Quick Cheat MOD

Published by RolerGames on
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Cheat quickly!

Beta 1.6.2 for Minecraft 1.14.4 and Minecraft 1.15.2:

  • Added support for Minecraft 1.15.2
  • Updated commands:
    • /gv (minor changes)
    • /cs
      • added parameter1:
        • rd (removes the default command load setting (it can only be used when the parameter0 is "load"))
  • Updated GUIs:
    • Give GUI:
      • added textfield for the give stack value (number from the new textfield + global map give stack value + global world give stack value + global session give stack value (if the number is positive it gives items to the inventory and if the number is negative it removes them)) that is activated when a button is executed
    • Save\Load GUI:
      • added button to remove the default GUI load setting
  • Bug fixes 

Note: I tried to run this version on a server and it was working pretty good with some minor bugs (when you set the Give GUI button you have to set it using the full command or the item ID and not using the custom give command, also when you set a button you have go to the Save\Load GUI and save the GUI settings to the global map or world and then load them from the global map or world in order for the button to work (the give stack value textfield doesn't work on a server)) but I wouldn't recommend it because the mod still doesn't require op (it can be used without the cheats enabled for now).

Please read this before using the new version!

Beta 1.6.1 for Minecraft 1.14.4:

  • Dropped Minecraft 1.12.2 support
  • Added commands:
    • /sgsv <parameter0> <parameter1>
      • <parameter0> possibilities:
        • gs (set give stack value for custom give commands on the global session)
        • gw (set give stack value for custom give commands on the global world)
        • gm (set give stack value for custom give commands on the global map)
        • reset (set give stack value for custom give commands on the global map, world and session to the default number (0))
      • <parameter1> possibilities:
        • <any number> (set give stack value for custom give commands on the global map, world or session to this number)
        • reset (set give stack value for custom give commands on the global map, world or session to the default number (0))
      • command examples:
        • /sgsv gm 64 (sets the global map give stack value to 64)
        • /sgsv gm -64 (sets the global map give stack value to -64)
        • /sgsv gm reset (sets the global map give stack value to 0)
        • /sgsv reset (sets the global map, world and session give stack value to 0)
    • /gv <parameter0> <parameter1> <parameter2> <parameter3> <parameter4> <parameter5>
      • <parameter0> possibilities:
        • set (it indicates the current command that you want to set a new custom give command)
        • <custom give command> (type the custom give command you set before)
      • <parameter1> possibilities:
        • <number(min. 1 max. 10)> (it can be used only when parameter0 is "set" and it indicates the current command in which slot you want to set a new custom give command (there are 10 slots))
        • <any number> (when typing a custom give command that you set as parameter0 it does this: number from parameter1 + global map give stack value + global world give stack value + global session give stack value (it indicates how many items you will receive to the inventory if the number is positive or how many items you will lose if its negative)
      • <parameter2> possibilities:
        • <custom give command> (type anything you would like to set the custom give command as)
      • <parameter3> possibilities:
        • <item ID> (type any Minecraft item ID (it can be a mod item ID or a vanilla item ID (example: minecraft:acacia_button)))
        • give (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @s minecraft:acacia_button))
      • <parameter4> possibilities:
        • <player name> (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give Dev minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @p (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @p minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @r (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @r minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @a (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @a minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @e (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @e minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @s (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @s minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @c (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @c minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @v (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @v minecraft:acacia_button))
      • <parameter5> possibilities:
        • <item ID> (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @s minecraft:acacia_button))
      • command examples:
        • /gv set 1 ab minecraft:acacia_button (sets the custom give command 1 to ab and when the custom give command ab is executed it executes the Minecraft command: give <player> minecraft:acacia_button)
        • /gv set 1 ab give @s minecraft:acacia_button (sets the custom give command 1 to ab and when the custom give command ab is executed it executes the Minecraft command: give @s minecraft:acacia_button)
        • /gv ab (executes the Minecraft command: /give <player or entity> minecraft:acacia_button <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value> or 1 if it is equal to 0)
        • /gv ab 64 (if the total give stack value (64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value>)  is positive it executes the Minecraft command: /give <player or entity> minecraft:acacia_button 64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value> and if the total give stack value (64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value>)  is negative it executes the Minecraft command: /clear <player or entity> minecraft:acacia_button 64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value>)
        • /gv ab -64 (if the total give stack value (-64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value>)  is positive it executes the Minecraft command: /give <player or entity> minecraft:acacia_button -64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value> and if the total give stack value (-64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value>)  is negative it executes the Minecraft command: /clear <player or entity> minecraft:acacia_button -64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value>)
    • /cs <parameter0> <parameter1> <parameter2>
      • <parameter0> possibilities:
        • save (it indicates to the command that you want to save your current command settings)
        • load (it indicates to the command that you want to load your current command settings)
      • <parameter1> possibilities:
        • gm (it indicates to the command that you want to save or load your current command settings to\from the global map)
        • gw (it indicates to the command that you want to save or load your current command settings to\from the global world)
      • <parameter2> possibilities:
        • d (it can only be used when parameter0 is "load" and it sets the indicated command settings (gm or gw) as default command settings (whenever you load a Minecraft world this command settings will be set))
      • command examples:
        • /cs save gm (saves current command settings to the global map)
        • /cs load gm (loads command settings from the global map)
        • /cs load gm d (loads command settings from the global map and sets the command settings to load from the global map automatically when a Minecraft world is loaded)
  • Added GUI:
    • Save\Load GUI:
      • save or load your current GUI settings to the global map or world and set the global map or global world settings as default GUI settings (whenever you load a Minecraft world this GUI settings will be set)
  • Updated GUIs:
    • Give GUI:
      • a completely new interface with custom buttons (to set your own custom buttons you have enter the item ID (example: minecraft:acacia_button), custom give command (example: ab) that you created or full give command (example: give @s minecraft:acacia_button) in the textfield and then click the set button to set the indicated item to the selected button)
    • Quick Cheat GUI
  • Added Cook&Smelt feature back
  • Removed old give command system and GUI system
  • Bug fixes

P.S. if someone didn't understand something feel free to ask.

Beta 1.5.3 for Minecraft 1.12.2:

  • Bug fixes

Beta 1.5.1 for Minecraft 1.14.4:

- Bug fixes:

 -Temporarily removed feature:


Beta 1.5 for Minecraft 1.12.2 and 1.14.4 (1.14.4 version may contain severe bugs!):

- Added Minecraft 1.14.4 support (may contain severe bugs!)

- Added GUIs

- Updated GUIs

- Added key bindings:

 -F8 (cook or smelt item in main hand)

- Added commands:

 -/cookandsmelt (cook or smelt item in main hand)

 -/surface (switches dimension to surface)

 -/nether (switches dimension to nether)

 -/end (switches dimension to end)

Beta 1.4:

- Added GUIs

- Updated GUIs

- Added items:

 -Black Blade of Death (kills any entity instantly)

 -Black Pickaxe of Destruction (destroys any block instantly)

- Added key bindings:

 -F6 (duplicates facing block)

 -F7 (duplicates item in main hand)

- Added commands:

 -/ditem (duplicates item in main hand)

 -/dblock (duplicates facing block)

 -/pair (replaces facing block with air)

 -/gblackbladeofdeath (gives player item Black Blade of Death)

 -/gblackpickaxeofdestruction (gives player item Black Pickaxe of Destruction)

- Updated commands:

 -/keepinventoryt (sets keepInventory to true)

 -/keepinventoryf (sets keepInventory to false)

- Added creative tab

Beta 1.3 + Beta 1.3 (Black theme version):

- Removed commands

- Added GUIs

- Updated GUIs

- Bug fixes

Beta 1.2:

- Updated GUIs

- Removed GUIs

- Removed commands

- Bug fixes

Beta 1.1:

- Updated GUIs

- Added GUIs

- Added commands:







Beta 1.0 adds to minecraft:

- GUIs (F4 to open)

- Shortened commands:

 -/summon creeper\zombie\spider\enderman\giant\iron_golem\ender_dragon\snowman\villager =                     /screeper\szombie\sspider\senderman\sgiantzombie\sirongolem\sdragon\ssnowman\svillager

 -give <player> minecraft:command_block\barrier\diamond\emerald\gold\iron 1\tnt\flint_and_steel\redstone_torch\torch\diamond_sword\golden_apple\sponge\ =   /gcommandblock\gbarrier\gdiamond\gemerald\ggold\giron\gTNT\gFS\gredstonetorch\gtorch\gdiamondsword\ggoldenapple\gsponge

 -time set 6000\12000\13000\18000\23000\1000 = /noon\sunset\night\midnight\sunrise\day

 -/setblock <x> <y> <z> obsidian\iron\gold\diamond\emerald\tnt\sponge = /pobsidian\piron\pgold\pdiamond\pemerald\pTNT\psponge

 -/xp 1000L = /gxp

 -/gamemode creative\survival\spectator\adventure - /creative\survival\spectator\adventure

 -/gamerule keepInventory true\false - /keepinventory\dontkeepinventory

- Commands:







If you want to fly in survival activate the "fly mode" while swimming or falling!

(Press F4 to open the Quick Cheat GUI)

(Press F6 to duplicate facing block)

(Press F7 to duplicate item in main hand)

(Press F8 to cook or smelt item in main hand)

My other mods:

- Christmas+ (direct link: https://mcreator.net/modification/45994/christmas)

P.S. Write on my forum topic (direct link: https://mcreator.net/forum/46048/rolergames-official-forum-topic) if you find any bugs and what should I add to my mods.


(direct link: https://discord.gg/GfBRSYr)


Modification files
Quick Cheat MOD Beta 1.5.1 (for minecraft 1.14.4).jar - Quick Cheat MOD Beta 1.5.1 for Minecraft 1.14.4 Uploaded on: 02/21/2020 - 16:59   File size: 1.05 MB
Quick_Cheat_MOD_Beta_1.6.2_for_Minecraft_1.14.4.jar - Quick Cheat MOD Beta 1.6.2 for Minecraft 1.14.4 Uploaded on: 06/07/2020 - 19:22   File size: 1.46 MB
Quick_Cheat_MOD_Beta_1.6.2_for_Minecraft_1.15.2.jar - Quick Cheat MOD Beta 1.6.2 for Minecraft 1.15.2 Uploaded on: 06/07/2020 - 19:22   File size: 1.46 MB
Quick_Cheat_MOD_Beta_1.5.3_for_Minecraft_1.12.2.jar - Quick Cheat MOD Beta 1.5.3 for Minecraft 1.12.2 Uploaded on: 06/21/2020 - 14:27   File size: 1.01 MB

Beta 1.6.2 for Minecraft 1.14.4 and Minecraft 1.15.2:

  • Added support for Minecraft 1.15.2
  • Updated commands:
    • /gv (minor changes)
    • /cs
      • added parameter1:
        • rd (removes the default command load setting (it can only be used when the parameter0 is "load"))
  • Updated GUIs:
    • Give GUI:
      • added textfield for the give stack value (number from the new textfield + global map give stack value + global world give stack value + global session give stack value (if the number is positive it gives items to the inventory and if the number is negative it removes them)) that is activated when a button is executed
    • Save\Load GUI:
      • added button to remove the default GUI load setting
  • Bug fixes

Beta 1.6.1 for Minecraft 1.14.4:

  • Dropped Minecraft 1.12.2 support
  • Added commands:
    • /sgsv <parameter0> <parameter1>
      • <parameter0> possibilities:
        • gs (set give stack value for custom give commands on the global session)
        • gw (set give stack value for custom give commands on the global world)
        • gm (set give stack value for custom give commands on the global map)
        • reset (set give stack value for custom give commands on the global map, world and session to the default number (0))
      • <parameter1> possibilities:
        • <any number> (set give stack value for custom give commands on the global map, world or session to this number)
        • reset (set give stack value for custom give commands on the global map, world or session to the default number (0))
      • command examples:
        • /sgsv gm 64 (sets the global map give stack value to 64)
        • /sgsv gm -64 (sets the global map give stack value to -64)
        • /sgsv gm reset (sets the global map give stack value to 0)
        • /sgsv reset (sets the global map, world and session give stack value to 0)
    • /gv <parameter0> <parameter1> <parameter2> <parameter3> <parameter4> <parameter5>
      • <parameter0> possibilities:
        • set (it indicates the current command that you want to set a new custom give command)
        • <custom give command> (type the custom give command you set before)
      • <parameter1> possibilities:
        • <number(min. 1 max. 10)> (it can be used only when parameter0 is "set" and it indicates the current command in which slot you want to set a new custom give command (there are 10 slots))
        • <any number> (when typing a custom give command that you set as parameter0 it does this: number from parameter1 + global map give stack value + global world give stack value + global session give stack value (it indicates how many items you will receive to the inventory if the number is positive or how many items you will lose if its negative)
      • <parameter2> possibilities:
        • <custom give command> (type anything you would like to set the custom give command as)
      • <parameter3> possibilities:
        • <item ID> (type any Minecraft item ID (it can be a mod item ID or a vanilla item ID (example: minecraft:acacia_button)))
        • give (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @s minecraft:acacia_button))
      • <parameter4> possibilities:
        • <player name> (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give Dev minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @p (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @p minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @r (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @r minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @a (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @a minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @e (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @e minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @s (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @s minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @c (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @c minecraft:acacia_button))
        • @v (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @v minecraft:acacia_button))
      • <parameter5> possibilities:
        • <item ID> (you only type this if you want to type a full give command and not only the item ID (example: give @s minecraft:acacia_button))
      • command examples:
        • /gv set 1 ab minecraft:acacia_button (sets the custom give command 1 to ab and when the custom give command ab is executed it executes the Minecraft command: give <player> minecraft:acacia_button)
        • /gv set 1 ab give @s minecraft:acacia_button (sets the custom give command 1 to ab and when the custom give command ab is executed it executes the Minecraft command: give @s minecraft:acacia_button)
        • /gv ab (executes the Minecraft command: /give <player or entity> minecraft:acacia_button <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value> or 1 if it is equal to 0)
        • /gv ab 64 (if the total give stack value (64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value>)  is positive it executes the Minecraft command: /give <player or entity> minecraft:acacia_button 64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value> and if the total give stack value (64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value>)  is negative it executes the Minecraft command: /clear <player or entity> minecraft:acacia_button 64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value>)
        • /gv ab -64 (if the total give stack value (-64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value>)  is positive it executes the Minecraft command: /give <player or entity> minecraft:acacia_button -64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value> and if the total give stack value (-64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value>)  is negative it executes the Minecraft command: /clear <player or entity> minecraft:acacia_button -64 + <global map give stack value> + <global world give stack value> + <global session give stack value>)
    • /cs <parameter0> <parameter1> <parameter2>
      • <parameter0> possibilities:
        • save (it indicates to the command that you want to save your current command settings)
        • load (it indicates to the command that you want to load your current command settings)
      • <parameter1> possibilities:
        • gm (it indicates to the command that you want to save or load your current command settings to\from the global map)
        • gw (it indicates to the command that you want to save or load your current command settings to\from the global world)
      • <parameter2> possibilities:
        • d (it can only be used when parameter0 is "load" and it sets the indicated command settings (gm or gw) as default command settings (whenever you load a Minecraft world this command settings will be set))
      • command examples:
        • /cs save gm (saves current command settings to the global map)
        • /cs load gm (loads command settings from the global map)
        • /cs load gm d (loads command settings from the global map and sets the command settings to load from the global map automatically when a Minecraft world is loaded)
  • Added GUI:
    • Save\Load GUI:
      • save or load your current GUI settings to the global map or world and set the global map or global world settings as default GUI settings (whenever you load a Minecraft world this GUI settings will be set)
  • Updated GUIs:
    • Give GUI:
      • a completely new interface with custom buttons (to set your own custom buttons you have enter the item ID (example: minecraft:acacia_button), custom give command (example: ab) that you created or full give command (example: give @s minecraft:acacia_button) in the textfield and then click the set button to set the indicated item to the selected button)
    • Quick Cheat GUI
  • Added Cook&Smelt feature back
  • Removed old give command system and GUI system
  • Bug fixes

Beta 1.5.3 for Minecraft 1.12.2:

  • Bug fixes

Beta 1.5.1 for Minecraft 1.14.4:

- Bug fixes:

 -Temporarily removed feature:


Beta 1.5 for Minecraft 1.12.2 and 1.14.4 (1.14.4 version may contain severe bugs!):

- Added Minecraft 1.14.4 support (may contain severe bugs!)

- Added GUIs

- Updated GUIs

- Added key bindings:

 -F8 (cook or smelt item in main hand)

- Added commands:

 -/cookandsmelt (cook or smelt item in main hand)

 -/surface (switches dimension to surface)

 -/nether (switches dimension to nether)

 -/end (switches dimension to end)

Beta 1.4:

- Added GUIs

- Updated GUIs

- Added items:

 -Black Blade of Death (kills any entity instantly)

 -Black Pickaxe of Destruction (destroys any block instantly)

- Added key bindings:

 -F6 (duplicates facing block)

 -F7 (duplicates item in main hand)

- Added commands:

 -/ditem (duplicates item in main hand)

 -/dblock (duplicates facing block)

 -/pair (replaces facing block with air)

 -/gblackbladeofdeath (gives player item Black Blade of Death)

 -/gblackpickaxeofdestruction (gives player item Black Pickaxe of Destruction)

- Updated commands:

 -/keepinventoryt (sets keepInventory to true)

 -/keepinventoryf (sets keepInventory to false)

- Added creative tab

Beta 1.3 + Beta 1.3 (Black theme version):

- Removed commands

- Added GUIs

- Updated GUIs

- Bug fixes

Beta 1.2:

- Updated GUIs

- Removed GUIs

- Removed commands

- Bug fixes

Beta 1.1:

- Updated GUIs

- Added GUIs

- Added commands:







Beta 1.0

- Completely updated GUIs

- Obsidian recipe moved in an another mod (Vanilla+)

- Shortened commands:

 -/summon creeper\zombie\spider\enderman\giant\iron_golem\ender_dragon\snowman\villager =                     /screeper\szombie\sspider\senderman\sgiantzombie\sirongolem\sdragon\ssnowman\svillager

 -give <player> minecraft:tnt\flint_and_steel\redstone_torch\torch\diamond_sword\golden_apple\sponge\ =     /gTNT\gFS\gredstonetorch\gtorch\gdiamondsword\ggoldenapple\gsponge

 -time set 6000\12000\18000\23000 = /noon\sunset\midnight\sunrise

 -/setblock <x> <y> <z> tnt\sponge = /pTNT\psponge

 -/xp 1000L = /gxp

Alpha 1.8

- Updated GUI

- 2 food items removed (because of the MCreator bug)

- Added obsidian block recipe

- Added commands:


- Shortened commands:

/setblock <x> <y> <z> obsidian\iron\gold\diamond\emerald = /pobsidian\piron\pgold\pdiamond\pemerald

- updated commands:

/give <player> minecraft:command_block\barrier\diamond\emerald\gold\iron 1 = /gcommandblock\gbarrier\gdiamond\gemerald\ggold\giron

Alpha 1.5


- Quick cheat GUI

- 2 food items

- Shortened commands:

/give <player> minecraft:command_block\barrier\diamond\emerald\gold\iron 1 = /commandblock\barrier\diamond\emerald\gold\iron

- Added commands:





Alpha 1.0

Shortened commands:

/time set day\night - /day\night

/gamemode creative\survival\spectator\adventure - /creative\survival\spectator\adventure

/gamerule keepInventory true\false - /keepinventory\dontkeepinventory

To be included in next build:

- Quick cheat GUI

- More cheats


It is fine, you cant open the GUI on a server and while you can look at a block and get it, you cant place it. it is just a visual thing

I tested it on the integrated MCreator server and client and it was working pretty good with some minor bugs (when you set the Give GUI button you have to set it using the full command or the item ID and not using the custom give command, also when you set a button you have go to the Save\Load GUI and save the GUI settings to the global map or world and then load them from the global map or world in order for the button to work (the give stack value text field doesn't work on a server)) but I didn't encounter any bugs like GUI not opening or blocks that can't be placed (depends of course if the block can be placed without OP or only with OP (example: command block)) so can you answer these questions:
-Your Minecraft version?
-Your and the servers Forge version?
-Did you have OP permission?
-What block were you trying to place?

This mod was never tested on a server but I will consider adding server support in the future versions.
If you find any bugs please report them on my forum topic.
Forum topic: http://bit.ly/NewRolerGamesForum

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