Fabric Generator 1.20.1 [Plugin]

Started by Goldorion on

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Fabric Generator 1.20.1 [Plugin]
Tue, 01/30/2024 - 02:18 (edited)

This plugin adds a new Fabric Generator to your MCreator.


Hi, I know you are all waiting for the 2023.4 port, but my motivation was very low for a long time. It's still not at its top, but I had enough of it to fix several reported bugs. I hope you'll enjoy it until I do the full 2023.4 update (it's a big update).

Important Information

  • Supported Global triggers

  • All procedure blocks (and global triggers) are marked as supported, but several of them will fail to build. THIS IS NORMAL. Do not report them.
  • Mods will also require Fabric API to function properly, so when you want to play your mod, make sure you have Fabric API.
  • Biomes now require TerraBlender to generate in the Overworld and the Nether.
  • Some features are disabled because they are Forge-related features, so I can not support them.



  • This generator re-uses a lot of the code used by the official Forge generators.
  • Supporters on Ko-fi 💚❤️


  • Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0  
  •  Mods created with this tool may be closed-source and/or distributed with a different license.
  • Appropriate credit must be provided to the creators and maintainers of this software.
  • Forked versions of this software must be distributed under the same license as this with attribution if distributed.
  • Changes must be stated if any modified works are to be distributed.
  • Under no circumstances can you state that the original creator endorses modified works.


To see a complete changelog of the plugin, check this file.

Last versions:


* [Bugfix] Player right clicks on entity global trigger was called twice
* [Bugfix #480] GUI labels had a shadow
* [Bugfix #483] GUI tooltips gave a build error
* [Bugfix #493] Double plants could not be used
* [Bugfix #496] Player right-clicks on a block failed to build
* [Bugfix #503] Custom End biomes had multiple problems

The plugin's page https://mcreator.net/plugin/64512/mcreator-fabric-generator

Edited by Goldorion on Tue, 01/30/2024 - 02:18
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Now that MCreator supports 1…
Mon, 01/31/2022 - 23:19

Now that MCreator supports 1.17.1, are there plans to update this plugin to support mods for that version too, or continuing implementation into MCreator? No rush or anything, but it'd be a really great help. Thank you for developing the plugin in the first place ^^

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News about Fabric 1.17.1: I…
Mon, 02/07/2022 - 02:26

News about Fabric 1.17.1:

I already explained it a few times already, but I think making an announcement will be better.

As I explained to a few people already, I already started to work on supporting Fabric 1.17.1. However, with other contributors (of MCreator), we also made a lot of progress on updating MCR to MC 1.18.x. I could simply update the needed code to support FB 1.17.1, but the latest version brought a lot of new features for generators, so I want to take the time to massively improve the generated code. To go a bit faster, I also decided to move to Mojmaps (official Mojang's mappings), so even if now I can copy and paste most of the code used by the Forge generator, I'm implementing a few more features. Finally, I contributed a lot to the update to Minecraft 1.18.x and it took me a lot of time. I continue to work on the 1.17.1 version from time to time. If I finish it before 1.18 snapshots, I'll release a version, but if not, I will simply update to FB 1.18.2 and put all my efforts into it (as MC 1.19 won't release before a few months).

If you're curious about the progress, here's a look. Note that I'm still fixing slot features with GUIs and triggers & procedure blocks are complete for this update (new ones have been added!). The full changelog can be found here.

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hey. blocks show an error…
Sat, 03/05/2022 - 19:35

hey. blocks show an error after compilejava task, but idk how to find it. i can't make any blocks at all, even if i only add the textures. help!

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Hi everyone! It's been a…
Sun, 03/06/2022 - 02:49

Hi everyone! It's been a while since the last big update, no? Well, I have an explication. Originally, I didn't plan to release a 1.17.1 of the fabric generator, but in the end, I was quick enough to finish before the first 1.18.2 MCreator snapshot. After the release of the 1.5, with the other contributors of MCreator, we started to work on porting MCR to 1.17.x and as you may know, it took us a while to improve and port the code. It was the same thing for me, except I was alone. To improve the generated code of the Fabric generator, this generator is a modified version of the 1.17.1 Forge generator, to use Fabric instead of Forge. Moving from Yarn to Mojmaps didn't help too, but another reason explaining the time was I took this opportunity to add several new features I didn't add yet, such as tinted blocks/plants and a lot of missing procedure blocks.

With the amount of work and time, it required me, I didn't test everything (not major features) and as a port to a new MC version hides bugs, I would like to ask everyone using it, to report on the issue tracker (follow the template!) every bug you find or you think you found.


Another point I would like to talk about is support for 1.18.2. I will surely not start working on it before some time. It requests a lot of time and work and I'm a bit tired to do it alone. I will do the same thing as I did for this version. I will work slowly on it when I have some motivation and time.


Here's the changelog of this version:

### 1.6-beta-1
* Added base support for Fabric 1.17.1
* Added support for mod elements: advancement, armor, biome, block, command, creative tab, custom element, dimension, enchantment, food, fuel, function, game rule, gui, item, key binding, living entity, loot table, music disc, overlay, painting, particle, potion effect, potion item, procedure, ranged item, recipe, structure, tag, tool and variables
* Added support for new global triggers: Player in bed, Player respawns and Player wakes up
* Added support for water loggable blocks
* Added support for tinted plants and blocks
* Added support for following block procedure blocks: Play break effect, is side solid
* Added support for following direction procedure blocks: For each direction, for each horizontal direction, direction iterator, direction random
* Added support for following direction procedure blocks: Check player game mode, Get entity shoot power, Get entity slot, For each slot of entity inventory, Get entity look face, Get/Set logic/number/string entity NBT tag, Get potion effect level, Get potion effect remaining, Remove item, Remove recipe, remove specific potion effect, Remove xp, remove xp level, Run function, send chat, set flying, set food level, set main hand item, set offhand item, set no gravity, set oxygen, set rotation, set saturation, set scoreboard score, set slot, set sneaking, set spawn, set sprinting, set in cobweb, size height, size width, submerged height, xp level, logic entity compare
* Added support for following item procedure blocks: bucket to fluid, 
* Added support for misc procedure blocks: Get dimension id, get localized text
* Added support for following world procedure blocks: shoot arrow, spawn entity, spawn entity with rotation, spawn entity with rotation and velocity, strike lightning, get number of players on the server, entity in range, entity in range exists, entity in range foreach, spawn falling block, switch world, use bone meal
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> Failed to provide loom…
Thu, 03/17/2022 - 07:01

> Failed to provide loom:mappings:layered+hash.2192 : java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find access widener file @ 


what does this mean?

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I'm not asking to rush you,…
Sun, 03/20/2022 - 03:32

I'm not asking to rush you, but when do you think support for 1.18.2 would be? If no time soon I may port myself. :)

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I don't know to be honest. I…
Sat, 04/02/2022 - 00:02

I don't know to be honest. I'm alone and it takes (a lot) of time.

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Hey, when do you plan on…
Mon, 04/18/2022 - 21:17

Hey, when do you plan on adding support for general world triggers, like place a block or when an entity spawns

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Hi, I made an advancement…
Thu, 04/21/2022 - 16:45

Hi, I made an advancement today which gets given to the player if they have a custom hoe in their inventory but the moment the player picks up any item they get given all custom item pickup advancements.


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A new update for the Fabric…
Wed, 04/27/2022 - 15:01

A new update for the Fabric generator has been published. It updates the generator to MCreator 2022.1 and fix several problems (such as the access widener problem!)


# Changelog:

* Updated to 2022.1

* Fix the access widener problem

* [Bugfix #188] Selecting mega spruce tree type in biomes made the game crashed

* [Bugfix #192] Local variables were not generated

* [Bugfix #187] Several advancement triggers did not work properly

* [Bugfix] Some recipes had problems


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Sorry, but, what are you…
Sun, 05/15/2022 - 03:17

Sorry, but, what are you talking about saying you might just skip 1.18.2? You're the /only/ person supplying mccreator with fabric functionality. You're the literal gatekeeper. Open up and let us modders in. 

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Sorry, that probably sounded…
Sun, 05/15/2022 - 03:19

Sorry, that probably sounded harsher than I meant it to. 

Sorry, but, what are you…
Sun, 05/15/2022 - 09:23

Sorry, but, what are you talking about saying you might just skip 1.18.2? You're the /only/ person supplying mccreator with fabric functionality. You're the literal gatekeeper. Open up and let us modders in. 

Not sure how this statement makes any sense. He is gateopener and if you think generator should develop faster, maybe consider joining with help on the development.