Admin+ Mod (More Commands)

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This Mod adds More Commands for admins!


- Kit commands

- /explodes Levels!

Notice: Always type command like these or it won't work : /Nether or /NETHER = Not

                                                                                                        /nether = Yes

Switch Dimension :

- /nether - Teleport to Nether

- /end - Teleport to the end

Effects Commands :

- /nightvision - Gives night vision!

- /speed1- Low

 */speed2 - Medium

 */speed3 - High

 */speedx - Strong

- /jumpNo - Disable jump

- /levitate - Levitate at a certain speed during 1 minute or less!

- /resistance - Resist to all

- /power - One-shot all mobs with hand!

- /heal - Heal you

- /eat - Saturate you

- /fireresistance - Resist to fire!

- /waterbreath - Breath in Water!

- /glow - Make you glow like a bulb!

- /haste - Mine faster!

- /invisible - Be always invisible

Weather/Time :

- /day - Set day

- /night - Set night

- /wclear - Sunny day and Weather B-)

- /rain - Set Rain

- /thunder - Set thunderstorm

Others :

- /mobspawnyes - Allow mobs spawn Naturally

- /mobspawnno - Mobs don't spawn naturally

- /lightning - Strike lightning on you and destroy what's around!

- /explodemax - Made an explosion you (don't use near an important build)

*/explode1 - Small Boom

*/explode2 - Boom

*/explode3 - Boom

*/explode4 - Boom

*/explode5 - BOOM

- /easy - Set difficulty

 */normal - Set Difficulty

 */hard - Set difficulty

 */peace - Set difficulty

- /tpall - Teleport every players on the nearest player

- /killall - Kill all entities

- /commandblock - Give you the easier than /give

- /spawner - Give you a spawner easier than /give

- /barrier - Give you invisible block easier than /give

Kits :

- /pvpgear - Stuff Pvp

- /miner - Stuff Miner

- /farmer - Stuff Farmer

- /lumberjack - Wood Cutter Stuff

- /witch - Brewing Stuff

- /builder - Building Blocks (Mainly for creative)

- /fisherman - Fishing Stuff


Some of the commands already exist in Minecraft but this mods make the commands smaller than the normal ones

Example : /give @p command_block 1

The mod : /commandblock


I wish this mod help you in all your creative adventures :D !

Will be available in 1.13 too!


Thanks MCreator!


Modification files - Admin+ for 1.11.2 Uploaded on: 08/28/2018 - 14:57   File size: 151.21 KB - Uploaded on: 12/04/2018 - 08:01   File size: 247.84 KB

Kit Commands and Explodes Levels

This mod is great! Maybe you could add in a safe mode, where blocks can't be destroyed?

/killnear kills the nearest person

/coffee gives you a speed potion

/super gives you super speed super jump boost and super regeneration

/heavy makes you fall VERY quick (the levitation command makes you go down when the number is too high)

Can you add /gm (c, s, sp)
gm = game mode
c = creative
s = survival
sp = spectator

Hey le mod est en .zip et non en .jar pourrait tu me dire comment l’insta Sur mon minecraft

finds the power level of the closest player to you
power level 5 = half health full food
power level 2.5 = half health half food
you get the idea

Sorry I wasn't updating my mod, I was Focusing my 1st Mod Elemental Masters, I will update this one with more commands Soon!