[Tutorial] How to use World Renderer

Started by sumeshi0216 on

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[Tutorial] How to use World Renderer
Wed, 08/21/2024 - 01:17 (edited)

World Renderer

World Renderer can render sky, models, shapes, etc. using procedures and event triggers.


Here are the guides.


The plugin has many built-in procedure templates.

If necessary, you can also download and use additional templates from GitHub.



Event Triggers

Graphics - Compute FOV

It can set FOV using the procedure "Viewport - Set FOV."



  • dimension: It's the dimension that the camera entity is in.
  • entity: It's the camera entity.
  • fov: It's the vanilla FOV value.
  • partialTick: It's an interpolation factor between ticks.
  • x/y/z: They're the X/Y/Z positions of the camera entity.
  • world: It's the client world that the camera entity is in.



Graphics - Compute camera angles

It can compute camera angles using the procedure "Viewport - Set camera angles."



  • dimension: It's the dimension that the camera entity is in.
  • entity: It's the camera entity.
  • partialTick: It's an interpolation factor between ticks.
  • yaw/pitch/roll: They're the vanilla camera angles.
  • x/y/z: They're the X/Y/Z positions of the camera entity.
  • world: It's the client world that the camera entity is in.



Graphics - Compute fog color

It can set the fog color using the procedure "Viewport - Set fog color."

Note that the alpha values can't be changed.



  • dimension: It's the dimension that the camera entity is in.
  • entity: It's the camera entity.
  • red/green/blue: They're the RGB components of the vanilla fog color.
  • partialTick: It's an interpolation factor between ticks.
  • x/y/z: They're the X/Y/Z positions of the camera entity.
  • world: It's the client world that the camera entity is in.



Graphics - Compute light color

It can set the light colors using the procedures in the list "Lighting."

The event trigger "Graphics - Set up dimensions" is also required to make it work.

Note that the alpha values can't be changed.



  • dimension: It's the dimension that the camera entity is in.
  • entity: It's the camera entity.
  • partialTick: It's an interpolation factor between ticks.
  • x/y/z: They're the X/Y/Z positions of the camera entity.
  • world: It's the client world that the camera entity is in.


Here is the guide.



Graphics - Render clouds

It can render custom clouds using the procedures in the list "Clouds."

The event trigger "Graphics - Set up dimensions" is also required to make it work.

You can disable vanilla clouds by returning a logical true.



  • dimension: It's the dimension that the camera entity is in.
  • entity: It's the camera entity.
  • partialTick: It's an interpolation factor between ticks.
  • ticks: It's the current tick of the client world.
  • x/y/z: They're the X/Y/Z positions of the camera entity.
  • world: It's the client world that the camera entity is in.


Here is the guide. See the guide "Render Effects" on how to set textures.



Graphics - Render fog

It can set the fog distance and shape using the procedures "Viewport - Set fog distance" and "Viewport - Set fog shape."



  • dimension: It's the dimension that the camera entity is in.
  • entity: It's the camera entity.
  • start/end: They're the start/end distances of the vanilla fog.
  • partialTick: It's an interpolation factor between ticks.
  • x/y/z: They're the X/Y/Z positions of the camera entity.
  • world: It's the client world that the camera entity is in.



Graphics - Render overlays

It can render custom overlays using the procedures in the list "Overlay."



  • mouseX/mouseY: They're the mouse positions
  • partialTick: It's an interpolation factor between ticks.


Here is the guide. See the guide "Render Effects" on how to set textures.



Graphics - Render shapes

It  can render shapes like triangles, quads, etc., using the procedures in the list "Shape."



  • dimension: It's the dimension that the camera entity is in.
  • entity: It's the camera entity.
  • partialTick: It's an interpolation factor between ticks.
  • ticks: It's the current tick of the client world.
  • x/y/z: They're the X/Y/Z positions of the camera entity.
  • world: It's the client world that the camera entity is in.


Here is the guide. See the guide "Render Effects" on how to set textures.



Graphics - Render sky

It can render custom sky using the procedures in the list "Sky."

The event trigger "Graphics - Set up dimensions" is also required to make it work.

You can disable vanilla sky by returning a logical true.



  • dimension: It's the dimension that the camera entity is in.
  • entity: It's the camera entity.
  • partialTick: It's an interpolation factor between ticks.
  • ticks: It's the current tick of the client world.
  • x/y/z: They're the X/Y/Z positions of the camera entity.
  • world: It's the client world that the camera entity is in.


Here are the guides. See the guide "Render Effects" on how to set textures.



Graphics - Render weather

It can render custom weather using the procedures in the list "Weather."

The event trigger "Graphics - Set up dimensions" is also required to make it work.

You can disable vanilla weather by returning a logical true.



  • dimension: It's the dimension that the camera entity is in.
  • entity: It's the camera entity.
  • partialTick: It's an interpolation factor between ticks.
  • ticks: It's the current tick of the client world.
  • x/y/z: They're the X/Y/Z positions of the camera entity.
  • world: It's the client world that the camera entity is in.


Here are the guides. See the guide "Render Effects" on how to set textures.



Graphics - Render world

It can render lines, texts, block, item and entity models using the procedures in the list "World."



  • dimension: It's the dimension that the camera entity is in.
  • entity: It's the camera entity.
  • partialTick: It's an interpolation factor between ticks.
  • ticks: It's the current tick of the client world.
  • x/y/z: They're the X/Y/Z positions of the camera entity.
  • world: It's the client world that the camera entity is in.



Graphics - Set weather particles and sounds

It can set custom weather particles and sounds using the procedures in the list "Weather particles and sounds."

The event trigger "Graphics - Set up dimensions" is also required to make it work.

You can disable vanilla weather particles and sounds by returning a logical true.



  • dimension: It's the dimension that the camera entity is in.
  • entity: It's the camera entity.
  • partialTick: It's an interpolation factor between ticks.
  • ticks: It's the current tick of the client world.
  • x/y/z: They're the X/Y/Z positions of the camera entity.
  • world: It's the client world that the camera entity is in.


Here are the guides.



Graphics - Set up dimensions

The event trigger is required to work some event triggers. You need to use the procedures in the list "Setup."



  • None


Here is the guide.



Useful Procedures



Those procedures can get various colors. They can be used on all rendering events.



Those procedures can get game/world data. They can be used on all rendering events.



They are can be used all rendering events.


Render effects

Those procedures is used for rendering. They can be used on the following events only.

  • Graphics - Render clouds
  • Graphics - Render overlays
  • Graphics - Render shapes
  • Graphics - Render sky
  • Graphics - Render weather

Here is the guide.



Common Mistakes

If you get errors or bugs, try to check the following.


Dimension is not set up

The event trigger "Graphics - Set up dimension" is required to work some event triggers.


Use wrong event triggers or procedures

In order to render objects, you will need to use event triggers and procedures properly. See the above.


Call procedures from non-rendering events

If this example were run, your Minecraft would be crashed. It is not possible to call procedures and run rendering.


Modify game/world data on rendering events

Game/world data modifying should not be run on rendering events. That also includes block/entity/item modifying, NBT setting, etc.

However, it is possible to get and use data of blocks, entities, items, NBT, global variables, etc.

Edited by sumeshi0216 on Wed, 08/21/2024 - 01:17
Joined Apr 2023

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still wrapping my head…
Mon, 10/14/2024 - 04:21

still wrapping my head around it a bit, how do you render a dark sky? I want to render one for a event and have it go away after said event.