The Demonic Book's Adventure

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The Demonic Book's Adventure

Created by maxpingouin.

Do you never wanted to make some Demonic Things in Minecraft ?

If you are okay , you can read the see the mod and maybe download it.

If you aren't okay , you can see the mod and maybe download it.Maybe you can like the mod.


So , let's see the mod !





-Demonic Altar : Rightclick it with a soul and a demonic book to get OP effects for 30 secs or leftclick it with a Demon Summoning Ritual and a Demonic Book to summon Khaos.Use a pickaxe to break it more easily.


-Demonic Ritual Altar : No utility for now (it will get some soonly !).Use a pickaxe to break it more easily.


-Demonic Heavy Block : Has 1,5 X obsidian's hardness , when breaked it will drop a Demonic Structure and become an obsidian block.Use a pickaxe to break it more easily.


-Demonium Ore : Drop Demonium when breaked.Use a pickaxe to break it easily.


-Demonic Stone : Use a pickaxe to break it easily.Use it for some crafts.






-The Demonic Book : Rightclick with it in the hand to explode.Use it for a big number of crafts and for the demonic rituals.


-Demonium Ingot : Use it for a big number of crafts.


-Demonium : Use it to get Demonium Ingots.


-Eye Of The Die : A powerful eye , use it to create the Demonic Altar and to create "Khaos' Head".


-Demonic Structure : Use it to craft to the Demonic Heavy Block.


-"Demon's Skin" : Use it to create " Khaos".


-"Khaos' Essence" : Use it to craft "Demon Skin"


-Demon Summoning Ritual : Use it to summon Khaos.Rightclick with it in the hand to read it.




Weapons & Armors:


-Diamond Sword (demonic) : It has 12 attack pts.(Auto enchanted)


-"Khaos" (Armor) : Protect.






-Soul : You can drink it.






-Dark Soul : Do nothing and drop souls.Can spawn in dungeons or in demonic Biomes.


-Khaos : when hurted summon 4 Dark Souls and an lightningbolt.When killed explode.Get his essences is extremly hard , I will fix it soonly.You can use protected place to summon it.Go see the mods images for this.






-Liquid Demonium : When something go in , it make an horrible song (warning for your ears) and give a lot of damages speedly.It destroy items too.






-Demonic Biome : Maked with obsidian , mycelium and demonic stone.



There are advancments too.

You can play with the mod in English and in French.

To see all crafts of the mods you can use the mod JEI.


Thanks you for reading the desc.


It's my first good 1.12.2 mod.


How to use the mod :

For know all recipes and crafts download JEI

How to play with the mod ?

1-Download and install forge 1.10.2 (you can look a video for this)

2-search %appdata% on your computer after select minecraft and put TheDemonicBooksAdventure and JEI in "mods"

3-Launch your minecraft launcher and create a new game version with forge 1.10.2.

3-Start your Minecraft with the game version.

4-Have fun (You should create a new world to play with the mod)


Don't forget to download the mod.


(!!!)If you want to use my mod in a modpack , you need to ask me.


Please give your comments , your ideas for the mods and report the errors you find.


GoodBye !

Minecraft mod files
TheDemonicBook's Adventure RELEASED (1) 1.2 {1.12.2}.jar - The 1st Released Version Of The Mod , [1.12.2] (1.2) Uploaded on: 07/04/2018 - 11:04   File size: 188.11 KB
TheDemonicBook's Adventure BETA 1.1 {1.12.2}.jar - The BETA Version Of The Mod , [1.12.2] (1.1) Uploaded on: 07/04/2018 - 11:05   File size: 147.13 KB

ALPHA- no downloadable

BETA- downloadable

RELEASED 1-downloadable

I've changed the "how to install" since it was saying to put the .jar of an other mod (because I copy pasted).I also announce the official remake incoming (don't be thinking it will be here next week , that would be disappointing for you)

I also can help you in translate the mod to Spanish

In English _ in Spanish

Demonic altar: Altar demoníaco
Demonic ritual altar: Altar demoníaco de rituales
Demonic heavy block: bloque demoníaco pesado
Demonium ore: Mineral de demonicita
Demonic stone: Piedra demoníaca
The demonic book: El libro demoníaco
Demonium ingot: lingote de demonicita
Demonium: demonicita
Eye of the die: Ojo de la muerte/Ojo de la Parca
Demonic structure: Estructura demoníaca
Demons skin: Piel de demonio
Khaos essence: Esencia de Caos
Demon summoning ritual: Ritual de invocación de demonios
Diamond sword (demonic): Espada de diamante (demoniaca)
Khaos: Caos
Soul: Alma
Dark soul: Alma oscura
Liquid demonium: Demonicita líquida
Demonic biome: Bioma demoníaco

That's all you put in the description.
If you put the Spanish translation in the mod, please put in the description "Translated to Spanish by dansamy"

Hi! I like this mod
You know? I things that It Will be SUPER COOL if you make elemental Demons as:

Fire demon
Water demon (like a mermaid)
Ash demon
Ink demon (Bendy)
Technology demon
Planet demon
Kid demon
Snake demon
Tree demon

All them with special habilities and different ways to be summoned
Thanks for read!

If you make a model for mobs that is just a surface and then on the animations you turn on the constant spin on Y, and later you change the texture of the surface to make It look like a ritual and make It teleport to the feet of the playera if he has a tool or an effect, this will make things far more demonic