grass No Funktion Yet Has Animated Textures

+Crystals in colors Black,White,Pink,Green,Blue,Indigo,Madgreen,orange,Red,Yellow and Violet has animated textures

+Usb Charger This is larger than normal chest

+Rottenfleshblock,potatoblock,driedkelpblock,strawberryblock,cookieblock,carrotblock,poisoned potatoblock,baked potatoblock,raw  fishblock,cooked fishblock,raw salmonblock,cooked salmonblock,sugar caneblock,charcoalblock,Clear Glass,Reinforced Diamondblock,Reinforced Goldblock,Reinforced Ironblock and Spider Eye block

+Nautilus Shell

+Heart of Sea

+Frozen Shell,Shell

+Underwater Eye


+Turtle Helmet with water breathing

+Trident with 3D texture OMG!

+Pufferfish,Clownfish,Cod,salmon Buckets! No Funktion Yet

+Security Puppet Item No Funktion Yet

+Blue Ice that dropps Frozen Shells

+Nyan Ore

+Nyan Poptart

+Poptart Crumb

+Nyan Armor


+Dried Kelp

+Blaze Lantern

+Prismarine Heart

+Rat Scales,Raw Rat,Cooked Rat

+Strawberry,Strawberry Bush

+Spectral Ore

+Spectral Ore Frame

+Spectral Ingot,Nuggets,Berries

+Spectral Bricks

+Spectral Block

+Rainbow Sand,Rainbow Glass,Rainbow Block,Rainbow Bone Block,Rainbow Bricks,DEBUG BLOCK,Rainbow Ore With animated Textures

+Rainbow Bone,Rainbow Cake,Rainbow BrickItem,Rainbow Stick,Rainbow Villager Powder/Rod,Rainbow Dust,Rainbow Star and Rainbow Gem With animated Textures

+Rainbowdiamond Sword,Rainbow Diamond Pickaxe/Axe/Shovel With animated Textures

+Rainbow Sword/Pickaxe/Axe/Shovel/Bow/Arrow With animated Textures

+Rainbow Armor

+Legendary Rainbow Sword with 20 Attack Damage ! OMG! With animated Textures

+Molten Rainbow {Cannot get yet} With animated Textures

+Diamond Stick/Arrow/Bow

+DolphinItem,DrownedItem and Phantom Item With animated Textures

+More Mob Heads:Rainbow Creeper/skeleton/Wither

+Brain Block


+Strenght Item that gives you Strenght for 30 seconds

+Rainbow Compass With animated Textures

+Turtle Helmet,Pufferfish,Rainbow Powder/Pickaxe T-Shirts!

I Hope you like This Mod!

MFG MoltenSpringtrap

the Spectrite mod. it adds a very rare but OP material. i use it to fight high-powered mobs and bosses in mods, so that i can later do it in normal survival with less high-powered tools.

Does the villager trade items like the vanilla villagers? And if so, how did you do it?