Orb magic

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"They were three,

 They are two,

 They will be none."


Orb magic is a mod about Orbs that give you powers.

If it was just that, I would not make a good description about this.

The angels

You can see here three statues, one that has his red on fire, one that looks...not fine... and another one that is made of ice.
I won't give you their secret but, here is a hint :

"In their inside you might find treasures,

But, the heart is the true treasure"

The orbs

The main subject of our mod !

These orbs can give you powers, but you might find that, you can't use some of them, it is because you need to find a staff (or craft it) so that the orbs will work (or maybe it is just that I haven't developped them yet)

0.1.0 : The structure update

Hello again !

Here is a new update ! With some cool new structure.

Destryed Houses

This new update add random destroyed houses around the world, you have 3 type of Houses, the first one is the one that you can see in this image.

There is also an old house, who know who was the last people that was living in….



The new update is here ! 

Enjoy the update

This update is good

Trust me

It's good

Like cheese



Aprif fools 2019 version


Developpement officially stopped

Developpement of this mod has now stopped, thanks for all the support.

Why ?

Developping this mod was great, but it got harder for me to make features.


Thanks, and see you next time for more mods.

Minecraft mod files
Orbsmagic0.0.1.jar - Alpha 0.0.1 Uploaded on: 02/13/2019 - 20:10   File size: 133.17 KB
OrbsMagic0.1.0.jar - 0.1.0 Beta Uploaded on: 02/16/2019 - 22:20   File size: 178.04 KB
Orbs magic.jar - ModJam version Uploaded on: 02/19/2019 - 12:21   File size: 112.21 KB
Orbe majik.jar - April fool version Uploaded on: 04/01/2019 - 19:34   File size: 220.79 KB

0.2.0 :

This version would have added finally a dimension, more orbs, special orbs, and some other mechanics, discontinued after 3 month.

April fool version :

- New command

- New Food

- Some other thing

Fun fact :

Aprifl fool :p 

The real 0.2.0 is coming soon !!!

See you next week

ModJam version :

- Fire Orb Natural and Artificial were added, same for water

- Thunder Orb and Iron Orb are fully artificial

Fun fact :

This version, know as the first ever version of Orbs magic, was made in two weeks, I learned how to use procedures and basic modelling, without the ModJam made by Rensik, this mod would have never been created.

0.1.0 :

- Added a Strange House

- Added 3 types of destroyed houses

- Added FeatherOrb

- Added Destroyed Angel Of Fire and Destroyed Angel Of Water

- Added Really Packed Ice

- Deleted Water Orb Natural Ore and Fire Orb natural Ore

- Remplaced EnderPearls in Artificial Orbs craft by Broken Orbs

Fun fact :

This version was originally planned to add a dimension, was rejected du to problem with MCreator, then was planned to add more Orbs, that is the 0.1.1 for.

0.0.1 :
- Mod uploaded in Alpha stage

Fun fact :

This is the first versions after the ModJam version that I keep in the mod folder (where is all models and textures)