The Hulking Giants Mod

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 The Hulking Giants Mod Brings in the Mutants from 1.7.10 and also add new ones. This mod will bring back the coolness of the Mutant Creatures in a new way. It is currently stable and has a few spelling mistakes, It is only in english tho, sorry.


This Mod brings in Hulking version of the normal mobs in Minecraft and they can be spawned with custom egg blocks that can be crafted with chemicalX and each mobs items. The chemical x also has a crafting recipe.The Eggs Have to Be right Clicked When placed.

The Ender hand teleports you to the block you click.The husk Staff is a multitool. The creeper shard explodes the block you click it on. The totem gives you a lot of health and instant health.The zombie Book gives you Strength.Both the zombie and the totem have to be placed on ground and then right clicked.

There is also Hulking skeleton armour and a bow.

The Mutant Creatures Have to Jump first in order to get their abilities and each on can do a lot of damage.It is advised to use Just enough Items Mod To see the recipes .


Minecraft mod files
Mutant Creature Mod 1.12.jar - Enjoy Uploaded on: 07/22/2018 - 04:06   File size: 941.77 KB

The First Version Of mutant Creatures 1.12.2

Loading World But Showing Crashed. So Can't Fix That.

There Something Had Computer And Like Crash Games?

It's a good mod, but I don think you can remake a mod without asking its author