Ribes Adventures

Published by ribesDev on
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Have you ever wished there were even more berries to find and collect when out exploring the world? Then this mod is for you! Ribes Adventures adds over 100 species of wild Gooseberry and Currant plants, each designed after real-world species (and even a few species that are less than real!)



Each species has different spawning parameters (biome, elevation, rarity) which are modeled after the real-life conditions in which it grows. Each species is also fully interactive, with separate block stages for flowers and fruit, the latter of which can be picked and eaten fresh, turned into seeds, or baked into pies!



Having trouble keeping track of it all? Ribes Adventures comes with a comprehensive compendium, obtained via trading with a novice Cartographer villager, which tracks the species that you have found and gives hints on those you have yet to discover!



Ribes Adventures packs familiar biomes with dozens of species of berry to discover and collect, and with an abundance of rare to uncommon species with diverse spawning conditions, it is easy to find something new each and every time you go out exploring. The striking diversity in the size and color of these shrubs also adds visual interest to the landscape, whether naturally generated or landscaped. And of course, it really just allows us all to live out our dream of engorging ourselves on delicious wild berries in the forest. So what are you waiting for?!?!? Download and get to exploring for those tasty berries today! (...just don't ask about that one in the bottom right corner.....)


Minecraft mod files
Ribes Adventures 1.3.0_0.jar Uploaded on: 08/30/2024 - 16:33   File size: 7.04 MB
  • 1.3.0:
  • Made a small discord community for the mod, which can be accessed here: discord.gg/RauSM69n9c
  • Changed the internal mod website link to the aforementioned discord
  • Time for new content!
  • Introducing the much requested (if by ‘much’ you mean one person) Ribes Compendium:
  • Added a basic series of advancements which prompts players to obtain the Ribes Compendium after eating their first Ribes berry.
    • The compendium can be acquired via trading with level 1 Cartographer villagers for 12 emeralds.
    • Note: the mod Patchouli MUST be installed in order for the compendium to be functional!
    • It can be found here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/patchouli
  • Much more info can be seen in game, but the compendium allows players to track which species have been collected and which have not, and gives hints on how to find the species that have not yet been collected.
  • Also added an advancement to incentivize and reward players for completing the compendium via finding all the species.
  • Tweaks and balance changes:
  • Fixed an issue where R. sanguineum was not given the growth speed patches from the last update
  • Fixed an issue where an easter egg species would spawn under certain structures it was not intended to
  • Fixed an oversight wherein an easter egg species would not grow if the light level was too low, leading to a potential scenario in which it would not grow despite being intended to do so
  • Fixed an oversight where the ‘currant’ in the common name of R. meyeri was not capitalized
  • Changed the common name of R. hendersonii to the much cooler ‘Neglected Gooseberry’
  • Changed the common name of R. heterotrichum from ‘Multi-haired Currant’ to ‘Different-haired Currant’ in order to give a more accurate and sensible translation from the latin name
  • Slightly tweaked the flower color sprite of R. hendersonii to be more realistic
  • Changed the fruit sprite for R. fujisanense to have glandular rather than simple hairs, in line with the species’ true characteristics
  • Added glands to the tips of R. watsonianum fruit spines to better reflect its actual characteristics
  • Gave R. brandegeei smooth fruits and a longer floral remnant to be more realistic
  • Gave R. indecorum, R. malvaceum, and R. nelsonii longer floral remnants to be more realistic
  • Tweaked the fruit sprite of R. diacanthum, R. fragrans, R. heterotrichum, R. pulchellum, R. saxatile, and R. villosum to better reflect the progression in fruit color as they ripen
  • Changed the spawning behavior of the whitecurrant to generate near village farms in the same way as the jostaberry
  • Allowed both of the above mentioned species to generate in taiga and snowy villages in addition to plains villages
  • Changed the sole spawning biome of R. rotundifolium from taiga to dark forest
  • Removed forest from the list of biomes R. uva-crispa could spawn in to make it more aligned with the wild-type
  • Removed badlands from the list of biomes R. quercetorum could spawn in, and made it much rarer in the wooded badlands biome
  • Removed windswept forest from the list of biomes R. lacustre could spawn in due to the list being too bloated
  • Added a maximum elevation to R. bracteosum and slightly buffed its spawn rate to compensate
  • Removed the minimum elevation requirement for R. sanguineum and added a maximum elevation requirement, to be more realistic
  • Slightly increased the minimum required elevation of R. atropurpureum
  • Slightly decreased the minimum required elevation of R. wolfii
  • Slightly buffed the spawn rate of R. alpinum and R. cynosbati
  • Slightly nerfed the spawn rate of R. altissimum and R. ambiguum
  • Nerfed the spawn rates of R. aureum, R. cereum, and R. nigrum to make them less overwhelmingly common
  • Slightly nerfed the spawn rate of R. erythrocarpum, R. formosanum, R. marshallii, and R. tortuosum to make them realistically uncommon
  • Nerfed the spawn rate of R. amarum, R. brandegeei, R. costaricensis, R. frankei, R. mescalerium, R. sericeum, and R. tularense to make them realistically rare
  • Nerfed the spawn rates of the wooded badlands species R. ciliatum, R. microphyllum, R. nelsonii, and R. pinetorum due to this biome being too cluttered
  • Slightly nerfed the spawn rate of R. procumbens in the dark forest biome
  • Nerfed the spawn rate of R. microphyllum in the sparse jungle biome.
  • Significantly boosted the spawning rates of the previously impossibly rare R. fujisanense, R. malvifolium, and R. sardoum so that they are actually possible to find in vanilla. These are still absurdly rare though!


  • 1.2.0:
    • Significantly increased the amount of time required for the shrubs to grow / regenerate berries (specifically by a factor of 4 for most of the species), bringing their growth speed close to that of vanilla sweet berries.
    • Fixed an issue wherein shrubs would progress to the flowering stage after the very first random tick received after picking berries from them, instead of having to receive multiple random ticks as intended.
    • Decreased the spawning rates of most of the species (especially those which appear in multiple different biomes) in order to make the common ones less oversaturated and to increase the amount of rare and difficult to find species.
      • The above three changes were made to decrease the prominence of the berry shrubs in this mod as they felt so common and so easy to obtain en masse that they centralized much of the exploration and early game food experience around them. It is hoped that these changes will cause the Ribes to be more of a background presence in the game and less so a centralizing mechanic.
    • However, shrubs will still generate in their flowering stage and will progress to the fruiting stage after their first random tick received after generating, as to prevent the player from having to wait around too long for shrubs discovered when exploring to be available for harvesting.
    • Fixed an oversight with an easter egg shrub wherein the texture for the adult stage shrub without flowers or fruits was shorter than the texture of the stages with flowers and fruits, so that the shrub would appear to decrease in height when its berries were harvested.
    • Finally, added a new variety of shrub, the Jostaberry (Ribes x nidigrolaria)! A man-made hybrid between a blackcurrant and gooseberry, it can thus only be found as an uncommon spawn growing near farms in plains villages.


  • 1.1.1:
    • Fixed a significant issue where the intended saturation of the berry and pie items was being multiplied by the food value of said item, resulting in berries with 2-3 times the intended saturation value and pies with 8 times the intended saturation value (resulting in that almost every pie item fully filled the saturation bar with a single use).
    • Removed the advancements added in 1.1.0 due to them feeling like cut content.
    • Slightly edited the texture for the R. americanum berry item to more realistically reflect the length of its dry floral remnant.
    • Removed Stony Peaks from the list of biomes that R. hendersonii and R. lasianthum could spawn, resulting in them only spawning in Jagged Peaks, in order to make these two feel more exclusive to the latter biome
    • Slightly increased the spawn rates of R. marshallii and R. roezlii.
    • Slightly increased the spawn rate and slightly decreased the mininum required spawn elevation for R. lobbii.
    • Slightly decreased the minimum required spawn elevation for R. menziesii.
    • Added a logo to the mod when viewed in Minecraft.


  • 1.1.0:
    • Added a few basic advancements, mostly involving the easter egg species. Further advancements may be added in later updates.
    • Fixed R. chorum berries and pie spawning particles and playing a teleportation sound even when teleportation fails.
    • Slightly changed the texture of the flowering R. oxyacanthoides shrub.
    • Slightly changed the texture of the R. sanguineum berries item.
    • Decreased the necessary elevation for R. roezlii to spawn as to be more realistic with its coastal phenotypes and fix common dead spots in old growth coniferous biomes. Also slightly decreased its spawn rate to compensate.
    • Significantly decreased the spawn rate of the rare R. sericeum.
    • Decreased the spawn rates of R. indecorum, R. malvaceum, and R. tortuosum on the beach to make the latter species more rare and to lower overall visual clutter on these normally open biomes.


  • 1.0.3:
    • Made it so R. chorum berries and pie cannot teleport the player above the nether roof, so as to have parity with vanilla Chorus Fruit and prevent players from becoming stuck.
    • Tweaked and buffed the spawning conditions for R. thacherianum so that it is actually feasible to find naturally generated shrubs of the species in survival.
    • Significantly reduced the spawn rates of R. davidii and R. laurifolium in the forest biome.
    • Significantly reduced the spawn rates of the rare R. echinellum and R. frankei to be more realistic.
    • Reduced the spawn rates of R. tortuosum and R. speciosum in the savannah biome.
    • Slightly decreased the spawn rate of R. ciliatum but made it possible for it to spawn in the wooded badlands biome as well.
    • Increased the necessary elevation for R. biebersteinii to spawn.
    • Removed windswept hills and windswept gravelly hills from the possible list of biomes that R. heterotrichum, R. montigenum, R. saxatile, R. uva-crispa, and R. villosum could spawn, but added stony peaks and jagged peaks to the possible biomes for these species as well. This change was made in order to more realistically align the growth form of these species to their habitat, as well as to better spread out the already crowded distribution of species in these montane biomes.


  • 1.0.2:
    • Further updated the internal website link to go to the mod's Curseforge page


  • 1.0.1:
    • Updated some internal mod descriptions and website links


  • 1.0.0:
    • First official release