Upvotes: 1
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Completly Changes Progression To Your Worst Nightmares!
Ever tough getting iron in mere minutes was too easy! Well now you'll dream about getting iron, you can't even get wooden tools in the first day (I literally made it impossible) see you now need String in order to make tools bucko!
How about 3 stacks of iron to get full armor??
And half stack for a single TOOL
If you think this is gonna be easy, iron is everywhere as soon as you start you know it's not gonna be easy. . .
Because almost every recipe is changed yeah. . .
Keep in mind that i will only upload release devs here, to actually download stable versions of the mod go to my modrinth page
Modification files
tears_of_despair-2.0-forge-1.19.2.jar - ToD release-dev-2.0.3
Uploaded on: 12/31/2024 - 10:19 File size: 649.21 KB
- release-dev-2.0.0 § 2.0.1 § 2.0.2 § 2.0.3
New breaking trees and stone mechanic:
- You now have to break the log multiple times in order to receive the log, same for stone
Added new tool: chisel: [Will BREAK!]
- Now wooden handles aren't crafted using planks and stick, it is now using by crafting chisel
Harder foods: [Suspicious stew is not available yet]
- New recipes for stews and soups, 3 new items added dough, raw bread, raw cookie
New set:
- The forgotten tool set, only made for set between leather and netherite, basically a horrible armor, literally made out of scraps and to make netherite from it, you have to get wither skull
Harder totems:
- Evokers not drop totems, to make totem of undying you have to defeat wither for nether star, then use smithing table and add totem with nether start to make totem of undying, now no hardcore player is same from me!
Clay bricks:
- Alright now you can't smelt clay ball, but with 6 clay balls you can make clay brick, now smelt that into bricks and with 4 bricks you can make block that eventually won't be affected by gravity [when gravity will be added for most blocks]
- Shattered eye of ender:
now when finding buried treasure, also ghast tears, enderpearl and blaze rods are required to craft eye of ender
- Smooth Deepslate: