Ultra Baby mode image
Participant MCreator x CurseForge ModJam 2024
This mod is my ULTRA BABY MODE MOD but with more stuff.
This is a Mod inspired by Fundys Baby Mode Plugin.
This mod adds many ways to make it easier to play minecraft if you are a total noob.
Everything in this mod is text based. To activate them you can type these sentences in chat
Say "need wood" if you need wood
This gives you a stack of oak, spruce and jungle logs.
Say "need tools" if you needs tools
This gives you a netherite sword, pick, shovel and hoe(yes hoe)
Say "go to nether" and you will get teleported to the nether
This also gives you golden boots for protection.
Say "go to end" and you will get materials to go to the end.
If youre wondering why it doesnt teleport you to the end cause in mcreator theres a glitch in which if i go switch dimension to end it teleports you to the void.
Also gives you armor, beds,a totem of undying and a bow and arrow.
If you are stuck in the nether or end just say "go home" to switch dimension to the overworld
Say "need blaze powder please ;)" or "need enderpearls please ;)" to get them if you dont want to go to the nether.
Say "im hungry" if you are hungry. This will give you golden carrots.
Say "its too dark" and it will be daytime and you will get torches.
Say "cant find obsidian" and you will get 64 obsidian and a flint and steel.
Say "need diamond" and you will get 64 diamonds
Say "i wan upgrade to netherite pls :3" and you will get all the things you will need to upgrade to netherite.
Say "i want to enchant" and you will get everything you need to enchant and some experience.