LCMC mod

Published by LevaHa on
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In development
MIT License
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LCMC project

This is mod, that allows you to collect a variety of creatures, interact with them, and benefit from them.
Current content
In version 0.3.0 we have: 36 entities, 14 of them is abnormalities; 6 new structures, 3 new dimensions, 100+ new items, 12 weapons, 12 armours
What to do?
When yo will start to break block, Voice will talk in your head, and you will get "Global Manual" in your hands.
Get Global manual

Complete tasks from this manual to learn more about mod.
If you lost your Global Manual, here is its craft:
Craft of Global Manual

People, who help the mod to grow:
Shkuba, YT:

TpMoth, VK:

lernOff, TG:

Gumengo777, DS:

Detrimax, VK:
Join us in discord
Discord channel of the project:

For work mod need Geckolib for 1.20.1 


Bony Boy

"Bony Boy" - One Sin and Hundred of Good Deeds in Nether

Jewel of the Desert - King of the Greed in Red Desert

Red Heartbeat - Heart of Aspiration in building

Actual picture gallery in modrinth -

Minecraft mod files
lcmcmod-0.2.1-forge-1.20.1.jar - Version 0.2.1 Uploaded on: 06/07/2024 - 09:31   File size: 6.14 MB
lcmcmod-0.2.3-forge-1.20.1.jar Uploaded on: 06/29/2024 - 08:11   File size: 8.02 MB
lcmcmod-0.3.0-forge-1.20.1_0.jar - Latest version, 7 new abnormalities, 3 new dimensions and so on Uploaded on: 09/21/2024 - 14:14   File size: 13.31 MB
lcmcmod-0.3.1-forge-1.20.1.jar - New work system, Bugfixes Uploaded on: 10/06/2024 - 03:39   File size: 13.91 MB
lcmcmod-0.3.2-buttonfix-forge-1.20.1.jar - Manual for learning bases of this mod Uploaded on: 10/18/2024 - 07:45   File size: 13.15 MB

Ver 0.3.2

  • Added: Global Guide with missions to help you get used to the mod.
  • Added: The /questline command to change the current quest number of the main line of tutorial quests
  • Added: Merchant in dimension ‘L’ He will sell you items for Active Agent Points (AAP).
  • Added: Mystery boxes with variable rewards.
  • Added: New EGO, The rarest drop from the above boxes. (Has an attack speed skale from justice)
  • Added: Descriptions to packs, PE cells to help you understand the crafts
  • Added: Ability to lift from the other side of the ‘L’ dimension (when approaching the black concrete behind the door, you will be teleported upstairs).
  • Added: Description of items in the Clearing.
  • Added: Description of Extraction Tickets
  • Added: Translated descriptions of many items.
  • Added: 15 New decorative blocks from the dark forest.
  • Modified: Translated descriptions for Job Tools and Agent's Diary
  • Changed: OSAHGD manual is now a new type.
  • Modified: Gui Mephi changed
  • Changed: Gui, texture, crafting and Agent's Diary name changed
  • Changed: Inventory has been shifted in the new type of manuals
  • Changed: Mod effects are now not cured by milk, so touched milk is now unnecessary. It has been removed.
  • Changed: Faust and Merchant will now spawn again if killed.
  • Fixed: (I didn't have time to fix serious bugs, so it was only fixed) Incorrect names of figures in Russian. (I'll try to fix by 0.3.3)

Ver 0.3.1

- Added: 2 Easter eggs
- Added: New work functionality.
- Added: Localisation of all new content (except for summoning eggs, for they will be redone)
- Changed: White Nugget drop from Green Dawn is now 100%.
- Modified: ( gamerool ) If enabled: Now the mod's damage doesn't do damage, but decreases the amount of XP (now invulnerability seconds don't work) (default: on).
- Changed: Other dimensions are now safe (no fall damage, and if you somehow fall out of the structure, you will be brought back up when you fall).
- Changed: Dragon, Weezer and Varden now have unique resistances: Common: WAV, 1 to all physical resistances. Dragon: r0.8 w0.8 b2 p0.6; Wither:r0.9 w2 b0.8 p0.6; Warden:r0.9 w0.7 b0.8 p2.
- Modified: Improved auto-targeting of the Mind Shattering weapon
- Changed: Ability 5 damage in all colours now works if Twilight is in the MAIN hand (previously: worked in both hands).
- Changed: Most Hitboxes have been adjusted to fit the size of the entities
- Changed: When attempting to hit with an egg on the head, the carry breaks (egg will fall)
- Changed: Texture of Notes 
- Fixed: Twilight's special attack sound was missing.
- Fixed: Heart of Aspiration now gives the effects described in the manual when it works well (before it cast them on itself).
- Fixed: Child of the Galaxy no longer kills you when it works if it has less than 0 clipot count.
- Fixed: Double Work (needs a more thorough check)
- Fixed: Fixed Aspiration special ability (gives speed for 3 seconds after taking damage)
- Fixed: Peccatul's invulnerability to fire has been removed, so now the lighter will work.
- Fixed: Quick strikes to an entity no longer restore the entity's hp.
- Fixed: Entering a clearing no longer kills all mobs around you (in your world).
- Fixed: A typo in the clearing.
- Fixed: Death in the Dark Forest dimension causes all items to disappear, now they will be lying next to the portal.

Ver 0.3.0

- Added: 7 new abnormalities
- Added: 5 new EGO weapons
- Added: 5 new EGO armours
- Added: 6 new structures
- Added: 3 new dimensions
- Added: 1 new resource farming mode
- Fixed: Fixed many bugs...
- Changed: New model for Osahgd
- Modified: New model for the Scorched Girl
- Changed: New texture for Justicia armour
- Changed: New textures for some items

Ver 0.2.3

- Added: game rule that when disabled, stats are no longer lost ("/gamerule doLoseStats false" to not lose stats).
- Added: Craft green dye (4 wheat seeds) to make it easier to obtain.
- Added: Consumable, Pale Shell (Craft: 7 PE packs 62 + egg) When taking damage on HP, restores 2 to 8% of HP for 5 minutes.
- Added: Consumable, Black Shell (Craft: 6 PE packs 40 + Egg) When taking black damage, restores 4 HP and SP.
- Added: Consumable, Small Adrenaline Needle (Craft: PE pack 77 + bottle + piece of iron) Deals 4 damage, (every 5 seconds) if HP is more than half, deals 10% HP, gives level 1 speed, resistance and strength effects, if HP is less than half, gives the same level 2 effects without dealing damage. Lasts for 1 minute
- Added: Expendable, Adrenaline Needle (Craft: 8 PE packs 77 + small Adrenaline Needle) similar effects, but lasts 10 minutes.
- Added: Visualised SP bar
- Added: Debuff: Sinking, when taking damage with it, SP is reduced by the amount of Sinking, Sinking counter is reduced by 1
- Added: Container Shard, (Craft: 2 PE pack 82 + Coal = 16 Container Shards) Throwing item, deals 1 HP damage and inflicts 3 Sinking with a Sinking counter of 1
- Added: Matchstick (Craft: 4 PE pack 02 + 2 sticks + 1 gunpowder) For 5 minutes, the strike creates a small explosion, dealing 5 red damage to the enemy and all entities within a 4 block radius. (5 second cooldown)
- Added: Encyclopedia pages for Debuffs and Tools.
- Balancing: Galaxy Magnet Crafting Made Harder: (5 PE Packs 55 + Magnet)
- Balancing: Amber Dawn's movement speed reduced
- Balancing: Anomaly hitboxes adjusted to the size of the model
- Modified: New textures for items (For some textures thanks to HekoBot,VK:
- Changed: Sorted the tabs of creativity, before that items were lying in a chaotic position.
- Modified: New textures for some armour(For textures thanks to Varia_, telegram:
- Modified: New model for Scarlet Noon
- Modified: New modelling for Purple Noon
- Modified: New model for Scarlet Dawn (For the models thank you very much Detrimax, VK:
- Fixed: Heart of Aspiration Egg could not grow and was mortal.
- Fixed: Localisation errors (summoning egg, scarlet/red)

Ver 0.2.2

- Added: Russian Localisation
- Added: Touched Milk item Replaces regular milk when in hand, Removes all non-mod effects.
- Added: Magnet (Craft:Iron ingot + Red Dye + Blue Dye + Lightning Rod) use: right click to pull objects within a 6 block radius.
- Added: Galaxy Magnet (Craft: PE 55 box (6 pieces) + PE pack 55 + Magnet) application: removes the Pebble effect from the user
- Modified: Scarlet Dawn's Death Explosion no longer explodes items.
- Modified: Increased the radius of the Aspiration Special Attack to 10 blocks.
- Changed: Boats break under mod creatures (except eggs).
- Changed: Pebble effect no longer emits particles.
- Fixed: SP was no longer regenerating after panicking.
- Fixed: Typos in some manuals
- Fixed: Death with "Pebble" effect now does not break the game (I would like to test it better).

Ver 0.2.1
- Added: Ability to open the encyclopaedia using the button
- Added: "Our Galaxy" armour special ability - Friendship Token restores more HP and SP
- Added: Dagger of Penitence (Deals white damage to self)
- Change: Russian localisation is temporarily unavailable until version 0.2.2.
- Change: All manuals now look more aesthetically pleasing
- Change: Changed the model of ‘Bird of Justice’, thanks to TpMoth for providing the model, link to VK:
- Edit: Added a tab in creative for mod mobs' spawn eggs.
- Change: Changed SP system (now it works like in lobotomy. Use daggers of penitence (white damage on yourself) to restore SP on your own).
- Change: All PE Boxes now have 3d Models
- Change: All abnormalities now have immunity to repulsion (since there is no repulsion in the original game)
- Fix: The damage of the mass attack ‘Aspiration’ is now 24-39
- Fix: Match Girl's Egg no longer despawns.
- Fix: One Sin no longer spawns in the world.
- Fix: Spawn eggs (and the entities themselves) are now named more clearly.
- Bugfix: Abnormality eggs now disappear when destroyed via console (they were invulnerable before).

Ver 0.2.0
- Added: Encyclopedia for learning mod elements BY YOURSeLF crafting: book + stick + cobblestone
- Added: Scarlet Noon Trial, Craft of Pale HE Essence
- Added: Scarlet Twilight Trial, craft pale WAW Essence.
- Added: Abnormality ??? (TETH Risk) (will be revealed at version release) its weapon manual and so on.
- Added: Abnormality ??? (Risk HE) (will be revealed at version release) its weapon armor and so on.
- Added: Abnormality "Big Bird", its weapons, armor, manual and so on.
- Added: Abnormality "Bird of Justice" functionality, its PE, manual, armor, and so on
- Added: Justitia, a weapon with a special attack, its conditions can be read in the manual of the anomaly.
- Added: Physical resistances and damage (Blunt, slash and pierce) (apply only in combat, working damage is only color resistances) 
- Added: Damage types (red black pale) for death messages
- Added: Sections in creative mode for mod
- Added: Agent diary will show the current level of the agent
- Changed: The movement speed from the Justice stat is now not given in the form of a potion effect
- Change: Increased the visual size of the "Justice Bird" abnormality
- Change: The level requirement for carrying the weapon "Our Galaxy" has been added (now requires: 2 lvl of Prudence and 2 Agent lvl).
- Change: It was decided to do away with the system of additional hp, instead the basic hp now grows (it is recommended to play with the resourcepack on life bar optimization).
- Change: Optimization of code size for damage tables: Now both anomalies and players have an NBT tag indicating their resistance (before, mobs had NBTs, players had variables).
- Change: The Child of the Galaxy manual has been updated (now similar to the manuals of One Sin and Match Girl).
- Fix: Errors in the spelling of ticket descriptions have been fixed.
- Bugfix: Armor risk level of the 4th match has been changed to TETH (was ZAYIN)
- Bugfix: Fixed EGO Repentance (multiplier from risk level difference and white damage to player)
- Bugfix: Corrected incorrect information on page 3 of the One Sin manual
- Bugfix: EGO Our Galaxy now deals SP damage to the player (was not deal SP damage to the player)
Ver 0.1.1
- Added: Energy drink, restores 2hp, 2 extra hp and 4 SP, Craft:shapeless: bottle, 2 PE of Galaxy Child, sugar.
- Added: Command to add stats (using cheats) /addstat r 20 (will add 20 to Fortitude), /addstat w -18 (will take away 18 Prudence) and so on, b-temperence, p-justice.
- Added: Weapons on constant reload when overweighing (to prevent firearms from being used when overweighing)
- Change: Mechanics of carrying abnormalities eggs changed, now they are not transparent and are above the player's head.
- Change: When working with abnormality, you are now completely immobilized and cannot use items (be careful)
- Change: Changed manuals of abnormalities, they are now multi-page, more convenient.
- Fix: Black damage from purple dawn and noon (no SP damage)
- Fix: resetting the player's risk level after death
- Fix: scarlet dawn and purple dawn behavior, they now attack all anomalies
- Fix: No oveweight mechanic on the Fourth Match weapon (now its here)
- Fix: Now if purple noon spawns in a cave, he will now climb up until he encounters air. (It should now not get stuck in blocks).
- Fix: The One Sin egg can now be pushed (previously it was possible to walk through it)
- Fix: The unpainted pixel on the Bird of Justice feather is now red.
- Fix: Everything that was wrong with the Galaxy Child has been fixed, he and his Pebble effect now work as in the original.