Alpha 1.1.0:
+ Added Barius
+ Added Albedite
+ Added Vibrium Tree
+ Added Voidite Materials
+ Added Void Block
+ Added Void Dimension
+ Added Hofehq Biome
+ Added Darkening Black Gate Teleporter
Alpha 1.0.0:
+ Argosite Materials
+ Pallaite Materials
+ Vibrium Wood and Leaves
+ Pallaite Sword
+ Pallaite Armor
+ Sipiocan
Recipes [The position of the items in the crafting table has to be EXACTLY equal] :
Argosite Block:
Pallaite Block:
Pallaite Ingot:
Pallaite Sword:
Pallaite Armor:
Vibrium Wood Planks:
Void Block:
Voidite Block:
Voidite Gem:
Darkening Black Gate Teleporter:
Hofehq Biome:
It is the biome where the Vibrium Trees are. The floor there will be different from the normal biomes of Minecraft, the top (like Grass) will be Barius and the low (like Dirt) will be Albedite. That's a good place to catch Sipiocans without craft them.
The Void is a dimension (for now) empty, dark, and without mobs. To go to the Void, you will need 14 Voidite Blocks, and then you will make an equal portal Nether but with Voidite Blocks. When the portal is done, you will have to craft a Darkening Black Gate Teleporter, and then activate the portal (Hint: Bring torches! the Void is so dark, that if there is a hole in your front, you will not see it!).
you got the void colors wrong, void stuff is meant to be purple, not dark, the abyss is dark but not the void, void is a friendly mystical purple forest, the abyss is a dark black hole-like universe