Vibranium and Neutronium

Published by SimGen on
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Vibranium And Neutronium


this mod adds two new ores:

  • vibranium that can be found only in overworld, there is vibranium veins that can be found only in jungle
  • and neutronium that can be found (less often) in the end, more often you can find it in blank dimension
  • You can smelt vibranium only in obsidian furnace
  • neutronium ores (as well as abyss block) damage you after destroying.

and a new dimension

  • You can enter this dimension by right-clicking when u are holding star of the void(made of 5 vibranium crystals and 4 neutronium crystals)
  • this end-like dimension called "the behind" (this is temporary, i couldn't come up with better idea) is filled with mainly abbys block and obsidian
  • there are new mobs: lost souls that can fly and some of them are neutral but some of them are agressive

with these ores u can upgrade netherite items and create new custom items and blocks

item upgrading order: netherite>vibranium>neutronium>ultra

ultra items are an upgraded version of neutronium items

some of these items have special effects:

-spear of seing - u can see everyone in distance of 100 blocks

-neutronium pickaxe - legal xray but u dont know what are these ores

-vibranium armor - initial thorns

-neutronium armor - regenerating shield

-transportation block (this block with cyan arrows on image) - it teleports you after you put fuel (neutronium) inside


i want to say that these ores are SO HARD to find so these effects are equal to ores rarity


mod version is InDev so many things are broken and not finished yet.


Quick note: i have not added the most recent versions, and i will not add them until the Alpha 1.0 release


Minecraft mod files
vibranium and neutronium (indev 4.0).jar - forge-latest version Uploaded on: 05/07/2022 - 19:21   File size: 1.29 MB
Vibranium and Neutronium (InDev 3.1).jar - forge - working version Uploaded on: 05/02/2022 - 07:40   File size: 1.14 MB
vibr and neu - most recent rersion workspace Uploaded on: 05/02/2022 - 13:50   File size: 904.37 KB

InDev 1.0 (not available)

-first exported version

InDev 2.0

-vibranium armor have both neutronium and vibranium effects

-u can make neutronium item spheres

-u can craft vibranium armor and items now

-neutronium axe available to craft

-there is no testing procedures linked to random items

-added cool custom items and blocks

-mod is not working when u put it in mods folder... sorry for that

InDev 3.0

-i discovered that i am stupid because i exported workspace... not mod

-also i added neutronium items with makeshift textures because im waiting for quarter to make these

-now the vibranium ores are spawning everywhere and there are vibranium veins that are spawning only in jungles *yay*

-i dont know exactly what i added because this version was only to repair bugs but i will write it here soon

InDev 3.1

-nothing changes but i repaired my mistake. now u can install my mod

InDev 4.0

-added neutronium items and ultra items and craftings

-added lost souls


InDev 4.1

A LOT of bugfixes

  • Changed the index name of all the items
  • Fixed the dimension generation problem
  • And more...

Indev 5.0

And even more bugfixes

  • Fixed the problem with crafting items
  • Added 3 upgrade templates
  • Fixed the neutronium armor shield GUI
  • Renamed in-game names of some items from literal carnage to real names

InDev 5.1 (NOT TESTED)

And again... Fixing bugs...

  • Fixed the neutronium bladegun ( or hope i did)
  •  Added some particles to bladegun projectile.

InDev 5.2 (In Progress)

if you have any problems with mod or you want to tell me about mod bugs then reply to this comment.
if you like my mod, please upvote it, it cost you nothing but its motivating me so much