Welcome to my first mod!
With this mod you can spawn a lumberjack who will cut down trees for you:
- Create the lumberjack using the crafting table and spawn him with right-click
Gui of the lumberjack:
- Right-click on lumberjack to open his GUI
- Define his work area in which he should chop wood (dont forget to set the area parameter "Area x / z")
-> Left click on button "Chopping area"
-> than right click on any block
-> red dots indicating the working area
- Also set the living area he lives in and build him a nice house to let him level up
-> Left click on button "living area"
-> than right click on any block
-> red dots indicating the living area
- To level up your lumberjack, fulfill the given requirements within his living area
- If lumberjack might be bugged:
- Press the "Debug"-button or set the working are once again
-> I tried to make the mod as self-explanatory as possible by adding small comments ingame. Hope its helping.
I really enjoyed creating this mod and im looking forward to add more stuff to this... like a miner, forester or a tavern with a small economic system. Lets see.
If you find any unpleasant bugs or have nice additional Ideas, let me know :)
Have fun!
- Fixed a bug when spawn the lumberjack at night he move to a random direction
- Fixed a bug where the cut logs didnt count on Tier 3
-> so now the log-trading is available, sorry
- Fixed a bug where the lumberjack couldnt find his bed when tier 1 or higher
Hey, tanhs a lot!
First you create the lumberjack at your workbench following the revipe and let him spawn like a mob.
Than you right click the lumberjack to open his GUI where you can define his working an living area.
The rest shoub be explaind throu added comments in game.
If you have more specific questions, just ask :)
Thank you for testing and giving feedback!
Same bug happend to me today when i played (: . I directly searched through the procerdures and found a problem with the "finding chest-block" of the placed chest within the working area where the lumberjack puts the logs into.
Now it works on the newer version.
Its an honor, but for now i think im to unexperienced to be a usefull guy to collab with.
Still i surely gonna come back to it when im more into this modding-thing!
There are a lot of procedures and even more Global-Variables i had to create for this mod.
The most important procedure is the "Check for block in 6x6x6 box" template you can get in the left top corner when you are in a procedure window.
That really helped me out for the lumberjack to find logs and save its coordinates.
Than there is a procedure called "Attempt to make find path..." so the lumberjack moves to said coordinates.
The rest was just adding some simple animations, sounds and procedures like "Set-/Remove Block from" or "Checking for Items of block at x,y,z if it has inventory" and a looot of try and error.
Since my workspace is completely written in german i wouldnt recommend to share it (:
Perfect, I was evaluating the mod in the game trying to understand how it worked, I imagined that I had been using this method. It was sensational. congratulations. try to work more on the lumberjack models and textures and it will look better. Something I still haven't been able to understand is what type of procedure are you using to remove the logs? If you don't mind sharing.
Yes, you can increase the searching-area by increasing the numbers. As soon he finds the first log, he gets the logs coordinates and the searching-procedure stops by setting it to "false".
The lumberjack than moves to the log until he stands directly next to it to trigger the "remove block" procedure.
I wish i had more time for this hobby, but life hits with responsibilities.
Your mod looks really cool, how does it work?