The Dark World Mod

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This modification adds many different elements, such as: Blocks, Items, Mobs, Bosses, Dimensions, Biomes. The main theme of the modification is the Dark World, an abandoned and cursed dark world full of dangers.



Here is the full list of blocks, some with a short description included in []

  • Dark Obsidian [A block found deep underground in the Overworld and Dark World, it allows you to teleport to the Dark World, sometimes it drops a Cursed Crystal item which is an item to open the portal.]
  • Ash [Ash Block can be found underground in the Dark World and on the surface of the Ash Fields biome]
  • Fireplace [In other words, it is a stand with fire, it comes in the following versions: unlit, set on fire and cursed, the unlit version can be lit.]
  • Fired Fireplace
  • Cursed Fireplace [It appears in one of the rooms of the Dark Dungeon structure, it is used to spawn a boss]
  • Mysterious Pedestal [In other words, a stand with a mysterious liquid comes in two versions: empty and full]
  • Mysterious Pedestal (full) [Contains a Mysterious Potion, it does not appear as a block in creative mode, after clicking on it with the Reinforced Bottle item, you will fill the bottle with the mentioned Potion]
  • Locked Chest [A closed stone chest with items, in order to obtain items from it, you must open it with a key and destroy it.]
  • Grimstone [The main block found in Dark World, like other types of stone, has its variants such as chiseled, polished, bricked and tiled. Variants: polished, brick and tiled also appear as stairs, slabs and walls]
  • Grimstone Iron Ore
  • Purple Gold Ore [An ore that appears underground in the Dark World, when mined it appears as Raw Purple Gold]
  • Raw Purple Gold Block
  • Block of Purple Gold


  • Cursed Crystal [It is used to launch the portal to the Dark World]
  • Key [It has 4 uses, it is used to open and close Locked Chests.]
  • Reinforced Bottle [It is used to scoop Mysterious Liquid from the Mysterious Pedestal]
  • Mysterious Potion [This is a potion that gives various potion effects such as: Jump Boost, Glowing, Weakness, Health Boost, Slow Falling, Hunger and Darkness. Removes 8 levels of experience and deals 12 damage to the player. It is used to spawn The Fallen King boss]
  • Purple Gold Smithing Template [Obtained from the Locked Chest, it is used to forge Purple Gold armor and weapons.]
  • Crown [The crown obtained from The Fallen King, when worn, applies the Regeneration V effect to you]
  • Raw Purple Gold
  • Purple Gold Ingot [A bar from the Dark World used to create tools and weapons, but without Purple Gold Smithing Template is useless.]
  • Purple Gold Tools and Weapons


  • The Dark World [Cursed and dark, full of dangers and valuable items, it contains structures such as: Dark Dungeon, Shipwreck, Underwater Ruins, Portal Ruins and abandoned mines. It has 4 biomes: Darkness Forest, Dark Plains, Ash Fields and Living Forest. There is no sun, day, night or light. There is lightning in it.]


  • Darkness Forest [It has black air and gray water and grass. There are dried trees on it. Ash particles occasionally fly in the air.]
  • Dark Plains [There are trees there, but the leaves are covered in ash. Also the air there is black.]
  • Ash Fields [There are no trees or grass in it, it is completely covered in ash. Ashes fall on it. It's full of monsters!]
  • Living Forest [The only biome untainted by the curse. There is clean water, clean air, and numerous green vegetation such as trees and grass. It is inhabited by bees and the sounds of birds can be heard there, but this is an illusion caused by other biomes surrounding it.]


  • Dark Dungeon [In the next update it will be renamed Dark Fortress. There are a lot of skeletons, Locked Chests and chests full of keys. Contains hidden rooms and chambers.]


  • King Guard [He appears in Dark Dungeon and can be summoned by his ruler. He fights with an iron axe.]
  • King Archer [Can be summoned by its ruler. He shoots a bow and has iron armor.]


  • The Fallen King [Has 400 health and drops a Crown and 100XP. When beaten, he can summon Skeleton, King Gurad and King Archer at random times. He may also say something. When he falls, he has a chance to summon: Skeleton, Wither Skeleton, King Guard and King Archer. He fights with a golden sword. To summon it, click the Cursed Fireplace block with the Mysterious Potion.]


Additional section with Modification Lore.

In the times when the Dark World was still an ordinary world, there was a certain King who conquered all areas. He was so greedy that the gods cursed him. The whole world fell under a curse and he died. Legends say that one day he will return to take revenge.


Minecraft mod files
the-dark-world-mod-release-v1.0.jar Uploaded on: 02/05/2024 - 22:43   File size: 1.48 MB
the-dark-world-mod-release-v1.0.1.jar - Fixed mobs generation in biomes Uploaded on: 02/06/2024 - 07:14   File size: 1.48 MB
the-dark-world-mod-release-v1.0.2.jar - Fixed Bug: Dark Plains no longer generate in The Overworld underground Uploaded on: 02/06/2024 - 07:53   File size: 1.48 MB
the-dark-world-mod-release-v1.0.3.jar - Fixed bug: Living Forest no longer generate in Overworld and underground Uploaded on: 02/06/2024 - 18:13   File size: 1.48 MB

Very cool mod. 8.5/10. I like the textures and the idea. The dimension itself looks cool, but I would add some more structures maybe and add a custom ground block instead of normal grass. I think I know why u used grass and normal oak wood: maybe because the dimension represents a "fallen overworld, but maybe create a new ground block "dead grass block" or something like that and make a new wood type for the trees. This is just a recommendation btw.

Unfortunately, due to many factors, this project ended up in the trash, but I'm already making a new mod based mostly on this modification, I'm officially changing the name of the world to The Fallen World, because in fact it is more ruined by a curse than a dark one.