Herobrine reborn mod

Published by Herobrine on
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This is a parody of all the popular herobrine mods. This mod adds in alot of cool content.




Cowbrines spawn in the overworld.


2.Pig brine


Pigbrine will spawn in the overworld, they will attack other pigs and they will explode appon death.

2.Herobrine Follower


Herobrine Followers are villagers corrupted by the plague and they think Herobrine will cure them of thier virus. They will summon bug like enimes to attack you.



Notch is the creator of minecraft. He sealed away Herobrine using his powerfull sword, but Herobrine was alot weaker at the time. You can find notch wandering around in the overworld or can be spawned eating a notch gem.



Null is a servant of herobrine. He is a mini boss. He will drop a herobrine liver wich is used to summon herobrine.

5. Entity_303


Entity_303 is a boss. He has 200 hp, He will charge at you damageing you, and when you get him down to half hp he goes into his insane mode where his damage and speed increace and he immune to projectiles, but he has no defence in this form.

6. Zombiebrine


Zombiebrine is a herobrine zombie. They are strong mellee mobs. At first they seem slow but once they engage in combat they are super fast.


Herobrine is the final boss in the mod. He has 600 HP and 20 deffence and he does 20 damage per hit! He can be summoned using a herobrine altar.

Weapons and armor

1.Herobrine skin armor.

Herobrine skin armor is a veary tough armor and can help you in the herobrine boss fight.

2.Notch's sword

this is the sword that notch used to seel herobrine away but sadly the sword broke in the prosses. To make the sword you need a broken sword witch can either be droped by some of the mobs in this mod or be found in the notch temple.

Creative Only mobs.

Creative only mobs are mobs only avable through the creative invintory.

1.Classic Notch

Classic notch has the exact same stats as notch but he is holding Notch's Sword

2. Jeb_

Jeb is the lead developer of minecraft. He welds a bow and will shoot arrows at opponents.


Dinnerbone is a developer at minecraft. He has a bone in his hand and will attack with it. Although he has the lowest health out of the mojang employees he has the highest defence.

4. Classic Herobrine.

This was herobrine before notch seeled him away. He has half of all his stats.

Minecraft mod files
Herobrinemod.jar Uploaded on: 10/12/2019 - 15:29   File size: 216.86 KB
Herobrinemodv0.1.1.jar Uploaded on: 10/13/2019 - 14:07   File size: 242.47 KB
HerobrineMod FULL RELECEv1.0.0.jar Uploaded on: 10/16/2019 - 22:57   File size: 308.3 KB


-Added new acevments

-Added classic notch

-Added Jeb_

-Added Dinnerbone

-Added Classic Herobrine

-Crafting Herobrine skin now gives you the correct recipe


-Added notch temple

-Added herobrine drops

-added herobrine trophy

-added gem of life

-superman now has sounds

The Herobrine follower mob is glitched but it will be fixed probably in mcreator 1.9.2