Fish Away - Forge

Published by TwigYT on
Upvotes: 3
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In development
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Fish Away - Forge

A general fishing/resource gathering mod for 1.20.1

!!!The state of the mod!!!

The reason this mod has not been updated for a while is because of a few things...

  • 1st: I was kind of disordered and unorganized with the mod.
  • 2nd: I kind of lost interest in developing it.
  • 3rd: I use the tool Mcreator for making my mods and for some reason my project and my backups of the project became corrupted. (I don't know if this was due to a Mcreator plugin I added or what.)

The good news is I am starting to gain interest in developing the mod again, partially from the ground up, so I can organize things and make some better decisions! For example, I will slowly be updating the mod with more refined textures and JEI (just enough items) support! And maybe in the future I will add animated items, blocks, armor, and maybe even mobs!

I am thinking about dropping Curse Forge support, mainly because it is not getting any traction, and it is becoming a hassle!

I can't wait for the next update to come out!

P.S. I will also fix the version system now that I know more about how versions work.


This mod is still in development and many new features might be added in the future. For now the features include:


  • Biomes: The only Biome in the game as of right now is the fisherman's beach! But it is slightly broken. (Will not generate next to the ocean yet, and driftwood trees are not generating.)
  • Items: there are only a handful of items right now in the mod, this includes Driftwood Scraps, and the pear.
  • Tools: You can craft the Iron Fishing Rod (durability: 128), the Golden Fishing Rod (durability: 18, gives you luck), the Diamond Fishing Rod (durability: 384), and the Netherite Fishing Rod (durability: 400, Immune to fire, Gives you strength.)
  • Ores: there is a small chance that diamond ore will get replaced with a diamond chunk that gives you three diamonds when broken. and the same with emeralds.


If you have any issues, bugs, and/or suggestions, please put them in the comments.

Hopefully soon I will have a GitHub page where you can report bugs.


Once the next stable MCreator release comes out I will hopefully try to port the mod to fabric.


Thanks to Blue Blob25 for the pear texture! Check out his YouTube Channel

Other Sources?

If you want this mod has a Curseforge page, and a Modrinth page where you can also download the mod! (Note: If you want older versions of the mod, I would suggest downloading the mod from the Modrinth page.)

Hope you like the mod!

Minecraft mod files
fish-away-forge-0.2.1-1.20.1.jar - Version 0.2.1 MC Version 1.20.1 - See change log Uploaded on: 11/04/2023 - 01:32   File size: 1.06 MB
fish-away-forge-0.2.0-1.20.1.jar - Version 0.2.0 MC Version 1.20.1 - See change log Uploaded on: 10/24/2023 - 01:15   File size: 1.05 MB
fish-away-forge-0.1.1-1.20.1.jar - Version 0.1.1 MC Version 1.20.1 - See change log Uploaded on: 10/12/2023 - 00:01   File size: 225.78 KB
fish-away-forge-0.1.0-1.20.1_1.jar - Version 0.1.0 MC Version 1.20.1 - Add new Icon Uploaded on: 10/10/2023 - 00:15   File size: 215.83 KB

Change Log For 0.2.1

In this update we celebrate over 50 downloads of the mod! Adding a cool hat!

Full Change Log:


  • Added the 50 Downloads Hat (Has a small chance of giving saturation.)


  • Fixed an issue with the copper tools being able to be crafted in a two by two crafting grid with any configuration.