random things mod 2

Published by insanity2 on
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I was in a rush to upload this so it doesn't have as many things as I thought it would because 1.8.3 came out and I was scared my version of this mod maker would not be supported. this mod has tons of items including nukes! 4 dimensions 9 staffs big bertha's little sister and more 579 mod elements to be exact here are some of the things in this blocks- blood stone light stone light cobblestone dark stone dark cobblestone plasticator tin ore copper ore fi-arite ore jade ore aether ore alter bricks alter stone altered ore colored bricks colored wood bamboo block dimensional stones dimension stone and more. armor types- creep obsidian. staffs- nether fire darkness ice pulse magic meteor glitch dark matter.

Minecraft mod files
supa wandom.jar - 1.0.0 Uploaded on: 03/24/2019 - 15:00   File size: 1.47 MB
extra supa wandom.jar - 1.0.1 Uploaded on: 03/30/2019 - 14:01   File size: 1.47 MB
tacocat.jar - 1.0.2 Uploaded on: 04/07/2019 - 12:13   File size: 1.5 MB
meoooooooooooooooow.jar - 1.0.3 Uploaded on: 04/28/2019 - 13:39   File size: 1.52 MB


changed colored bricks textures

blue wood texture is now blue and not gray

blood texture changed


added-tin block

added-copper block


added-rocket_launcher and ammo


added-raw and cooked bacon

added-alter realm stone


added-water staff


Nice mod
Try making the textures a bit less "Mcreator-generated" by editing them with Paint.net a little :)