This is the last version of Weaponsmite and Weaponsmite II for Forge. But around the mid summer there will be a new mod for NeoForge where it will be rebuilt almost from 0. This new mod will be called Weaponsmite Revamed
This is the second mod in the Weaponsmite series.
Heavy Sword recipe number of items/blocks : 4,2,1
Bettle Axe recipe number of items/blocks : 4,1,2
Knife recipe number of items/blocks : 1,1,1
Katana recipe number of items/blocks : 3,1,2
Scythe recipe number of items/blocks : 3,2,2
Long Sword recipe number of items/blocks : 3,3,1
A semi-functional recipe book for Warktable Tier 2 and Alloys Smelter .
The first number represents the material , the second number represents the nugget , and the third number represents the number of sticks needed .