More food mod!

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This mod add more foods and drinks to your game!

I should be updating this mod regularly so stay tuned! (If you actually do download this mod) but for now, I need to lengthen this out so how was your weekend? Have a sandwich, which will soon be in the mod! Want a drink? Drink some tea, which will also be in the mod, and muffins!

You can travel to new dimensions, find new blocks, and a lot more! You can meet weird, steve like villagers who if you kill you can get their flesh from! (yay.) You can drink a bowl of milk!

Minecraft mod files
more food mod_0.jar Uploaded on: 07/29/2019 - 07:26   File size: 111.95 KB

Hey guys! I have added a new dimension!

The food dimension! It is made by using the also new flesh block! Which I won't say ho is crafted, figure it out yourself please!

You will find steve villagers there mainly since it is their main home,

right now no monsters will spawn there but I will add in the mobs in the next update!

Nice mod :)
Please can you explain the features in more detail in the description though?

Pls download I need to feed my family that I don't have, it's more like my parents need to feed me even though they already do.