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My name is Marshal, and welcome to my mod concept that I call NullSpace. I named it after a game I had intentions of creating when I was enrolled at an art/music/programming school but never got around to sitting down and making. However, now with MCreator, I have an easy outlet to put my concepts and ideas down into physical playable media.

In this mod I plan on working on from today as of [7/30/18], to over a year from now, I hope to be able to get as far as to at least create the dimension itself with at least: 5 or more ore types with respectable unique craftables, new proper trees types and decorative blocks including a tree called the Echofruit Tree (In which instead of dropping apples, it will drop 2 of 6 types of Echofruit), and much much more.

This mod is extremely ambitious for me, as it is just me alone. However I'm okay with that, I can always find help along the way, or if anyone is interested in this project you can contact me on Instagram @ marshal.riftwalker.

I'll be uploading progress and updates on:

There isn't much to this mod as of yet as of things not naturally generating as of this time. However, if you would like to see some concept art this mod is based off of that I have made feel free to view them below:

NullSpace Game Concept Art


Monolith Chibi ArtGoliathan Key ConceptCrystal Bridge ConceptARGUS


Minecraft mod files
Nullspace Experimental (Version A1 on 7-30-18).jar - Let me know what you think so far Uploaded on: 07/31/2018 - 04:22   File size: 3.59 MB


7 / 31 / 18 - 10:12PM

  • Official mod Instagram page created @ nullspace.mod
    • Updates and screenshots uploaded regularly
    • Follow progress
    • Get in contact
    • Etc


7 / 30 / 18 - 8PM

  • Added Voidstone tools
    • Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Hoe, and Sword
    • Craftable
  • Added Infused Voidstone tools
    • Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel, Hoe, and Sword
    • Craftable
  • Added Added Voidstone, Voidstone Cobble, Monolith Stone, Voidgrass, Voidgrass (block), Void Dirt
    • Added Monolith Runes (Alphabet A-Z)
    • Assets not generated in world as of this time
  • Added Barrenite and Void Crystals
    • Assets not generated in world as of this time
  • Added Echofruit Tree assets and Shadowtree Assets
    • Added respected planks and saplings
    • Assets not generated in world as of this time


  • How the **** do you make a functioning grass block?
    • Seriously no one on this site has an answer, not on YouTube, or anywhere
    • Its driving me crazy
    • Someone help

You should give it a backstory, lore, etc... Believe me, it'll help in making the mod because otherwise it'll be shallow... That's what I'll be doing in the next update my mod has...

Thanks! I'll be tweaking ore designs over tonight and tomorrow. I'll even admit that the Barrenite ore looks like arse, but the point of the Void Crystal ore being barely noticeable is that its both going to be extremely rare but hard to physically see/find. I'll let you know when the ore texture is fixed.

If anyone viewing this has any knowlege of or know of a source that I can learn how to make working Grass Blocks, as in spreading/all behavior that grass usually has, please get in touch. No matter how much research I have done, over 3 hours, I still cannot find a solution. ~M

Cool, I have no idea what I'm doing but maybe I'll figure it out. I've had to put the mod on hold till now because I had to move back in with abusive family to finish school, but things are stable enough now for me to be able to get back to work. I'll look into it ^^