Nightmare's Mod

Published by apollo 11 on
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In development
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Hello world my name is Apollo 11. this is my first mod but remastered with lots of new elements and secrets...


mostly crafting recipes...


supported Minecraft version 1.12.2

Nightmare's mod elements





1. nightmare's world

2. battel grounds

3. nightmare seas

4. eye world

5. cherry tree dimension

6. the overworld

7. lightmareia

8. fun world




1. nightmare seas

2.battel grounds biome

3. nightmare biome

4. eye biome

5. cherry tree biome

6. the overworld biome

7. fun biome

8. fun biome red

9. lightmare biome




1. nightmare's armor

2. lightmare armor

3. nightmare armor level 1

4. nightmare armor level 2

4. nightshade cloak

5. lightmare cloak

6. Oka hide

7. Ayano Armor

8. husk hide

9. nightfear armor

10.knight armor

11. nemesis armor

12. nightmared ayano hide

13. lunar armor

14.miyuji shan nightmare armor

15. lightmare monger armor

16. endermare leather armor

17. endermare armor

18. endermare chainmail armor

19. megami nightmared hide

20. nightmared amia hide 




1. nightmare shard 

2. Mr. bill head voodoo doll

3. nightmared diamond

4. human DNA

5. nightmare DNA

6. humare DNA

7. nightmare DNA in a bottle 

8. nightmare arrow infected tip

9. lunar ash

10. nightmare disk

11. nightmare disk elerik

12. nightmare disk 16

13. lightmare potion 


Food items


1. nightmare potion 

2. human DNA

3. Nightmared noodles 

4. Skin file SG1

5. lunar flesh 

6. food file speed

7. food file heath

8. skin file fire

9. raw nightmare fish

10. cooked nightmare fish

11. nightmare cookie 

12. nightmare loof

13. skin file jump

14. skin file ghost

15. skin file error

16. skin file nippet 


Ranged items


1. night flames 

2. nightmare bow

3. nightshade shuriken 

4. nightshade grenade 

5. nightmare bow's men bow



1. nightmare ooze 



1. nightmare leaves 

2. nightmare eye

3. lost dirt 

4.nightmare log

5. nightmare planks 

6.nightmare ore

7. fnaf 1 floor 

8. nightmare lucky block

9. bendy planks 

10. nightmare generator 

11. nightmare mine eyes

12. nightmare potion block #1

13. nightmare bushes 

14. lunar ore

15. Aztec block #1

16. Aztec block #2

17. Aztec block #3

18. yandere railing #1

19. yandere railing #2

20. yandere railing #3

21. yandere railing #4

22: yandere railing #5

23. yandere railing #6

24. yandere locker

25. nightmare smooth fobble stone

26. nightmare obsidian 

27. nightmare infected code (blue)

28. nightmare fobble stone

29. yandere outside floor

30. yandere outside floor old

31. nightmare infected code (black)

32. nightmare brick 

33. nightmare blindness door trap

34. cherry tree leaves 

35. cherry tree wood log

36. fear block

37. feared leaves

38. lightmare hay

39. lightmare ice

40. lightmare nobble-stone

41. lightmare 45




1. nightmare staff

2. baldi's ruler 

3. lightstick 

4. granny's bat

5. nightmare sword

6. nightshade dagger

7. the BAKA sword

8. bat 

9. yandere bat

10. nightmare bat

11 bokken 

12. yandere bokken

13 nightmared bokken

14 boxcutter 

15 yandere boxcutter

16 nightmared boxcutter

17. screw driver 

18. yandere screwdriver 

19. nightmared screwdriver 

20. lunar pickaxe

21. lunar sword

22. lunar shovel 

23. lunar axe

24. fallen trident 

25. fallen trident leader



1. nightmared Alex

2. nightmared Steve

3. nightmared villager

4. nightmare minion

5. nightmare baldi

6. nightmared Mr. Bill

7. nightmared puppet (FNAF)

8. light guardian 

9. old man

10. nightmare scavenger 

11. nightmared granny 

12. nightmare TDM

13. farmer john 

14. nightmare V. 1

15 Amai Odayaka

16 Amai Odayaka nightmared 

17. Yandere-chan 

18. Yandere-chan nightmared

19. nemesis chan 

20. nemesis chan nightmared 

21. Osana Najimi

22. osamare

23. Muja Kina

24. nightmared Muja Kina

25. nightshade in cloak

26. nightmare in cloak

27. Kokona Haruka

28. Kokona Haruka nightmared 

29. Oka Ruto

30. Oka Ruto nightmared

31. Genka Kunahito

32. Genka Kunahito nightmared

33. Megami Saikou

34. Megami Saikou nightmared

35. knight human

36. 276556

37. muja kina 

38. muja kina nightmared 

39. the grime reaper (its supposed to be "grime" don't yell at me)

40. the nightfear 

41.  miyuji shan

42.  miyuji shan nightmared

43. osana najimi

44. husk yandere

45. husk yandere nightmared

46. song mob 1

47. song mob 2

48. song mob 3

49. nightmare spider

50. nightmare cow

51. minion one eye (despicable me)

52. nightmare minion one eye  (despicable me)

53. minion two eyes  (despicable me)

54. nightmare minion two eyes  (despicable me)

55. nightmare minion shadow storm girl

57. fun girl nightmared

58. dead-pool

59. dead-night

60. nightmare creeper

61. nightmare silverfish 

62. nightmare pig

63. nightmare chicken

64. midori

65. nightmare midori

66. anti venom

67, anti venom nightmared

68. carnage 

69. carnage nightmared

70. lasher 

71. nightmare lasher

72. hybrid

73. nightmare hybrid

74. toxin

75. nightmare toxin

76. scream 

77. nightmare scream

78. mania

79. nightmare mania


81. nightmare agony

82. nightshade


84. nightmare ennerd 

85. nightmare 303

86. nightmare stalker 

87. the red goblin 

88. nightmare red goblin

89. scorn 

90. nightmare scorn

91. reaper

92. venom

93. nightmare venom

94. symbiote spiderman 

95. nightmare symbiote spiderman

96. Alice angel

97. nightmare Alice angel

98. ink bendy

99. nightmare ink bendy

100. boris 

101. nightmare boris

102.  neighbor 

103. nightmare neighbor

104. lightmare warlock #1

105. lightmare fearlock

106. lightmare sukki

107. lightmare ex-ven



no killing guidance counselor's in the halls


nightshade level one

are you a yandere?



1. lightmare forgotten garden 

2. lightmare watch-tower 

3. lightmare armory

4. lightmare boat 

5. lightmare cathedral

6. lightmare slikvere tree


special features!

songs that can made in survival

1.) nightmare's theme (song)

2.) electronic (song)

3.)  I rise you fall (song)

4.) have some class (song)

5.) reboot (song)

6.) jazzy cat (song)

7.) the fallens (song)

8.) shadows of blue light (song)

9.) nightmare vile (song)


1. when nightmare Steve is hit he will say "you say that now"

2. when nightmare V. 1 is hit he will say "pain? pain is just what you think"

3. when nightmare V. 1 dies he will say "OOO now that hurts"

4. when nightshade in cloak dies he will say "deal it is"

5. when yandere-chan is ambient "my only senpai oh my only senpai"

6. when yandere-chan dies she will say "he doesn't have a choice"

7. when nemesis-chan is hit she will say "the hunter has become the hunter"

8. when osamare is hit she will say "BAKA"

9. when oka ruto is hit she will say " you must have put a spell on me"

10. when the grime reaper is hit it will say "grim? ITS GRIME!"

11. when nightmare puppet is hit she will say "a rose picked to early"

12. when nightmare baldi is hit he will say "come on GET OUT WILL YOU STILL CAN"

13. when  the nightfear is ambient he will say "DEATH TO THE MORTALS!!"

14. when nightmare in cloak is ambient he will say "I know someone's their...ha ha HAAHHA"


Some photographs of the most important elements of Nightmare's mod


a new adventure awaits you 

The three most important portals for Survival players

Yandere mobs 

The most useful mobs for Survival players


The nightmare dimension were all nightmare's are born. This means every mob or monster that's nightmared will spawn here.


just only some of the monsters 


Just only some of the monsters

                          cherry tree dim

Ahhh.. Cherry tree dimension such a peaceful place with a pink sky and a gray ground. Oh wait yandere-chan spawns here...


battle feild 

The world were lightmares and nightmares fought for power. and also were you can find the most structures.



HMM the eye dimension. for some reason I feel like i'm being watched

Back Story

 Nightmare's mod was an idea that I had since I was 6 years old. Nightmare the main person of this mod is the bad guy. most of the people I make are bad guys because I am always the bad guy when  I'm playing with someone like i'm the black player in chess. one day I had a nightmare (this hints the name of the mod) It was black with a blue glow in my dream I went closer to the blue glow and then a saw a eye. and that's how I created nightmare and many other people I made (406 people I made from that dream) {I know right}. I could not find anything to post nightmare on I was struggling about if someone could make something very similar to my idea. I tried making a movie (to much money), a book (didn't feel like it), a game (hmmm that could work). I found out about coding is involved with making a game so I decided "hmmm what could I do". I looked up Minecraft  mods. all of them used code...BUT. I saw MCreator so I pressed the link and I saw "no CODING EXPERENCE AT ALL!!) I was so happy that day. Now after No Name and the 100 dimensions won mod of the week I thought I would do coding, real coding. after that I was I used MCreator as a template for coding. that's why I have my armor in Nightmare's mod as skins. (kinda)

right now i'm working on a game called Project: Salvaged.



WOW I never would have expected more then 800 downloads thank you peoples so much!!! I also thought my mods would never get even over 50 downloads.


I am very sorry for people who experienced a glitch were it would make all mod textures purple and black and oversized textures (this would have been perfect with my mod glitch's mod) now hopefully this link will work sorry for the inconvenience.

                Nightmare's mod update Nightmares and Lightmares


Minecraft mod files
nightmare mod ex..jar Uploaded on: 06/25/2018 - 22:24   File size: 834.26 KB
nightmare's mod Uploaded on: 06/29/2018 - 22:30   File size: 833.17 KB
nightmare's mod - update nightshade Uploaded on: 03/28/2019 - 02:24   File size: 1.39 MB

added in update twi-night:





minion one eye (despicable me)

52. nightmare minion one eye  (despicable me)

53. minion two eyes  (despicable me)

54. nightmare minion two eyes  (despicable me)

55. nightmare minion shadow storm girl

57. fun girl nightmared

58. dead-pool

59. dead-night

60. nightmare creeper

61. nightmare silverfish 

62. nightmare pig

63. nightmare chicken

64. midori

65. nightmare midori

66. anti venom

67, anti venom nightmared

68. carnage 

69. carnage nightmared

70. lasher 

71. nightmare lasher

72. hybrid

73. nightmare hybrid

74. toxin

75. nightmare toxin

76. scream 

77. nightmare scream

78. mania

79. nightmare mania


81. nightmare agony

82. nightshade


84. nightmare ennerd 

85. nightmare 303

86. nightmare stalker 

87. the red goblin 

88. nightmare red goblin

89. scorn 

90. nightmare scorn

91. reaper

92. venom

93. nightmare venom

94. symbiote spiderman 

95. nightmare symbiote spiderman

96. Alice angel

97. nightmare Alice angel

98. ink bendy

99. nightmare ink bendy

100. boris 

101. nightmare boris

102.  neighbor 

103. nightmare neighbor

104. lightmare warlock #1

105. lightmare fearlock

106. lightmare sukki

107. lightmare ex-ven


so this finally got MOTW! nice mod. P.S. please check out my mod, the myst.

'C:\Users\Apollo Stone\Downloads\nightmare's mod update twinight.jar'
That's a link to your local computer, dummy.