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Upvotes: 4
Project status
In development
Apache License version 2.0
Modification type
Supported Minecraft versions
You don't want to lose items, but can't/wont enable keepInventory? Or you tired of same-type gravestone/corpse mods, which are boring? Or perhaps you wanted to recreate Don't Starve experience?
If that the case, then this mod for YOU.
Welcome to Don't Starve Corpse Mod!
A mod, heavly inspired by Don't Starve death mechanic, more spefically - corpse.
What is this mod about? Well... It's about corpses of course! Whenever you die skeleton corpse will appear on your death position, keeping all your stuff (but no exp). But it's not just boring corpse, that just lays on ground. No, corpse can have multiple different poses, and it depends on the way you died. This add an ability to tell in which situation this player died and from who/what, and just in general it looks nicer, than just horizontally laying corpse.
Minecraft mod files
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