Travelling and Trading
Curseforge Version: Travelling and Trading - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Travelling and Trading is a small mod that adds some useful and curious features to the underused Wandering Trader, as well as expanding Villagers and trading with a few new features. This mod will continue to be maintained and updated with new content and items, as well as fixing and balancing old items, so keep looking forward to some new stuff!
This mod includes:
New Wandering Trader trades! Now he will buy things from you and sell rarer loot, as well as five new items added by this mod.
The Traveling Trader! This new villager profession can be given to any villager by placing the Curiosity Table, a block sold by the Wandering Trader or can be crafted with four planks and two Wandering Cloth, this villager profession will sell everything that the Wandering Trader sells (except dyes and other mod's trades) with a tiered system! Novice will pretty much only sell flowers, but Expert sells Turtle Eggs and Helmets, and Master sells the Wandering items from this mod!
Wandering Cloth! This new cloth is sold by Wandering and Traveling Traders and can craft new Hood and Robe armor pieces, which are great for foot travel.
Smoke Bombs! A new item sold by Wandering Traders can be used to disappear in a puff of smoke, good for PvP.
The Pouch! Another item sold by Wandering Traders, it can store three stacks of 16 items inside, and when sneaking and right clicking the Pouch, if your opposite hand is empty, it will pull the first item out and place it on your opposing hand automatically!
Bejewelled Apples! Crafted with a Golden Apple and an Emerald Block, the Bejewelled Apple will increase your Hero of the Village level by one, if you have Hero of the Village.
Cut Emeralds! Putting an Emerald in a stonecutter will yield you two Cut Emeralds, which can craft a new (cheaper) Emerald blockset.
- A new (configurable!) behavior for Wandering Traders, but I'll leave that to you to find out >:)
-Updated Wandering Robe's texture and model for accuracy and looks
it's good