Upvotes: 0
Project status
In development
Supported Minecraft versions
Materials +
Short Description (long version at the bottom of the page):
Materials+ is a mod that's mainly based on added new materials to Minecraft that can be used to craft new weapons, tools, armor, etc.
Plans for the Future:
- (50%) Remove the update log and replace it with all the current things in the game with pictures and short descriptions of what they are.
- Add more metals and precious gems.
- Add foods and drinks.
- Add more mobs, hostile, neutral and friendly.
- Add more staffs.
- Change/remake a lot of the textures.
- Add more blocks with GUIs.
- Add more materials that are crafted using default Minecraft materials such as bones to make bone fragments.
- Add coins.
- Add custom trees/plants.
- Ruby
- Ruby Shard
- Ruby Ore
- Ruby Block
- Sapphire
- Sapphire Shard
- Sapphire Ore
- Sapphire Block
- Amethyst
- Amethyst Shard
- Amethyst Ore
- Amethyst Block
- Diamond Shard
- Emerald Shard
- Steel Ingot
- Steel Armor
- Steel Tools
- Steel Block
- Titanium Ingot
- Titanium Ore
- Titanium Armor
- Titanium Tools
- Titanium Block
- Chromium Ingot
- Chromium Ore
- Chromium Armor
- Chromium Tools
- Chromium Block
- Silver Ingot
- Silver Ore
- Carbon Ingot
- Carbon Ore
- Special Ore
- Evil Pig
- Evil Pig Leather
- Fire Staff
- Water Staff
- Air Staff
- Earth Staff
- Death Staff
- Fire Elemental Crystal
- Water Elemental Crystal
- Air Elemental Crystal
- Earth Elemental Crystal
- Death Gem
- Power Gem
- Power Ore
- Power Armor Set
- Power Sword
- Mysterious Grass
- Mysterious Dirt
- Mysterious Dust
- Mysterious Biome
- Mysterious Dimension
- Metal Forge
Long Description:
Materials+ is the first mod I've ever shared with the public. I have made other mods, but they were very simple, basic mods that a monkey could make. I hope to keep updating this mod for a long time, adding new items, mobs, etc. I've rushed adding a lot to the mod right now so I'm unhappy with quite a few of the textures being used currently and will surely change them in the future.
Modification files
Uploaded on: 05/15/2018 - 17:29 File size: 628.67 KB
Nice textures